"Haha, I'm afraid you don't understand anything and are talking nonsense."Wu Mengxin rolled her eyes.

"Well, you should exercise regularly and be in good physical shape. There is no sub-healthy state. There is nothing serious wrong with him."Yang Tian stared at Wu Mengxin carefully for a while, touched his chin and said

"Haha, can't you see it? Stop pretending! Just admit defeat and apologize to me."Wu Mengxin mocked.

She can expose this kind of liar in minutes!

"No, you are sick, oh no, it’s just a minor problem. I'll probably get better faster if I take medicine. If I don't take medicine, I'll probably have to suffer all night. Yang Tian smiled slightly and said

"What do you mean?"Wu Mengxin frowned slightly

"You are going to have a little problem, well, it's because you've eaten bad food, and you should have diarrhea before long."Yang Tian said calmly

"Got a bad stomach? Haha, it doesn’t exist! I feel fine now, but I’m so hungry! Humph, you are full of nonsense!"Wu Mengxin said contemptuously. She has nothing wrong with her stomach now, so how can she say that she will have diarrhea after eating bad food?

"Forget it if you don’t believe it, you’ll find out before you get to the hospital."Yang Tian is not in a hurry either.

"You, you are cheating! You said I was going to have diarrhea, but I have nothing to do now. You don’t want me to apologize, you’re lying! You are a liar."Wu Mengxin stared at Yang Tian and said angrily

"I told you before you got to the hospital that you didn’t have a stomachache, so I will apologize to you immediately."Yang Tian looked at the time and estimated that he would be arriving at the hospital in ten minutes.

"You...Okay, let me convince you that you lost, then go to the hospital. I want to see what you can say to deny it then!"Wu Mengxin said angrily.

The car was still driving leisurely.

Eight or nine minutes later, the car suddenly accelerated!

"Hey, why are you driving so fast? Yang Tian smiled and raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at Wu Mengxin in the driver's seat.

At this time, Wu Mengxin's pretty face was slightly red, she was silent, her eyebrows were wrinkled, as if there was something urgent, and she seemed to be holding something back. Same.


Wu Mengxin's stomach rumbled.

She felt uncomfortable holding it in. Just half a minute ago, she suddenly felt a little bloated, and then she felt a little pain. It's getting more and more painful.

She really wants to go up to the big size!

Yes, she really has a stomachache!

Is the other party just a crow?

She was noisy and wanted to fart, but she couldn't, she had to hold it in. Otherwise she would be embarrassed.

She wanted to get to the hospital immediately and rush to the toilet to relax.

MMP, she was in a very bad mood!

Sometimes it's like this when you have a stomachache. It's clear that nothing happened a few minutes ago, but a few minutes later, your stomach becomes bloated and painful, and you need to go to the toilet immediately to poop!

This is what happened to Wu Mengxin now!

"Could it be that I ate some abnormally spicy snail noodles tonight? Plus a bottle of iced soy milk?"Wu Mengxin suddenly remembered that she didn't eat tonight, but just ate a bowl of abnormally spicy snail noodles.

She was studying in the capital and had no snail noodles.

After returning to Jiangbei City a few days ago, she ate at home. , so she didn’t get the snail noodles she had been dreaming about.

Finally, her parents were not at home for dinner tonight, so she sneaked out to eat and ordered an authentic snail noodles, which was still extremely spicy!

"The cliffhanger is the problem of abnormal spicy and iced soy milk!"Wu Mengxin originally wanted something spicy, but she felt that she hadn't eaten snail noodles for a long time, and she felt so good after eating it, so she ordered something abnormally spicy. Now something happened!

She's going to have diarrhea!!!

"Are you feeling sick to your stomach?"Yang Tian looked at Wu Mengxin with a bad smile.

"You're not feeling well, I'm hungry and I haven't eaten yet."Wu Mengxin, who was holding back her blush, said harshly.

"Oh oh oh, but why do I feel that you are so uncomfortable holding it in?"Yang Tian knew that the other party must have a stomachache. So he gloated.

"Humph, I won’t tell you anymore, I want to concentrate on driving."Wu Mengxin tried hard to hold back, but she still couldn't laugh! It would be troublesome if she couldn't hold back her laughter. Oh, it hurts so much.

Boom boom boom!

Stomp on the accelerator.

Three minutes later, the car finally rushed into the hospital gate.

After entering, Wu Mengxin didn't even look for a parking space. She just parked aside and immediately got out of the car and ran to the public toilet.

"Hey, what is this Wu Mengxin doing? Zhou Lulu said puzzledly

"What else can I do? Go to the big size!"Yang Tian chuckled.

"ah? Did you really guess that she had a stomachache?"Zhou Lulu was shocked

"Not bad, I said my diagnosis of the condition was very accurate."Yang Tian smiled.

"This, this is too accurate."

Five minutes later.

Wu Mengxin came out of the public toilet with an embarrassed look. At this moment, she was a little afraid to see Yang Tian and the others, because it was too embarrassing, right?

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