Wu Dequan was a resolute person. After the grouping was completed, he sent all interns like Yang Tian to various departments.

This time, there were four people who went to the surgical emergency department with Yang Tian, namely Song Jie, Wu Junhua, Huo Canhui, and Liao Chuanjie.

"I’m finally going to have an internship, so excited. Song Jie sighed with a little excitement.

"I must study hard during the internship stage and strive to learn more useful things. It is best to become a regular employee of this hospital!"Wu Junhua also said with expectation.

"I heard that in the early stage of the internship, it is all about taking notes and recording things. It's hard to learn anything if you just don't see the operation."Liao Chuanjie frowned and said

"It was like this at first, but we can see many live videos of doctors’ surgeries, which will be of great help to our future surgical operations."

"That's right, hospital internship is much better than studying at school."

The five people walked while talking, and ten minutes later they arrived at the surgical emergency clinic to report.

The surgical emergency director's office.

Yang Jinrong, the director of surgical emergency, looked at the information in his hand, then looked at Yang Tian and the other five people, and said seriously He said:"The five of you will have a two-month internship in our surgical emergency department. During this period, you must abide by the rules and regulations and follow the doctors' arrangements. Do all the assigned work well, you know?"

"Yes, Director."Five people said in unison

"Okay, come with me."After Yang Jinrong finished speaking, he stood up and walked outside.

Soon, Yang Tian and other five people were handed over to the attending physician named Zhang Zongrong.

"From now on, the five of you will intern with Dr. Zhang, and all work will be arranged by him."Yang Jinrong left after saying that.

Zhang Zongrong was busy at this time. He just looked at Yang Tian and the other five people, and then said:"You five should follow Nurse Liang to familiarize yourself with our surgical emergency department, and then stay there. Let's take a look at some surgical videos of our surgical emergency department in the lounge. I'll let you know when there are work arrangements."

They were dismissed with just one sentence.

Song Jie and a few others walked out of Dr. Zhang's consulting room dejectedly, like defeated roosters.

"I thought that on the first day of internship, I would be able to interact with patients. Even if I couldn't see patients and perform operations, I could at least observe the attending doctors performing operations. I didn't expect to send us to the rest room."Wu Junhua said without interest.

"Forget it, we are new here, let’s get familiar with the environment and processes here first."Liao Chuanjie seems to have been mentally prepared for a long time.

"Are you all interns? Come with me, I will take you to familiarize yourself with the environment and work process here. Oh, by the way, my name is Liang Ying~"

At this time, a beautiful nurse who was 1.7 meters tall, with light makeup on her face, a delicate face, and fair skin walked up to Yang Tian and the others.

Faced with such a beautiful nurse , everyone's eyes were shining, and they kept saying,"

How big can the surgical emergency department be?" The familiarity was completed in less than ten minutes.

Then Yang Tian and the other five people stayed in the lounge and watched the surgery video on the TV screen..

This video seems to be a video of Dr. Zhang Zongrong’s usual surgery. It seems that he has good skills.

Song Jie and others are watching it very seriously. They will also have to do this kind of surgery in the future. Now they can observe it in advance. He was practicing in his mind.

As for Yang Tian, he had no interest in reading it. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the data of his street novel in the backstage of the writer's assistant.

To be honest, he was a little hesitant now, should he still write a novel?

"Forget it, let’s stop updating for a few days first."

The whole morning passed by like this. After lunch, he continued to rest in the lounge.

Sitting there, Yang Tian fell asleep in a daze.

I don't know how long it took.

The door of the lounge was closed. Open!

"Dr. Zhang asked you to come over. He is performing a head suturing operation and wants you to observe it on the spot."The one who opened the door was Liang Ying.

"Surgery observation and learning? Okay, okay, let’s go now!"When Song Jie and others heard that they were observing and learning about surgery, they immediately became excited.

Seeing real people perform surgery while others explain it is the best learning opportunity!

Yang Tian, who was confused, was also pulled over.

The operating room of the surgical emergency room is very simple, just a bed with curtains drawn around it. At this time ,

Dr. Zhang is preparing to perform a head suturing operation on a patient in his forties.

The patient has a 5-inch long forehead. The wound was 1.5cm long and the whole face was covered in blood, but the blood seemed to have stopped flowing now and the wound was not very deep.

The patient seemed to have been given local anesthesia and was lying on the hospital bed waiting for surgery.

"This patient's wound was long, but fortunately it was not deep and only required a simple suture and ligation operation.

Although it is a simple operation, if it is not handled properly, the consequences will be serious!

If the wound is not cleaned well, it will not be properly sutured.

It will cause blood accumulation in the wound, suppuration of the wound, prevent the wound from healing, and also cause fever and other symptoms.

Now you can watch my surgery carefully.

In the future, you will also have to perform minor surgeries like this yourself.

"As Zhang Zongrong said, he began to clean the patient's wound with disinfectant.

After cleaning, he began to perform suturing surgery!

Wu Junhua and others watched intently, as if they were afraid of missing any detail!

After all, they were in school Most of the time, they were performing surgeries on mice or watching surgery videos. Where had I seen surgery on real people?

As for Yang Tian, he curled his lips while watching Dr. Zhang’s suturing surgery and thought to himself:"This Dr. Zhang’s suturing skills are amazing. It’s not that good, it’s a professional level, it hasn’t reached the level yet.���Master level!"

(Please give me flowers, collect them, and give them rewards!)

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