There were seven patients lying in the temporary operating room.

Zhang Zongrong pointed to the four patients with relatively minor injuries and said to Sister Song and the others:"Clean their wounds first, and tell me after cleaning them."

These four patients basically all have moderate wounds on their hands and feet, but All require simple stitching. Zhang Zongrong first asked these people to clean the wounds, and then he would suture them after he completed the operations on the two more seriously injured patients.

"Yes, Dr. Zhang."Wu Junhua and others immediately went to execute it.

They are capable of cleaning the wounds!"

"Yang Tian, I will leave this patient to you to suture. There is a 7 cm long and 1 cm deep wound on his thigh. Part of it is relatively close to the artery. You must be careful when suturing it. Is there no problem?"Zhang Zongrong pointed at this young patient, who was about twenty years old, and said to Yang Tianda:

"no problem. Yang Tian nodded and said

"Very good. If you have any questions, tell me immediately."After Zhang Zongrong said that, he went to deal with the two patients he was responsible for.


"Patient, how do you feel now?"Yang Tian had already put on sterile gloves and a sterile mask, and said to the young man.

"Doctor, it just hurts! Nothing else."The young man said with a grin.

"Well, the nurse gave you the injection before anesthesia, so it probably won’t be very painful in a while.

Now I'm going to clean your wound, please be patient.

"Yang Tian looked at the wound.

The whole thigh was covered with blood.

However, there was not much blood spilled from the wound.

This young man was lucky.

The wound did not damage the main blood vessels, so there was not much bleeding.

If it damaged the arteries, that would be It's big trouble.

If you don't get it right, you'll lose your life!

"Um."The young man nodded.

At this time, a nurse was helping Yang Tian.

"Cotton balls!"

"Give ~"

"Disinfectant water!"

"Give ~"

"Medical scissors!"


The nurse moved very quickly. Just when Yang Tian said the words, these tools were handed to him.

Yang Tian, who has master-level suturing, ligation, hemostasis, and surgery, is very knowledgeable about pre-operative procedures. Of course, he was very skilled in his practice.

He quickly cleaned up the wound on the young man's thigh.

I don't know if the anesthetic had taken effect, but the young man didn't scream, but his face was slightly pale.

"The wound is not deep, but it is still bleeding and needs to be stopped first."Yang Tian looked at the wound and immediately knew that he should stop the bleeding first. Although the wound did not damage the aorta or major blood vessels, some small blood vessels were still injured.

The bleeding must be stopped first!

Yang, who has a master-level hemostasis Oh my god, hemostasis surgery is of course easy to do.

Don’t underestimate hemostasis surgery. Once hemostasis is incomplete, it will be impossible to identify the anatomy structure, which will also affect the suturing surgery, and it will also cause postoperative hematoma, infection, etc. Drainage is required, so surgery to stop bleeding is very important!

"Blood vessel clamp!"Yang Tian said to the nurse.

The cold vascular forceps were placed in his hands.

Yang Tian's right hand held the vascular forceps like lightning and clamped directly on the ruptured blood vessel. With a slight force, he directly ligated the ruptured area. stand up

"Small catgut thread!"

The left hand is still as flexible as the right hand, and it starts to quickly wrap around the ligation site.

The speed is very smooth, and there is no need for a second time!

In just less than ten seconds, all the broken blood vessels were completed to stop the bleeding, without any sloppiness.!

"This speed is too fast!"The nurses next to me were stunned!

It seemed like they were not performing surgery, but pricking flowers!

"Suture needle, medium catgut!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Yang Tian doesn't need to think about it at all, and he doesn't need to pause at all, because he has seven or eight suturing plans in his mind.

He seems to have practiced each one thousands of times, and there is no need for any Hesitant.


His steady and strong hands moved quickly, and the catgut was stitched on the wound quickly. Every stitch was stitched in the best position. Perfect ligation...

Zhang Zongrong next to him had just cleaned his patient's wound and was about to perform surgery, but he still glanced at Yang Tian uneasily.

He was worried that Yang Tian would make a mistake or be afraid of doing something.

However, the next second he saw Yang Tian's hands flying, and he was already at the end of suturing.

In less than three minutes, Yang Tian finished suturing the patient's wound!

At first, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Dr.

Zhang Zongrong and said:"Dr.

Zhang, my operation is completed!


"This, this speed……"Zhang Zongrong looked shocked! Shocked beyond measure!

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