"Liu Piaopiao, are you coming to the hospital to see a doctor? Yang Tian asked. Her sister was also discharged from the hospital some time ago, so he thought the other party might be here to see a doctor.

"I'm not here to see a doctor, I'm here to treat you to a meal. I haven't thanked you properly for what happened last time. Liu Piaopian said with a smile.

"Hey, speaking of what happened last time, why didn’t you bring a bodyguard when you went out today? Yang Tian asked in surprise

"The opponent has been dealt with, so I don't need to bring a bodyguard when I go out now."Liu Piaopiao explained.

"I see."It seems that this Liu family is not simple either. The matter was resolved very quickly.

When Li Hanshen behind him saw this, the jealousy in his eyes became even more intense.

Why, Wu Mengxin made him envious. Now he still has There is a rich girl who is so close to Yang Tian. She is a rich girl who drives a sports car with more than 20 million yuan. She should not be called a rich girl, but definitely a wealthy lady!

The acne on his face has become even worse! Blushing.

Wu Mengxin stared at Liu Piaopiao, with hostility in her eyes. Although Yang Tian was not her boyfriend, she was only a friend of Yang Tian at the moment, but women were animals like that sometimes. So sensitive and possessive

"take me Out to eat? Um, I'm sorry, I made an appointment with this friend for dinner today, so……"Yang Tian said with an embarrassed look.

Why did two women happen to want to have dinner with me today? Too busy.

Liu Piaopian glanced at Wu Mengxin, and when she saw how beautiful she was, she felt slightly hostile in her heart. At the same time, he secretly thought that Yang Tian was really not good at chatting, no wonder he was still single!

She said calmly:"Is this beauty your girlfriend?"

"Um, no, it's a colleague."Yang Tian touched his nose

"Oh~" Liu Piaopiao glanced at Wu Mengxin thoughtfully, and then said with a smile:"How about this? How about I treat you to dinner today? I’m already here anyway, you won’t let me go back alone, right? I have already asked my family not to cook for me."

"this……"Yang Tian looked at Wu Mengxin. He didn't expect Liu Piaopiao to join forcefully.

When Wu Mengxin saw Yang Tian looking at her and asking for her opinion, she felt very proud and said softly:"Okay, it will be more lively if the three of us eat together.""

"Okay, thank you, girl. By the way, my name is Liu Piaopiao. What’s your name, beauty?"Liu Piaopian looked at Wu Mengxin and asked

"My name is Wu Mengxin, nice to meet you"

"Great name, let’s go then? Yang Tian, how about you be my car? Liu Piaopian pointed to her Ferrari.

Just when Yang Tian was about to say yes, Wu Mengxin immediately said:"Yang Tian, please accompany me to the garage to pick up the car. I'm afraid of the dark!""

"ah?"Yang Tian was stunned, and now you told me that you are afraid of the dark?

But seeing Wu Mengxin's somewhat unkind eyes, Yang Tian immediately said:"Okay, Liu Piaopiao, then I'll take Wu Mengxin's car."

"OK, no problem."Liu Piaopian didn't mind, nor was she angry. She walked to her car with a smile.

On her way to the garage

"Yang Tian, what is your relationship with that Liu Piaopiao? how did you guys meet?"Wu Mengxin asked pretending to be casual.

"The last time I went on a rescue mission, I rescued her and her sister. I rescued her again not long ago, so we got to know each other."Yang Tian didn't hide anything.

"Oh, it turns out they are just ordinary friends."Wu Mengxin murmured to herself

"That's right."

But Wu Mengxin didn't think so in her heart. As a woman, she always felt that Liu Piaopiao was very fond of Yang Tian. Could it be that she had a good impression because the hero saved the beauty?

Next, Wu Mengxin drove her Porsche 911 there. Hot pot restaurant.

Liu Piaopiao followed him half an hour later.

After entering, he started ordering.

After ordering, Liu Piaopiao took the initiative to chat with Wu Mengxin. It was like they were best friends whom they hadn't seen for many years, and they were so excited to talk about everything from clothes and bags to cosmetics and skin care products, to where to travel, where to eat, etc. He completely ignored Yang Tian.

I can't talk about women! It's so boring and long.

But during the chat, Yang Tian discovered something. It seemed that Liu Piaopiao was very understanding every time he talked about a certain luxury brand. Regarding the matching of clothes, the selection of bags, etc., they are all very professional and insightful. On the contrary, Wu Mengxin seems to be always being suppressed. Sure enough

, the two girls are competing in secret?

A woman's drama!

Soon, the hot pot will be ready to eat.

"Yang Tian!"

"Yang Tian!"

Suddenly the two women said to Yang Tian in unison.

Yang Tian, who was eating mutton, raised his head and looked confused,"What's the matter?"

Liu Piaopiang glanced at Wu Mengxin, and said to Yang Tian in a sweet voice:"Come on, this duck blood is delicious, eat a few more pieces."After saying this, he added a piece of boiled duck blood and put it in Yang Tian's bowl."

"Yang Tian, this beef is good, come on, have a try."Wu Mengxin on the other side did not lag behind and picked up a piece of hot beef from her bowl and put it in Yang Tian's bowl.

"Yang Tian, I think you are weak. Were you too tired yesterday? Oops, it's all my fault... Come on, let's eat some lamb kidneys."Liu Piaopiao picked up a piece of sheep kidney, brushed it, and then put it in Yang Tian's bowl.

"Um, I don't like eating lamb kidneys."Yang Tian looked depressed. Another thing is, why was I too tired yesterday? It's all your fault. You didn't call me to bother me last night. We haven't met each other yet. I blame you for everything. Is there anyone here? Misunderstanding?

Sure enough, Wu Mengxin's face changed slightly after hearing this, but she also smiled and said:"Come on, Yang Tian, I called you last night and asked you to bring me supper. Come on, come on, eat more lamb kidneys to replenish your body"

"ah?"Yang Tian was confused again. When did I give you a supper last night?

"Ah for what? Fast food!"Wu Mengxin glared at Yang Tian

"……"Yang Tian felt so miserable that he could only eat in silence.

On the other hand, the two women looked at each other with smiles on their lips. Could it be that both of them know the Xiao Jiujiu in the other's heart?

Well, Yang Tian said that this meal was a bit embarrassing. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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