Yang Tian looked at Sun Feng and suddenly discovered that the other person's avatar was actually made of a car. A closer look revealed that it was the latest version of the top-of-the-range Camry. It is estimated to be around 230,000.

No wonder he treated me generously, it turns out he was doing well.

Then he discovered that Peng Shiyong's avatar was also a car, it seemed to be a Toyota Highlander. It is estimated that the landing will be close to 300,000

"These two people are still as high-profile as ever. Yang Tian thought to himself. These two people were very tall when they were in high school. They wore Nikes, iPhones and so on.

They often brag about what business their family does, how rich they are, etc.

In fact, few people will use their own money. If you use a car as a profile picture, even if you buy a car, you can at most post it on your friends circle. Well, it is considered a car that you worked hard to buy.

But if you use the car as your profile picture, you will post it on your friends circle all the time. It's a bit high-profile to show people that you have a car, but Yang Tian just thinks about it in his mind. It's none of his business to talk about what others do. Anyway, he won't use his car as a profile picture. He wouldn't post it in his circle of friends and say that he bought a car.

It was almost half past six. Jiangcheng Hotel was not very far from where he lived. It took about twenty minutes to drive, ten minutes if it was faster. Of course, it wasn't. In case of traffic jam,

Yang Tian left at 6:30 in case of traffic jam or parking time, so he has always been a very punctual person and did not want his classmates to wait.

At this time, the high school classmates became active again.

"Let's go! I have ten minutes to get to Jiangcheng Hotel."A male classmate was sitting on the bus and took a picture of the scenery outside the bus.

"I'm leaving too, it will probably take more than twenty minutes"

"Wow, you are all so fast? I set off too."Sun Feng posted a picture of himself sitting in the passenger seat and taking pictures of the front.

"I set off too."Peng Shiyong also took a picture of him sitting in the driver's seat, waiting for the traffic light. Of the dozen or so classmates who came to the party, they were the only two who took pictures of themselves in the car.

This immediately aroused the envy of many classmates.

"Damn it, this is the new version of Camry. I think Mr. Sun bought a car. If I had known, I would have asked Mr. Sun to give me a ride."A male classmate asked knowingly. Because he had friends in Sun Feng, but now he still said

"Didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Sun Feng, are you over there on Xin Shang Mall Street? I'm waiting for the bus on Baihe Avenue. Please give me a ride."Female classmate Liang Xiaoru sent a message.

"Okay, where will you wait for me?"Sun Feng was driving and replying to messages.

"Right at the bus station platform"

"Okay, I'll be there in five minutes!"

Bala, bala... someone in the group sends messages from time to time.

Half an hour later, Yang Tian also parked the car in the parking lot in front of the hotel, and then walked towards the 588 box that Sun Feng and the others had booked before.

When he came When I arrived in front of the door, I heard the sound of joy in the box.

As soon as I walked in, I saw seven or eight people already sitting here chatting.

"Hello classmates, long time no see!"Yang Tian greeted all the students.

"Haha...Long time no see, study committee. Come on."Peng Shiyong said enthusiastically to Yang Tian

"Oh, our study committee has become much more handsome."A female classmate joked.

In fact, when Yang Tian was in the class, he was equivalent to a classmate. Several female classmates had a crush on him and even wrote love letters to him. But back then, he was devoted to silence and study, and he simply couldn't. Ignoring those girls, and besides, those girls were of average appearance and not to his liking.

Yang Tian sat down next to Zhou Bin, a male classmate whom he knew well in high school. This Zhou Bin was also an ordinary second-year student in Jiangbei City. He and Zhou Bin got together several times during this period, and even went to an Internet cafe to masturbate together all night. However, they have not seen each other for three months since they were busy with final exams and internships.

"Hehe~ Lao Zhou, where are you interning now?"When Yang Tian saw an acquaintance, he asked

"I am working as an intern in a design company. Alas, I don’t know if I will get a place to become a full-time employee after completing the internship."Zhou Bin sighed.

Zhou Bin majored in architectural design, which requires talent and strength.

But the prospects of this industry are still very good.

At this time, classmates who were familiar with each other in high school were chatting in twos and threes, and suddenly as Yang Tian asked Zhou Bin’s work problem.

Immediately, Sun Feng’s voice was three points louder and he said:"By the way, it’s been a long time since you graduated, right? You’ve all spent your time in college doing internships, right? Zhou Bin, where are you interning now? How much is the salary?"

"I was an intern at an architectural design company, and the salary was less than three thousand, not to mention. How much do interns get paid? Zhou Bin sighed and laughed at himself.

"Liang Xiaoru, what about you?"Sun Feng turned to Liang Xiaoru again.

Liang Xiaoru studied in a junior college.

"I haven't found a suitable internship company yet. I'm unemployed now. Why, Mr. Sun, do you want to introduce me to a job? Liang Xiaoru said with a smile.

"Of course, as old classmates, we should help each other. But let’s talk about this after dinner. After Sun Feng finished speaking, he looked at Yang Tian, "Yang Tian, where are you now?""_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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