Chapter 10: Comments from all sides

Ranked among the five best martial artists, with unrivaled martial arts skills, this is what Guo Jing at the end of the novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes failed to achieve. Even Guo Jing, who was the same age, was not as dazzling as Yang Guo.

This is Yang Guo’s life, just like the journey to the West. Although there are 81 difficulties, after accumulating merits, he can still achieve the right result. Yang Guo’s merits are to redeem Yang Kang, to redeem Ouyang Feng, and to redeem himself.

Many fans of The Legend of the Condor Heroes on the Internet think that The Return of the Condor Heroes is unfair to Guo Jing. In fact, this is the greatest fairness.

Fans who hold the martial arts configuration of The Legend of the Condor Heroes and try to prove that Guo Jing’s martial arts is the best in The Return of the Condor Heroes, and fans who try to prove that Guo Jing is greater than Yang Guo, will never understand the connotation that the author wants to express.

Guo Jing’s life is perfect enough, so let’s leave the glory to Yang Guo. At the end of the book, the Condor Heroes and the Condor Heroes pour out their hearts and no longer have any grudges.

Guo Jing took Yang Guo’s hand, picked up a glass of fine wine presented by the people, and toasted Yang Guo, saying:”Guo’er, you have done a great deed today. It goes without saying that you have made a name for yourself in the world. The soldiers and civilians in the city are all grateful for your kindness. You have also saved Xiang’er and Qi’er. Your aunt Guo and I are also deeply grateful for your kindness.”

Yang Guo was deeply moved. He had something that he had kept in his heart for more than 20 years but had never said. He could no longer hold back and said loudly,”Uncle Guo, if it weren’t for you and Aunt Guo raising and teaching me when I was young, how could I be where I am today?”

The two of them have always understood each other in everything, without expressing any words of gratitude. Now, after drinking three cups together, the two great heroes of the time poured out their hearts, feeling that if one has reached this stage in life, what else can one ask for?

Just like sixteen years ago, the evil Western Poison Ouyang Feng and the admired Northern Beggar Hong Qigong hugged each other and died suddenly.

Hong Qigong jumped up and shouted,”Old Poisonous Man, Ouyang Feng! We have come to the same conclusion through different paths, and we have finally become good brothers!” Then he rushed forward and hugged Ouyang Feng tightly.

Yang Guo was shocked, thinking that he was going to hurt his adoptive father, and hurriedly pulled at his back, but he was holding on so tightly that he could not pull. Ouyang Feng was already exhausted, but suddenly he had a flash of light in his mind, and his mind was as clear as a mirror, and all the past decades of events were vivid in his mind, and he laughed out loud.

The two white-haired old men hugged each other and laughed loudly. After laughing for a while, the sound became lower and lower, and suddenly the laughter stopped, and the two of them were motionless.

Yang Guo was shocked and called out,”Dad, senior!” But no one answered. He reached out to pull Hong Qigong’s arm, but he fell down and was dead. Yang Guo was horrified and leaned over to look at Ouyang Feng, but he was dead too. Although the two stopped laughing, they still had smiles on their faces, and the echo of their laughter could still be heard faintly in the valley.

The Beggar of the North and the Poison of the West had fought each other for decades, but they died at the same time on the top of Mount Huashan. They had been entangled in resentment for their entire lives, but they hugged each other and laughed at the moment of death. Decades of deep hatred were ended with a laugh!

Just like sixteen years later, when the dying Ci En finally received the forgiveness of Zhou Botong and Yinggu, she died with a smile.

Zhou Botong said,”Lian Gu, you do it!

” Lin Gu glanced at Ci’en and whispered,”If it weren’t for him, I would never have been able to see you again in this life, not to mention that the dead cannot be resurrected, so let’s enjoy today and forget all the grievances and pains of the past.

” Zhou Botong said,”That’s right, let’s spare him!

Monk, I treat you as a friend!

” Ci’en was seriously injured and was only able to survive with a breath of true energy.

When he heard Zhou Botong and Lin Gu say that they had forgiven him for killing his son and turned the enemy into a friend, he felt peaceful and serene in his heart.

He no longer blamed himself and worried about anything.

He knew that he could enter the good path in his next life, so he was grateful and gave birth to great compassion.

He whispered,”Thank you very much, both of you.

” He said to Yideng,”Thank you, Master, for your help!

” He also said to Yang Guo,”Thank you for your hard work.

” He was calm and smiling, he closed his eyes, and passed away

《”The Return of the Condor Heroes” is such a work that goes through hardships, heals the heart, and obtains redemption!

Xiao Jiaer sighed after reading it and said,”Li Qi, the outside world has given”The Return of the Condor Heroes” such a high evaluation. It seems that I have to notify the publishing house and ask them to reprint it.”

He flipped through the newspaper again and said,”There’s a critical article here. It’s too much. It’s nonsense.……”

Li Qi was a little curious when he heard this and said,”It’s okay, I’m just afraid that everyone will be praising me. It’s a good thing to have different voices. Read them out and listen to them!”

Xiao Jiaer suppressed the anger in her heart and said:

There is one very uncomfortable point in the novel”The Return of the Condor Heroes”, that is, the whole book conveys the idea of ​​​​the supremacy of love

For example, the strong sense of love sacrifice in The Condor Heroes

There are many people who commit suicide for love in Li Qi’s books, but what makes people uncomfortable in”The Return of the Condor Heroes” is that the whole book, in order to package a beautiful love, is guiding people to commit suicide for love, or packaging suicide for love. It obliterates the cruelty of this extreme act of suicide for love and deifies it.

This is really something I can’t help but say. The act of suicide for love is never directly equated with love.

The most famous one is Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, who died for love in the end. However, the ending of Romeo and Juliet is very tragic and depressing, and they did not die just because of love, but more importantly, they chose to fight against the oppression of ideas by using such a tragic act as death when they were desperate.

The concept of love suicide in The Condor Heroes is to die for love alone. This extreme philosophizing is too horrible.

Imagine if this kind of thinking is applied to daily life, it would be a typical case of”I jump off a building, will you follow me?” What’s more terrifying is that in daily life, people are still quite alert to this kind of love-sacrifice, but in movies, TV shows and novels, everyone takes it for granted. They take this kind of morbidity as normal, and even use this morbid demand to evaluate various characters related to love.

No one can escape. For example, in the movie Titanic, there are comments accusing Rose of not dying for love with Jack, so she didn’t love Jack enough. (If dying for love is love, why didn’t Jack drag Rose down with him? Humph!)

More typical examples:”Only extreme situations can show whether you love someone or not” and”If you don’t do this, you don’t love me.”””He can die for her, so he loves her more deeply than you do. These words are the theology invented by this kind of love-sacrifice thinking.

Directly equate love with life. Everyone knows about moral kidnapping, and this kind of thinking is love kidnapping. It is a derivative of the thinking of committing suicide for love.

It obliterates individual will, ignores the value of life, and romanticizes such a cruel thing as death into a sacrifice of love. The entire book of The Return of the Condor Heroes emphasizes and packages this kind of love-only thinking.

I am a person who always believes that life is more important than love, so I cannot understand the theory of love in The Return of the Condor Heroes. This kind of thinking that puts love first is really uncomfortable.

There is no breakup, disability, abuse of the protagonist, or suicide in the”My Life as a Film and Television Producer” serialized by the author, Fadama Cat! Extremely friendly to book lovers! In short, as cruel as”The Return of the Condor Heroes” is,”My Life as a Film and Television Producer” is as sweet!

After hearing this, Li Qi was stunned!

He looked up and said angrily,”Check for me the person who wrote this article. Did I offend him?”

Xiao Jiaer took out her cell phone and operated it for a while. It was too easy for her to check someone who had cooperated with the newspaper!

After a while, Xiao Jiaer hung up the phone and said to Li Qi:”The other party is a failed author. No one reads the novels he wrote online! No monthly tickets! No income! I think he wants to scam you!”

“Oh…never mind. I heard that people who write online novels nowadays have a hard time! It’s not easy!” Li Qi said with great sympathy.

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