Chapter 19: First talk about movies

《Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon”, Li Qi was also very dissatisfied with this movie

After watching the film, Li Qi wondered whether the director did not understand China’s history of the Three Kingdoms or whether he just made a movie for the sake of the plot?

Let’s talk about”Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon” first. It creates a female character like Cao Ying, Cao Cao’s granddaughter, to fight against Zhao Yun, which is completely contrary to history. It makes the brave and heroic Zhao Yun die in the hands of a woman.

Zhao Yun was a soldier instead of a general when he rode alone to save his master. The addition of Luo Ping’an connects Zhao Yun’s life. So when Zhao Yun rode alone to save his master, it seems that Zhao Yun rode alone to save his master in order to take the blame for Luo Ping’an? There are many places like this that are inconsistent with history.

This somewhat undermines Zhao Yun’s heroic image. However, Andy Lau’s acting is very good, especially in the second half when he is older, he plays the role of a veteran general who has been through many battles.

But in the early scenes, Zhao Yun was portrayed as a young boy, silly and lacking the demeanor of a great general. This should be the director’s fault.

But it’s a pity for Andy Lau’s Zhao Zilong and the soundtrack!

After listening to the film plan that Li Qi revealed to her, Liu Shishi felt that this kind of ancient costume historical war blockbuster would definitely require a large investment, a large scene, and a large number of people involved, which would be a great test of one’s skills!

He said with some concern:”But even the movie Red Cliff directed by Wu Baige was not well received by the market when it was released a few months ago. Isn’t the risk too great?”

“I won’t start this plan for now. Maybe in a few years, the Three Kingdoms theme has been dragged down by the movie Red Cliff. It will take a few years for the audience to regain their confidence!”Li Qi replied

“Red Cliff” has been criticized by a lot of people. Maybe it’s because Hong Kong people’s understanding of the Three Kingdoms is different from ours, or maybe it’s because Wu Baige has stayed abroad for too long in recent years!

The structure of the whole film is very scattered, and the actors’ grasp of these historical figures is obviously not in place. The flesh-and-blood characters in the novel have become dry and bitter actors.

If you compare the characters in Red Cliff and The Warlords, you will clearly see the difference. In movies, character creation consists of three elements: appearance, acting skills, and lines.

It is easy to make the appearance similar, just spend money, but it is not possible to make the spirit similar. Let’s talk about Zhuge Liang in”Red Cliff”, the feather fan and the scarf, yes, they are all those things

Compared with Zhuge Liang in”Resurrection of the Dragon”, Pu Cunxin only appeared for a few minutes. Although his clothes were tattered, which was consistent with the plot, his every move showed his resourcefulness.

Not to mention Tang Guoqiang’s immortal Zhuge Liang in the classic TV series”Romance of the Three Kingdoms”. The reason for this gap is the actor’s temperament, cultural accomplishment and cognitive form. Takeshi Kaneshiro didn’t stay in China for a long time.

Apart from the appearance, the only thing left for the acting is the lines, which is what I hate most about”Red Cliff”. I really don’t understand what the screenwriter does, just look at the lines written,

There is a scene in the play where Zhuge Liang is fanning pigeons, and Zhou Yu sees it and says,”What are you doing?”

Zhuge Liang said:”I just finished bathing the pigeons and am fanning them dry.”

Zhou Yu said:”Aren’t you afraid that they will catch a cold?” Do you think this is the way to be close to the people? Zhuge Liang, who was like an immortal, and Zhou Yu, a great Confucian general, said such a simple thing.

Besides, why did the director arrange for Zhuge Liang to deliver Xiao Ma? What is the use of this in shaping Zhuge Liang’s image? Is it related to the plot? It seems that the money is indeed too much.

Well, even if they wanted to popularize Zhuge, aren’t the lines they wrote enough to ruin the sage Zhuge?

“However, this period of history during the Warring States Period has many interesting stories, including military strategies, tactics, diplomacy, wars and even assassins. There are so many things that can be filmed!”

“Shishi, how about you play my heroine then?” Li Qi said with a smile

“Okay! But who are the famous women in the Warring States Period? Could it be Xi Shi?” Liu Shishi thought for a moment and asked

“Hehe…! Xi Shi was a woman in the Spring and Autumn Period. You are so conceited. Why do you always rely on the four beauties?” Li Qi said jokingly.

“Apart from Xi Shi, I can’t think of anyone else!”

“”Wow…! You mean I can’t play Xi Shi anymore? Tell me, am I beautiful?” The slow-witted Liu Shishi asked. But her hand had already pinched the soft flesh on Li Qi’s waist.

“Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful…! You can play all four beauties!”Li Qi quickly coaxed her hand away and said

“That’s pretty good!” Liu Shishi said with satisfaction.

“Shishi, Zhong Wuyan! This is a woman who can go to the battlefield. There is definitely room for you to perform well!”Li Qi said temptingly

“Isn’t Zhong Wuyan an ugly woman? Am I not suitable?” Liu Shishi asked

“This is true. Zhong Wuyan has a yin-yang face and a red birthmark on half of her face. But I think that if the other half of her face is photographed well, it will also be able to surprise the audience. Shishi, your side face is very beautiful!”Li Qi lifted Liu Shishi’s face and looked at it carefully.

The movie”Warring States” has not yet appeared. Li Qi wants to use the name”Warring States” to shoot what he wants to shoot!

In my previous life, after watching the film”Warring States”, I felt very upset.

In Li Qi’s opinion, the first half of this film can be seen as a comedy, while the second half can be seen as a military film.

Sun Pang’s battle of wits is played out in this film as a tangled emotional drama between an idiot and an ambitious man.

《Although the movie”Warring States” was star-studded, heavily promoted, and had a catchy title, it ended up being a farce.

In terms of the film’s character design and visual effects, this film is enough to make the audience feel fooled. In terms of character setting, just from Sun Honglei’s interpretation of the role of Sun Bin, the audience cannot see any coincidence with this historical figure.

In fact, to put it more clearly, Sun Bin in the movie is portrayed as an idiot and mentally retarded. In terms of the film’s visual effects, we can see several sets of war scenes that are so bad that they can’t be any worse, as well as a plot pattern that seriously violates logic.

As for the film’s editing,”chaotic” is no longer enough to describe it. The abrupt and boring plot, the childish and ridiculous scene elements, the funny and stupid character performances make us find new laughs at every moment in the film.

Li Qi doesn’t understand why movies can’t be made according to historical facts? From beginning to end, the film does not conform to history at all, and it does not conform to the public’s aesthetic concepts at all. It really ruined the two themes of the Warring States Period and the Three Kingdoms.

The more he spoke, the more excited he became. Li Qi really hoped that the culture passed down by our ancestors could be well displayed on the screen.

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