Chapter 216: The show became popular

Zhang Yi had two relationships in total. The first one started in high school. After graduating from college, the girl reluctantly broke up due to the reality.

The second girl was someone he met after working in Beijing. They were about to get married, but the girl wanted to go back to her hometown, while Zhang Yi wanted to continue working hard in Beijing.

The two sides had a fierce quarrel after their disagreement and separated soon after.

After the VCR, the 24 lights on the stage were still on. This was the first time this had happened since the show started.

At this time, a female guest asked:”Male guest, you and your first girlfriend broke up because of practical problems. Can I ask the specific reason?”

Meng Fei helped and said:”You can choose not to answer, this is not a question that must be answered”

Zhang Yi shook his head and smiled innocently,”It’s okay. It’s been so many years, so I can say it. The reality is that the girl’s family wants me to work in the system and buy a joint venture car to pick up their daughter from get off work. I have no money, and my family can’t afford it, so I refused.”

There were faint sounds of discussion in the audience, and it seemed that this question resonated with many people.

Seeing this, Hu Jiajia muttered,”What? This girl’s family is too much. How can a young man who just graduated have the money to buy a car?””

Many female guests raised their hands to support the male guest, saying that the woman’s family was too much.

Zhang Yi smiled bitterly and said,”Thank you everyone.~”

The atmosphere was harmonious. No one expected that after the second VCR about the business part was played, the situation took a 180-degree turn.

When the male guest introduced himself as a catering practitioner in the VCR, many female guests’ eyes lit up.

But in fact, Zhang Yi is just a waiter in a four-star hotel restaurant, um~ he is considered a deputy foreman, and his salary is only 300 yuan higher than that of an ordinary waiter.

Sure enough, after this profession was exposed, half of the 24 little pink lights were extinguished.

Then, the image of Zhang Yi riding a bicycle in the VCR appeared on the big screen.

As if everyone had discussed it beforehand, they barely hesitated, and half of the remaining lights went out in less than a second. Allki11, the whole group was wiped out instantly.

“It’s a pity that it’s not you~ accompany me to the end~”

Meng Fei looked at all the female guests in surprise:”What’s going on?”

Le Jia shook her head and said:”It is obvious that everyone has a negative attitude towards the male guest’s job attributes.”

This is a more polite way of saying it.

Huang Han looked puzzled:”What’s wrong with the waiter? He is the deputy foreman. He is young and has room for promotion.”

Meng Fei pressed the male guest and didn’t let him go. He had to figure things out and couldn’t rush through the process.

“Can anyone tell me why?”

Female guest No. 1 actively raised her hand and said:”First of all, I want to apologize to the male guest. There is no problem with the nature of the job itself. If you can’t afford a car just after graduating from college, it’s understandable. But you are 29 years old and still ride a bicycle to get off work, this is a problem of ability.”

Her speech ignited the enthusiasm of the female guests to complain, and they raised their hands to speak

“I also think, at least buy a domestic car”

“Actually, it’s okay. I just think the male guest has a problem with his ambition. It’s not terrible to have no money, but it’s terrible to have no money and not try to make money.”

Le Jia said venomously:”Lady, I want to remind you that the work of a waiter is very hard. The fact that the male guest has been working in this industry for so many years has proven his perseverance and ambition. Put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself, if you were asked to be a waiter, how long could you last?”

Huang Han then said:”Everyone has a problem with their mentality. Children from ordinary families cannot get help from their parents and have to rely on themselves for everything. It is not easy to buy a car at the age of 35. What’s more, if two people love each other, they can definitely work hard together. Wouldn’t it be happier for two people to feel the satisfaction of success together?”

At this moment, the female guest No. 21 suddenly raised her hand and said a golden sentence that has been hotly discussed for a week: (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I don’t know what others think, but I would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on the back of a bicycle.

《If You Are the One is popular, the female guest who said the golden sentence is popular, Li Qi and Blueberry TV are popular

It is so popular that the second episode of If You Are the One had an average viewership of 2.3%, and its audience share once exceeded 8%. This is during prime time on Sunday!

As for the female guest, she seemed very low-key and had no intention of continuing to hype.

The main reason was that the conditions did not allow it. When she signed the confidentiality agreement, the TV station warned her.[]

If she breaches the contract during the contract period, no matter which clause she violates, Miracle Media and Blueberry TV have the right to pursue her.

If you offend a film and television production company and a first-tier satellite TV station at the same time, you can easily guess the consequences.

This woman is still quite clear-headed. Besides, the money the program team gave her is enough to squander for a while.

As long as she is obedient and follows the instructions of the program team, it will be no problem for her to earn one or two million.

Therefore, when she was interviewed by the local media in Jinling, she still maintained her attitude in the program and was not shaken by public opinion at all.

As for the abuses directed at her by some people, just pretend you don’t hear them.

When the limelight is over, she will find an opportunity to withdraw from the show, return to her hometown, buy a house and a car, and live the rest of her life comfortably.

As expected, she will be popular for a while, but it doesn’t matter.

The important thing is that Li Qi can finally pocket the 100 million yuan with peace of mind.

Wu Haixiong was also very satisfied. After the ratings came out, many advertising companies and brands took the initiative to call and offer money.

After a simple calculation, if I bought them all, I could not only easily recover the 100 million buyout fee and production costs, but also make a small profit.

However, he rejected all the money outright. He wanted to continue gambling, betting that the ratings would rise sharply.

At least it has to be stable above 3% before we can talk about advertising sponsorship

Li Qi hoped that he would stop while he was ahead, but he had no say in the matter. He had no say in how much he earned.

As long as Wu Haixiong pays the balance as agreed, he will be satisfied. No matter how much he wants, it’s enough.

Moreover, based on the ratings of the first two episodes, his ability completely conquered his peers in the industry.

He made two attempts in a row and both of his works sold out. Is there anything more amazing than this?

Anyway, looking across the country, I haven’t found such a great director.

If Li Qi continues to sell the program now, let alone 100 million, even if it is just a small sum, these first-tier satellite TV stations aiming to compete for ratings will break their heads to grab it.

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