Chapter 27: Happy Times

The winter in Beijing is very cold. People are reluctant to go out unless there is something to do.

However, the Spring Festival of 2009 is approaching. There are many pedestrians on the road, and they are all wrapped up tightly. Although they are carrying large and small bags, their faces are filled with bright smiles, as if they will soon return to their hometowns and reunite with their families.

It was already the evening rush hour, and the sky got dark quickly in winter. The road was full of all kinds of cars, coming together from all directions, like a fiery red steel torrent connecting the big and small roads in Beijing.

A company located in Zhongguancun Science Park is brightly lit. The company’s employees are busy at their respective workstations. Some of them keep tapping on the computer keyboard, while others keep drawing on the manuscript.

However, under this seemingly busy business appearance, only some middle-level employees know that the company’s general manager Wu and the general manager Zhuo of the issuance department have had several quarrels of varying sizes in recent days, and the company has even seen a wave of resignations.

Wu Ji and Zhuo Feng both graduated from Jingcheng University. Jingcheng University’s computer science major is considered the trump card among the few engineering majors in Jingcheng University, while Shuimu University has always focused on developing engineering. Among the computer departments of domestic universities, Jingcheng University’s software, Shuimu’s hardware, and Jinghang’s network are known as the three giants.

They graduated from prestigious universities, have solid technical skills, and have worked in major game companies for several years. Relying on the accumulated funds and connections, they co-founded this company more than a year ago and finally released the first game created by their own company,”Three Kingdoms” three months ago.》

In the company’s conference room, Wu Ji and Zhuo Feng, co-founders of Beijing Happy Times Entertainment Software Co., Ltd., are listening to the work data reports of the heads of various departments.

The head of the data department looked at the laptop in front of him and said,”Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhuo, as of January 31, that is, as of yesterday, the total number of registered users of our Three Kingdoms game is 31,524, with 3,070 new users in January, a growth rate of 10.789%, and 182 new paying users in January.······”

Wu Ji, the head of the company opposite, felt like he had fallen into a bottomless abyss every time he heard a set of data, and his hands and feet were a little cold. Zhuo Feng buried his head and scratched his hair with both hands.

The assistant kept typing on the computer. She would take minutes of every meeting in the company and then send them to relevant personnel by email. However, the assistant didn’t know whether to record the data or not, because the data was getting uglier and uglier!

Then the head of the customer service department stood up and said,”Since January, the customer service department has received 852 user complaints, of which 3% were technical issues, 8% were account login issues, 85% were refund issues, and 4% were other issues.”

“The meeting ends here, you can go out and work first!”Zhuo Feng said to everyone with a bitter face

Mr. Wu also nodded. Soon, only Wu Ji, Zhuo Feng, and a lady from the Finance Department were left in the meeting room.

Zhuo Feng asked:”What else do you want to do?”

“Mr. Zhuo, the salary list for January has been prepared, but there is not enough money in the company’s account!” The financial lady said with some embarrassment.

Mr. Wu on the other side said:”I understand. Employee salaries will be paid as usual, and I will find a way to raise funds!”

“OK, Mr. Wu!” Then the finance lady also left the meeting room.

“Do you have any other ideas?” Zhuo Feng stared at Wu Ji and asked.

Wu Ji stammered for a long time without saying anything. He said loudly,”Are you going to sell the house again? I don’t agree! I won’t allow you to do this! Brother Ji, my sister-in-law is about to give birth! Do you want her to go back to the days of renting a house with you? We are not young anymore! Brother Ji………”

“I also know that your sister-in-law is about to give birth, but the New Year is coming soon, and the employees’ salaries must be paid! I hope that this update of”Three Kingdoms” can attract more game users!”Wu Ji sighed after saying this

In fact, he knew in his heart that he was just comforting himself.

“Brother Ji, why don’t we take on some outsourcing business like other companies, so that we can increase our income.”Zhuo Feng suggested

“No! We are an original game developer, not a foundry. This is contrary to the original intention of our founding of Happy Times. Have you forgotten the blockade of those major game companies against us? I absolutely do not agree to be a foundry for them. Besides, do you think that if Happy Times does not let them control the shares, we can get their game outsourcing business?”Wu Ji looked at this partner who had fought side by side with him for many years and said reluctantly.

“Is there anyone among them who wants to buy out your shares? I tell you, I have the priority to buy back your shares!” Wu Ji asked with some doubt.

“I didn’t! Brother Ji, we founded Happy Times together, and my feelings for it are no less than yours. I just saw that the company has been losing money over the past few months, and the fixed expenses alone are over one million per month, and I am worried!”

“We spent 15 months to make this game, but what was the result? You heard the data just now, this income is not even enough to cover our publishing costs! Brother Ji, there is no room for small manufacturers like us to survive in the current game market.”

“Every product needs to be purchased when it is launched, but can we compare with the four major manufacturers! Our game is not even in the top 50, how can we compare? How much money has been spent from my hands during this period, how guilty I feel every day!”Zhuo Feng said with some excitement, his eyes became a little red.

Wu Ji knew that Zhuo Feng was telling the truth, and he regretted what he had just said.”Ah Feng, I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have said that. I apologize to you.”

“Tuk Tuk……”There was a knock on the conference room door

“Come in!” Wu Ji shouted at the door.

It was the assistant who knocked on the door. After entering the room, he looked around nervously and found that Mr. Zhuo was lying on the table with his head buried in his arms, while Mr. Wu had a gloomy face. The atmosphere was a little cold.

“Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhuo, two people came outside, a man and a woman, and said they had talked to Mr. Zhuo on the phone before.”The assistant said, looking at Zhuo Feng

Zhuo Feng raised his head and asked,”Is the person here Ms. Xiao?”

“Yes! Cao Tou Xiao.”The assistant replied, but seeing Zhuo Feng’s red eyes, he wondered if he had just cried, and he was a little curious!

“I’ll go out with you to meet them!” Zhuo Feng stood up and said

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