Chapter 3: Good night, senior

Li Qi took out tissues from his backpack, pulled out one and handed it to Nazha. Nazha lowered her head and sobbed softly. What could Li Qi do?

I could only move closer, lift her chin with my left hand, and wipe her tears with a tissue along her cheeks with my right hand.

Mr. Li is so hypocritical. He just talked about social etiquette? I call this grace. I can’t explain it anymore. Ahem.···

This sudden action made Nazha’s cheeks flushed, and she quickly lowered her red face. Li Qi took out another tissue and stuffed it into Nazha’s pocket near his chest. This action happened to be seen by Nazha, and her face became even redder.

Li Qi just doesn’t throw garbage casually, so why should Naza think so much about it?

Seeing her in this state, it is not convenient for her to stay in school, so I have to find a place for her to have a good rest.”Come with me.””

Naza followed him in a daze, one in front and one behind. After getting in the car, he waited for the car to start moving for a while before he asked weakly,”Where are we going?”

“You should have a good sleep.” Li Qi drove seriously and said without turning his head.

The car arrived at Li Qi’s residence, and Naza followed Li Qi into the house.

“Senior, is this your house? It’s so big!”

“Yes, feel free to do as you please. My parents don’t live here.”

Naza looked around and stopped at the door of the study room and exclaimed,”Senior, you are amazing. No wonder you can write such a good novel. Have you read so many books?””

“Most of the ones I have read, some of them were just a cursory glance, and I didn’t understand them very deeply.”In order to understand this world, Li Qi did read a lot of books and looked up a lot of information. In particular, he put a lot of effort into information on entertainment.

“That’s amazing too!” Naza said with some admiration.

“Did something happen at home?”Looking at the other person’s slightly red eyes, he said

The change of topic made Naza whimper for a while without words. Her eyes suddenly turned red and tears kept falling. Then she cried loudly. It seemed that she couldn’t control herself.

In his previous life, when he was young, his father had an accident and needed a large sum of money for surgery and hospitalization. As the eldest son, he had experienced the days of borrowing money from everywhere, so he could guess some of the reasons for Naza’s current state. In addition, some of his classmates were big mouths who couldn’t control their mouths, so he knew some of the reasons.

Seeing the person almost burst into tears, what could he do? This was his home, what if someone outside heard the noise and misunderstood it?

No, we have to stop her.

He approached her slowly, put his left hand around her waist, and put his right hand on her little head, tightening it with some force. The two of them hugged each other, and he pressed her little head against his chest. This time the sound was blocked and smaller, and slowly only slight sobbing was left.

Naza also felt the other’s warm embrace, and her two little hands also hugged the other. At this moment, she seemed to have thrown away all her worries. The world was peaceful. However, she was tired from the past few days, and her eyelids became heavier. Finally, she fell asleep.~

After holding her for a long time, I calmed down and felt her body’s reaction. Her touch was so soft and boneless. I smelled the fragrance of the virgin in my arms and calmed down.

Well, she fell asleep. Li Qi picked her up gently and walked to his room. There were no sheets or quilts in the guest room, so he could only let her sleep in his bed, and he could make do on the sofa.

Seeing her sleeping soundly on the bed, Li Qi also smiled, quietly left the room, and closed the door.

Naza slept soundly and woke up at 10:30 pm. She woke up purely because she was hungry.

Looking around this strange room, I thought about what happened in the afternoon. I actually fell asleep in the arms of my senior. How embarrassing!~

“Senior: Naza opened the door and looked at Li Qidao who was sitting in the living room watching TV.

“Wake up, you must be hungry, wait, I’ll heat up the food and you can eat right away.” Li Qi said and walked to the kitchen

Seeing Li Qi busy in the kitchen, Naza was moved.

Soon, three dishes and one soup were placed on the table: three cup chicken, stir-fried beef, macaroni with garlic, and tomato and egg soup, all home-cooked side dishes.

Naza took the small bowl of rice and looked at the dishes on the table. He was already starving and started eating without hesitation. He gave a thumbs up while eating,”It’s so delicious, senior. I didn’t expect you can cook and it’s so delicious! Woohoo!”···”

“Eat slowly and drink some soup.” He made a bowl of tomato and egg soup for Naza and said with a smile:”I don’t know your taste, so I made some casually. It’s OK as long as you like it.”

“Yeah, I like it.···like···”

After a while, the two of them finished eating, no, there were only some chicken bones left, and they cleaned up together before sitting down to watch TV.

“Something happened at home, you should have contacted me earlier, you have my cell phone number!”Li Qi turned off the TV with the remote control.

“Senior, my father is ill and the hospitalization and surgery will cost more than one million.”

Without letting Naza continue, Li Qi took out a card from his backpack and handed it to the other party, saying,”Take this card. There is two million in it. The password is the last six digits of the card number. Do the surgery first, and choose the best medicines. If it’s not enough, tell me later.””

Naza stared blankly, his eyes moist, his brain still hadn’t reacted

Li Qi grabbed her hand, stuffed the card into her hand, and said,”Consider this money as a loan from me.”

“Then I will write a promissory note to my senior.” Naza came to her senses and found her bag, took out a pen and paper and started writing.

After this matter was resolved, Li Qi said to Naza:”I have set up a film and television company and am preparing a TV series. Are you interested in coming over next month to play a role?”

“”Okay, senior.” Naza agreed without thinking. She knew the senior’s ability, the play must be good, and he would not cheat her.

Seeing that it was too late and the school dormitory was locked, he couldn’t go back in. He wanted to let Naza stay here, but he was a little embarrassed to ask, after all, he had never brought a woman to his house.

Naza noticed the other person’s embarrassment and realized the problem, so she said,”Senior, where should I sleep tonight? Can I still sleep in the room we slept in this afternoon?” She did sleep very well in the afternoon and was a little in love with that bed.

“Oh…, okay, then sleep there!”

“Where does the senior sleep?”

“That room, I’ll make the bed and we can sleep in a while.” Li Qi pointed in the direction of the room with his chin.

Li Qi took out a towel, toothbrush and other toiletries from the cabinet and gave them to Naza. He scratched her hair and said,”You didn’t bring any spare clothes. Do you want to wear men’s pajamas? I bought a few sets of spare ones that I haven’t worn.”

Naza had no objection and took it into the bathroom

After taking a shower, Na Zha said to Li Qi while drying her hair:”The clothes are a bit big, but they are quite comfortable to wear.”

Li Qi looked over and almost had a nosebleed. The beauty was out of the bath. Even from such a distance, he could smell a faint fragrance, especially the emptiness inside her pajamas. This girl didn’t wear anything inside, cough cough……

He swallowed and said,”Then go to bed early.” He pretended not to see it and hurried to the room.

Naza looked at the other person’s fleeing back, smiled happily, and said inaudibly:”Good night, senior!” and walked towards his own room.

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