I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 327: The betrayer dies

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"Otherwise, you killed all the martial arts around?"

"Don't! It's all killed, who will spread the news to me?"

"Otherwise, I will continue to let you improve quickly?"

"Don't you say that if you continue to ascend, there is a danger of getting caught?"

"You can gamble!" Chen Hao encouraged, "What if you're okay?"

"You think I'm stupid?"

Shao Hongyan was too lazy to listen to the red blood sword's bewitching, directly inserted it into the scabbard, and then disappeared into the night.

She remembered that she had a friend who lived nearby. This time, he might need his help.

After Shao Hongyan left, the warriors who were full of greed for the Red Blood Sword but never dared to act lightly.

Watching Shao Hongyan and the Red Blood Sword disappear together, a warrior whispered, "She ran with the Red Blood Sword!"

Someone laughed: "Why don't you chase it?"

"Do you think I am stupid?" said the warrior. "There are red blood swords in their hands. There is a kind of you to try!"

"If I have the power to break through the sky, maybe it's true."

"Even if I have the power to break through the sky, maybe I won't dare to go!"


"People Lan Yanlin can kill the late stage of the realm in seconds with red blood!"

"I heard that if the Red Blood Sword did not officially recognize the Lord, it seems that the promotion of the Warrior is not so great!" Someone whispered, "Not long ago, many Warriors who received the Red Blood Sword were still besieged to death? Red Blood The sword is not as godlike as those who blow it!"

"It seems to be the same, but Chixue Jian has little to do with us. We can't get it anyway, but should we really worry about the court? Chixue Jian is in Shao Hongyan's hand, maybe she is the next Chen Pengfei!"

"Yes, that Zeng Xiaohu is the son of Shao Hongyan, and he will be chopped up with the rest of the Zeng family in a few days. Shao Hongyan appeared in Fengbao City at this time, which means that she should want to save her son? "

"The court's fishing strategy was successful, but it might catch a big shark!"

"No, there is Beijing!"

"You think about it. More than a month ago, the wanted order said, Shao Hongyan seems to be just the early stage of congenital realm!" Someone lowered his voice and said, "But after a month, what strength is Shao Hongyan?"

"The ancestor of the Wang family is a veteran innate pinnacle master. When the Wang family is destroyed, her strength is at least the innate pinnacle!"

"In just over a month, how could it be promoted from the early stage of congenital realm to a congenital pinnacle master?" Some people doubted, "Will it be her estimated hidden strength?"

"Which Shabby will hide his strength when he escapes? Is it too fast to run?"


"More than a month, from the early innate to the strength to the innate peak, this..."

Zhou Guo, Kyoto.

Splendid and magnificent, in the heavily guarded palace, an urgent report was sent to Zhou.

The queen gave a glance at the old **** who sent the urgent report. The old **** immediately lowered her head and replied: "Your Majesty, check the urgent report of the Tianjianjian!"

Zhou Guo is one of the top powers in the Southern Region.

And this woman is also one of the most powerful women in Nanyu.

Zhou Emperor is nearly a hundred years old, but from the appearance, she is a beautiful woman in her thirties.

She has a pair of phoenix eyes, Gu Panshenghui, an imperial robe, and an impetuous person, and no one who has seen her can forget her.

The queen asked casually, "What did you write?"

"The slave maid didn't know, just sent the message to your majesty!"


The empress didn't say anything, she just unrolled the stationery and scanned the stationery, her brow furrowed.

The old **** carefully stood beside the queen and was very surprised when she saw the queen frown.

You should know that the Queen is always a very confident woman. She is indifferent to emotions and rarely writes expressions on her face.

The old **** asked cautiously: "I don't know why your majesty frowned?"

"Shao Hongyan appeared!"


Seeing the old eunuch's suspicious expression, she added: "She also carried the red blood sword, just a month of kung fu, and her strength has increased from the early innate to the innate peak!"

"But the red blood sword in General Chen's hands?"

The name Red Blood Sword became famous in the Southern Region with the battle outside the Yundu City.

As the Red Blood Sword became famous, this name was also very popular. Some sword repairers simply changed the name of the sword in their hands... What’s more, some swordsmiths directly named the sword they casted as "Red" "Blood Sword", claiming to be an imitation of the red blood sword in Chen Pengfei's hand...

"It’s not wrong. In Fengbao City, there are thousands of martial arts who saw it with their own eyes, and it should not be an imitation..." The Queen frowned, "And, Chen Pengfei’s Demon Aura also appeared. In fact, it is one of the capabilities of the Red Blood Sword, because Shao Hongyan and Chen Pengfei have no intersection!"

"Cut off after three days..."

The notice of betraying the betrayers in public was sent to the cities of Zhou Dynasty a month ago, the purpose is to deter those who are mischievous!

Among those traitors are the captured Zeng, Shao and Feixing clan.

"This is also what I have to consider!" said the Queen with some worry. "Shao Hongyan is now promoting her possession of the Red Blood Sword, isn't it just to force me?"

"What does your majesty mean?"

The empress closed her eyes slowly, leaning on the dragon chair and whispering, "Kill, you must kill, kill all, including her son!"

The old **** slightly hesitated: "This..."

"Betrayal, you must die!" said the queen bite her teeth, "The notice has been posted. If I really don't kill those people, I'm afraid I will become the biggest laughing stock in Nanyu!"

"Do you think that if I don't kill those people, Shao Hongyan can let me go?" The Queen sneered. "It might as well take advantage of her strength, and force her out first, and slaughter together!"

"The slave-maid understood that it was Her Majesty the Queen's thoughts!" The **** bowed and touted.

"Don't flatter, but the Red Blood Sword is in the hands of Shao Hongyan. This may be a variable. In front of Chen Pengfei, the affairs of the Red Blood Sword are extremely confidential. We don't know the situation of the Red Blood Sword!" said the Queen in a low voice. "You tell the purpose, call General Yu Bianhu, General Bian Hu, Yun Yanzong, Gao Qianxia, ​​and Cha Tianjian, Zheng Yi, and the newly enshrined magister Liu Ziyun come to see me!"

"The slave-servant obeyed!"

The old **** was about to leave, and the Empress Zhou said again: "Right, doesn't it mean that Qiu Yiming came to settle in Zhou Guo? I remember that he lived not far from Kyoto. You can find him too!"

"Slave slaves will do it immediately!"

After the old **** left, the empress retreated, leaning on the dragon chair, and sighed in a low voice: "Chen Pengfei... Really a pity!"

When Chen Pengfei sent Qiu Yiming to deliver the news, her first reaction was that Chen Pengfei was crazy!

But then came the battle report, she thoroughly understood the strongest genius in the history of Nanyun!

"It would be nice if he was still alive...then it would not be a dream to unite the South Region!"

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