I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 377: Three days vigil

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When he arrived at the scene, Xu Sheng saw Jiang Haoqi and Mi Pengming.

After the two saluted Xu Sheng, Xu Sheng nodded and lifted the tent next to it. There were six young Zhou Guo soldiers wading in the tent. They were silent, their quilt was lifted, and there was almost a shallow body. There was a shallow wound with black pus blood at the wound, and there was a foul smell inside the tent.

Xu Sheng looked at the long knife with black blood in the hand of the general and asked, "Is it poisoned?"

"Marshal Qi Yun, they all died of poisoning!"

"Do you know who's hand?"

Xu Sheng hasn't led soldiers to fight in a century. For many masters of the Black Blood Kingdom, he only stays on intelligence.

Xiao Haoqi replied: "Marshal, it should be the master of the Black Blood Kingdom Poison Sect!"

"Yes, it's definitely the hands of the poison demon sect." Mi Pengming also agreed. "This is the soul dissipation. We have encountered it on the battlefield before. The poison of the poison sect's unique poison has no smell. There was a southeast wind last night, and the masters of the Poison Sect might have spilled them into the wind... Actually, our people are already prepared, but the other party is very strong!"

"I understand, to strengthen the defense tonight, absolutely not let those thieves succeed!" Xu Sheng thought for a moment, said, "In the past two days, you are fortunate to have lost some, you are in charge of the night."

"It will be obeyed at the end!"

But what Xu Sheng didn’t expect was that the next morning, he got news again that more than 2,000 Zhou Guo soldiers were killed last night. One of the masters of heaven-breaking world was killed, and the three masters of heaven-breaking world were unconscious. Including General Mi Pengfei.

When Xu Sheng saw Mi Pengfei, he was lying on the bed, and he woke up and turned around, but his face was very red, just like a layer of red paint.

"Sorry, Marshal Xu, I didn't catch the opponent, let him run!"

"How is your health?" Xu Sheng did not blame Mi Pengming, but asked about his physical condition.

"It's no big problem. I've been prepared for a long time. The poisoning is not deep. It has been suppressed. I can go to the battlefield to kill at any time!" Mi Pengfei said angrily. "Tonight I can still watch the night. As long as he dares to come, I will Must be able to catch him."

"Okay, you should cultivate yourself first, and let us do the rest!"

Let the poisoned Mi Pengming go to the vigil, Xu Sheng asked himself that he could not do such a thing.

Out of Mi Pengming's camp, Xiao Haoqi just came over.

"Marshal, I have blocked last night's news. The bodies have been dispatched to deal with them, and all are burned!"

"Handled well!"

Xiao Haoqi hesitated and asked: "Xu Guogong, do you want to report this to your majesty?"

"General Mi is injured, let it be reported!"

It stands to reason that Zhou Lihua escorted her in person and her military affairs should be reported to her once a day.

Yesterday's matter, Xu Sheng thought he could handle it well, but did not expect the other party to be so powerful!

"Forget it, I will talk about it myself!"

After Xu Sheng quickly found Zhou Lihua and reported the matter to her briefly, he said: "It is incompetent, and your majesty is also required to punish!"

"Punish you for one year. You should report it to me for such a thing. Let's take an example!"

"Your Majesty Dragon!"

For a veteran strongman like Xu Sheng, there is not much salary for a year.

"Tonight, I will go by myself. I want to see who dares to use these insidious means against the soldiers!"

So that night, Zhou Lihua stayed in the former army for a whole night, and the warriors of the Toxic Demon Sect never appeared. When it was dawning, Zhou Lihua's face was frosted-angry!

Turned around and looked at Jiang Qinyu: "Qinyu, how do I think you are in a good mood?"

"Are there? No?"

"Yes, clearly written on the face!"

"Hmm~ I will be my majesty to accompany me to see the stars!" Qin Yu laughed, "I have watched it all night, is this the first time?"


Zhou Lihua stayed in the former army for three nights again. The day before, she could still see the stars and the moon. The next day, all three days were cloudy. The grunts and grinds of the rude military men, when the wind blows, she will smell a sour smell...

"Your Majesty, the thief may have sensed the danger!" Xu Sheng whispered when he saw a layer of frost on Zhou Lihua's face, "Will you go rest and let us continue to be on duty?"

"Who is on duty?"

"It should be possible at the end!"

Zhou Lihua glanced at Xu Sheng's gray hair and nodded, "Okay, you will be on duty for the rest of the day!"


"The slave is here!"

"Go get the map and tell me where the Toxic Sect is!"

"The slave maid understands!"

Zhou Lihua said in a warm voice to Xu Sheng: "Xu Guogong, I'll ask you here, but in this tone, I will help you out!"

Xu Sheng thought for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, be careful, at the end you will always feel that things are a little bit strange!"

"Relax, the entire Southern Territory, who can retain me, should not have yet."

The power of the black blood country's magic road is strong. Almost every power of the magic road has a station. There is not much cover. Since the rise of the black blood country, Zhou Guo has noticed this country and has always paid more attention to the intelligence collection work of the black blood country.

Jiang Qinyu quickly pointed out the location of the Poison Sect on the map.

The location of the Poison Sect is not far away. With Zhou Lihua's ability, he should be able to arrive in three days and three nights.

"Xu Guogong, when I am away, you will handle the affairs in the military. Of course, there are important things. You need to tell Qin Yu, she must know!"

"You will understand at the end!"

"Qin Yu, you pretend to be my own, and continue to watch the night with Xu Guogong!"

Qin Yu's ability to pretend to be Zhou Lihua is strong enough to be fake, and even her father and emperor couldn't tell who was her daughter.

"The slave maid understands!"

"Also, you can change my appearance and help me look like you."

She didn't want to, she was aware of the fact that she left the army and went to the poison demon sect.

After ordering the rest, Zhou Lihua sorted out a little outfit and left the army!

Three days and three nights, day and night, Zhou Lihua finally rushed to the vicinity of the Demon Sect.

The Toxic Devil Sects are surrounded by mountains and steep mountains, and there is a lot of malaria. There are many poisonous insects, and there are many organ formation traps. It is a dangerous place, but the threat to Zhou Lihua is not great.

Looking at the gray malaria in front of him, Zhou Lihua frowned, the smell was not good, and there was a smell of rotting corpses.

But she didn't hesitate much and rushed into the malaria.

A golden barrier appeared on her, isolating all malaria from the barrier.

In the distance, she saw a high mountain with dense vegetation and faintly visible countless holes in the mountain!

The rats of the Poison Sect live in these caves.

Without saying a word, she pulled out the Red Blood Sword and whispered softly: "Golden Profound Truth, Killing Profound Truth, and Wind Profound Truth-Blood Elemental Golden Cut!"

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