I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 612: I'm out of control

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After Qing Yan discovered that the Spirit God Fruit was too fresh, the first time she thought that she had been cheated by Chen Gang, the second time, she was suspicious, suspecting that Chen Gang's team might have more than one Spirit God Fruit!

On a vine of a spirit, it is impossible to bear only one fruit?

Don't look at Chen Gang's miserable beating when faced with light face, think he is a parallel of the pinnacle of supernatural powers!

Among the supernatural warriors of the supernatural powers, Chen Gang’s strength and fighting power are absolutely top-notch, and it is not a problem to deal with the three ordinary superpowers supernatural powers of supernatural powers.

Since getting the Red Blood Sword and realizing the mystery of Kuaiyan, most of the warriors of the same level as Qingyan can't take her a few moves, but Chen Gang has dragged on Qingyan's hand for so long, which shows his strength!

It's just a pity that he met with light face, and this strength was increased to the terrible Red Blood Sword Master.

Qingyan has also been paying attention to gathering intelligence recently, and has not heard of any news that Liang Ping's state-owned spirit **** fruit was born.

It stands to reason that the birth of a group of spirit **** fruits will definitely cause a large-scale contention, even if many warriors have not grabbed it, the news will definitely come out.

Why didn't Qingyan get the news?

Then the most likely explanation is that the birth of these spirits and fruits, few people know or know the news... have been killed!

The blood-stained way of doing things, Qing Yan is very clear, as long as they are possible, they will definitely swallow all the spirits.

In order to maintain confidentiality, they may also kill all relevant personnel!

Of course, all this was just a light guess before intercepting the members of Blood Shoutang.

As a result, she used the perfect killing power to kill her, and then tried it a little bit. Sure enough, someone showed her feet.

Once the other party slightly exposed his feet, the light and madly splashed dirty water on Chen Gang!

The old man in the late stage of the blood-handed gods had a bitter expression in the later stage, so that they would hand over their spirits and fruits, as if they were chewing their flesh!

Chen Gang is at the peak of his magical powers and wants to break through. He can only work on the magical powers of perfection. The three-leaf spirit can not help him to break through. It is a bit daunting for them, but for those of them who have not reached the peak of the magical powers. Say, the spirit is very important to them!

Perhaps, because of the lack of a spirit **** fruit, their martial arts road will never reach the peak...

"Have you thought about it?" Qing Yan slowly pulled out the red blood soft sword. "I also look at you as a fellow, and I want to spare you. If you don't give it, then I can only grab it. ..."

"Do you pay?" The martial artist asked other companions with his eyes afterwards.

The faces of other people are so ugly!

"I counted three..." Qing Yan whispered very impatiently.

As if afraid of the five people on the opposite side agreeing to her, Qing Yan shouted at a very fast speed: "Three, two, one!"

Almost at the same time that Qing Yan shouted "One", Qing Yan moved!

Under the terrible blood, the two masters in the early stage of Shenshoutang suddenly lost their fighting power...

"We agree to pay!" the old man in the late stage of Shentongjing shouted rashly.

Responding to him is the blood of the red blood sword!

Qing Yan looked at the five supernatural powers who were lying on the ground and whispered, "Late!"

Chen Hao felt that from the beginning, Qing Yan didn't seem to plan to let them hand over the spirits and fruits, and said so many things to these people. In fact, the main reason seems to be to arrange Chen Gang!

Spill dirty water on Chen Gang, help Chen Gang pull hatred!

The red blood soft sword wrapped around the neck of the old man of the supernatural powers, dragged him in front of Qingyan and hung it.

The light, blood-red eyes stared directly at the old man in front of him, making the old man's heart grow hairy.

He can clearly feel the violent killing intention of the other party and the madness that is about to get out of the way!

He remembered the information of Chen Ruoyan. The information showed that the other party had practiced the quick evil gate method. After Dai Ye threw the walking dead, his spirit was greatly stimulated and he began to show signs of getting into trouble... in Zongmen It seems that Chen Ruoyan may get caught in the wild and fall into madness at any time, which is a real danger!

The red blood soft sword began to shrink slowly, cut the flesh on his neck, and felt the tingling from his neck. The old man was all desperate!

The other four were helpless in the face of the lightness in this state.

They all felt that it must have been loaded today...

Just as the old man closed his eyes and waited for death, the red blood sword was loose!

The old man fell to the ground, his face full of surprise after the rest of his life...

He saw Qing Yan suddenly covering his forehead, and the blood-red color flashed in his eyes for a while, and then he gradually heard that the murderous intention in her body also disappeared.

what happened?

All five people were a little ignorant.

Qing Yan rubbed her forehead and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, I didn't actually dress up to hurt you. After all, we used to be the same!"

The five members of Xueshoutang did not respond, and they were a little confused about the situation.

"It's just that I can't control myself recently..."

When Qing Yan said this, her words were full of inexpressible fatigue!

Chen Hao laughed wildly in the Red Blood Sword!

What a sharp performance!

This kind of brilliant performance is put in the world before him, and it is definitely the leader in the film!

The five members of Xueshoutang all understood the meaning of lightness and could not control themselves. Doesn’t that mean they were close to getting into trouble?

They have many companions in the Blood Shoutang, all of them died because they got into fire.

And they also know that "Chen Ruoyan" was originally the kind that would be enchanted at any time!

Thinking of this, they felt a little sour in their hearts.

"You have to be calm!" The old man wiped the wound on his neck and said with concern.

His words also expressed the wishes of all the members of the Blood Hand Church present!

They don't want "Chen Ruoyan" to get out of control again!

"Your space rings are handed in!"

The old man sighed and threw the space ring to Qingyan. The other four lying on the ground also followed a blood sample. Even if they were reluctant, they could only choose to succumb.

Artificial knife, I am fish.

The only host who could resist "Chen Ruoyan" had already escaped first, even if they didn't pay, and the other party "angry" and killed them, they could get it.

Qing Yan got five space rings and said softly, "You are all my predecessors in the blood-stained door. I shouldn't have been offended like this, but I am also forced!"

Seeing the other five people looking at her, Qing Yan continued, "My strength has broken through too fast, my mental state is insufficient, it is difficult to control myself, and the killing magical power often affects my mind. I feel that I can't persist for long. If I don’t get into trouble, I’m holding my heart, and I still have my last wish!"

The five members of Xueshoutang didn't speak, and they knew the reason for scorning and escaping blood.

"In the morning, Master Chen also told me that the best way for me now is to raise other slightly neutral myths or supernatural powers, as long as they can be raised to the same level as the killing supernatural powers, it can be alleviated. The effect of killing supernatural powers on me... it just happens that you have spiritual and spiritual fruits in your hands."

"I know that these spirits and fruits are important to you... But I don't want to die yet. I still have a lot of things to do. Apologies for you are useless, but I still want to say sorry to you!"

Lightly and gracefully, he bowed to the five masters of Shenshoutang Shentongjing present, and the old man in the later stage of Shentongjing even said "Dare not!"

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