I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 798: A broken finger

The truth of the matter has been revealed.

The Scarlet Blood Sword returned to normal, and the white light dissipated. Dong Xinlu took a step back on the spot, keeping her balance, and then staring around blankly. She didn't know what happened just now!

"Smelly woman, go to death!"

"Since I dare to deceive Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu pity you so much just now!"

"Yes, kill her!"

The people who were deceived by Dong Xinlu just now were angry!

How much they sympathized with her before, they hate her now.

Chu Xiangming's wife started fighting with Dong Xinlu while wiping her tears.

Dong Xinlu was not her opponent at all, she was beaten so loudly for help. She still didn't know what happened during the time she lost consciousness just now.

She thought that at least Deng Yifei would help him.

Deng Yifei impatiently separated Chu Xiangming's wife and Dong Xinlu: "Stop fighting!"

"Master Deng, thank you for saving me. What's the matter with them? They seem to hate me? Did I do something wrong just now?"

Seeing Dong Xinlu still pretending, Chu Xiangming's wife sneered: "Pretend, continue to pretend! Just now everyone listened, you admit that you seduce my husband and frame him!"

"Impossible, you must be lying to me! Obviously Chu Xiangming used me strong first!"

After Dong Xinlu said these words, the faces of people around were mocking and contemptuous.

This made Dong Xinlu panicked, and she quickly looked at Deng Yifei, the martial arts expert she relied on most.

In her opinion, the Breaching Realm Warrior is definitely a strong one!

She saw the ultimate indifference on Deng Yifei's face.

"No need to pretend, you just confessed everything!" Deng Yifei held the Scarlet Blood Sword tightly, feeling a bit hot on his face. Not only did he kill one person by mistake today, he was also fooled by an ordinary person. Shame is really a shame, "So, because you framed Chu Xiangming and caused Chu Xiangming's death, I will kill you myself!"

Seeing Deng Yifei drawing his sword, Dong Xinlu finally knew that she had been demolished.

"No, no, no! I don't want to die!" Dong Xinlu backed away, but was stopped by those around him, "Master Deng, can you let me go, I'm just confused for a while!"

Deng Yifei immediately refused: "No!"

Dong Xinlu asked unwillingly, "Why should I be killed if I lied? But you are the one who killed Chu Xiangming!"

Chu Xiangming's wife glanced at Deng Yifei, then lowered her head.

In her heart, the idea of ​​killing Deng Yifei to avenge her husband is basically gone. Now, what she most wants to kill and is most likely to kill is Dong Xinlu, the culprit of everything.

"I am the one who killed Chu Xiangming. I will find a way to make up for it, but you should go to death first!"

Deng Yifei waved his sword, and Dong Xinlu, an ordinary woman, died away.

I have to say that although Dong Xinlu is just a civilian, she really taught Deng Yifei a lesson today.

Sometimes strength is important, but just having strength is obviously not enough.

Because you are not paying attention, you may be used as a gun.

"Mrs. Chu?" Deng Yifei glanced at the slightly raised belly of the other party.

Chu Xiangming's wife asked back: "Why, is there anything else for you? Could it be that you are planning to kill me together and cut the roots?"

"No, for today's matter, I did make a mistake. I, Deng Yifei, formally apologize to you!"

"Apologize? You want me to forgive you with an apology?" Chu Xiangming's wife whispered, "However, if this is your request, I accept your apology!"

Deng Yifei raised his left hand, and with a sound of "sharp", white light flashed, and Deng Yifei's left hand was gone.

Throwing a **** little finger into Chu Xiangming's hand, Deng Yifei said solemnly: "Wrong killed your husband. I did make a mistake. I judged myself. It is a lesson. I gave this little finger to you. I gave it to you. Compensation, if one day, if you encounter any trouble, you can use this finger to find me through the sting bee organization. As long as it does not violate justice, I can help you solve it!"

"Any trouble?"

"Well! As long as you don't violate justice!" Deng Yifei whispered, "I will find a way to solve it for you. If the difficulty is too high, I may delay the completion time limit. If you want to use it, there is only one chance. Please consider it carefully. "

"Then I let you commit suicide?"

Deng Yifei shook his head slightly: "This is impossible!"

"Then I want you to kill Emperor Cai?"

"If you want to, and if Emperor Cai is not a good person, I should help you!" Deng Yifei looked into the eyes of Chu Xiangming's wife and said meaningfully, "But I still recommend you when there is a real need. , Take it out, as long as I live, I won’t regret it!"

"I understand!"

"Then, goodbye!"

Chu Xiangming's wife looked at Deng Yifei's gradually leaving back, and the hatred in her eyes was much less.

She and Deng Yifei are destined to be people of two worlds.

She wanted to kill Deng Yifei, which was also a foolish dream.

She didn't have the ability to tell other martial arts masters to attack Deng Yifei!

Chu Xiangming's wife looked at Dong Xinlu's body and shouted, "Come here, cut up Dong Xinlu's body and feed the dog!"

Deng Yifei went back along the road where he had just come to Xiangminglou, his left hand was still bleeding, and the blood was sprinkled on the stone pavement, speckled.

Sword Spirit Chen Hao suddenly asked, "Why are you doing this? Wouldn't it be too costly to break a finger?"

Deng Yifei looked at his left hand indifferently, bit open a bottle of medicine stopper, and sprinkled the powder on the wound and said: "This time, I was too careless. Meaning, in the future, my reputation will be beaten, and more people will use me. If I use me to kill other villains, it's fine. If I use me to kill innocent people, my sin will be great!"

"Today, I should be deceived by an ordinary woman. This shouldn't be the case. The biggest responsibility should still be in my mentality. In the last few days, I have had too much smooth sailing, too smooth!" Deng Yifei looked at it and stopped. The **** wound said, "Break off a finger is to teach me a lesson, in order to calm me down!"

"You are happy, if you find it useful, just do it!"

Chen Hao didn't quite understand the motive behind Deng Yifei's actions, but this did not hinder his support.

And it's just a finger. As long as it takes some time, Deng Yifei still has a way to make the new pinky grow back.

Of course, it depends on whether he needs it.

When they returned to Zhang's Mansion, the people in Xujiapu were still carrying their belongings, so Deng Yifei was inconvenient to disturb.

He hesitated for a moment and came to the Sting Bee Organization branch in Yuyang City. The first thing Deng Yifei wanted to buy was Chu Xiangming and the information of Chu Xiangming's wife.

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