I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 82: Loss of reason

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Vigorously whispered: "Oops, we ambush!"

The scorpion stomped fiercely!

The white wolf scolded harshly: "Damn!"


Seventeen held the red blood epee tightly and stared at the blood-red sky.

The corpse five days ago, the hordes of blue wood wolves, Sun Jiacheng who broke out of the formation, the injured formation mage, the blood stains left behind the leaves of the grass... These scenes and traces all hinted that the formation mage has gone away. !

No one expected that the formation mage who had ambushed the city guard of Juyuan City a few days ago and was injured did not leave!

Even squatted here, prepared a big surprise for them.

The whole world was dyed red. Seventeen found that the blood-red earth, the blood-red trees, the blood-red sky... He could only barely distinguish the sky, the earth, the trees from the blood-red depth and shape Different people.

The surrounding temperature dropped dramatically, even if it was seventeen.

It was soon discovered that the cold did not come from the outside, but from the heart.

The spirit of the whole person is in extreme depression. He has a desire to kill his sword and kill it. The kind of breeding breed is growing and growing, and the desire is getting stronger and stronger, almost destroying the reason of seventeen!

This is a very familiar feeling. Seventeen had experienced many times. If it was not in the formation, he would have to wonder if the aura of the red blood demon sword was opened!

No wonder those villagers and city guards will kill each other crazy!

Within the formation, evil tiger, white wolf, Dali, scorpion, black bull, and Zhou Lihao, everyone feels the same!

The evil tiger braced hard, shouting loudly with only reason: "Let's rush out together!"

This is the only way he can think of in this situation.

Reason has been affected and serious consideration of countermeasures is impossible!

White wolf, Dali, scorpion, black bull and seventeen, and the guide followed the evil tiger's footsteps in one direction.

Just a few steps later, seventeen saw Zhou Lihao poked his sword on the back of Black Bull, Black Bull roared, and his backhand was a punch. The two directly fought against each other without leaving a little room, like a life and death enemy.

Vigorously turned around and shouted: "Black Bull!"

But Black Bull didn't respond, he had completely lost his mind.

Go back vigorously and strike a stick on Zhou Lihao's back, but then, he attacks Black Bull again!

Seventeen knew that Dali was completely crazy!

The evil tiger captain shouted loudly: "What are you still doing, follow me to escape!"

However, it was the weapons of the white wolf and scorpion that responded to him.

"Captain, let me help you!"

"it is good!"

Seeing the white wolf and the scorpion entangle the evil tiger, the seventeen waver's epee immediately hurried to help.

Seventeen is very clear that the evil tiger is the strongest among them. It is almost impossible to escape the formation and kill the insidious formation mage without the help of the evil tiger captain!

However, Seventeen too overestimated his strength. Only the peak strength of Qihai Realm could not compete with White Wolf and Scorpion. Coupled with the status of White Wolf and Scorpion, he could hardly help.

"Master Jianling, ten percent aura!"

Chen Hao chuckled inside the magic sword: "Boy, you have to think clearly, you can't support it anymore, open the aura of aura, you will immediately go crazy like those people!"

The evil tiger forced the two white wolves and scorpions, and immediately fled without looking back.

The white wolf is already mad, and he chases the evil tiger madly, and the scorpion, she turns back to the seventeen.

Damn it!

Seventeen where do not know yet, he was abandoned?

In the face of the scorpion, seventeen is not impossible to play, he spelled out all the cards, and it is still possible to kill the scorpion who lost his reason.

But what should I do after killing the scorpion?

The Qi Qi field is very similar to the formation he is in now. Seventeen experienced many Qi Qi field exercises, and his mental strength is far superior to ordinary martial arts, so he can stick to the present, but he is very clear. Kill a warrior, the harder it is to stay awake in the formation!

Once the reason is lost in the formation, the consequences are unbearable!

Seventeen rushed to the place where Black Bull, Dali and Zhou Lihao fought, and the scorpion who lost their senses really entangled with them!

"Chasing the wind!"

He ran in the direction where the evil tiger disappeared!

But just over ten meters away, a blood-red human figure appeared.

Seeing the body shape, that is the evil tiger captain.

"Captain, why are you back?"

Answer seventeen is a fierce sword gas!

Damn it!

All crazy!

"Flash step!"

Seventeen tried hard to run towards the scorpion.

Fortunately, not far from them, otherwise Seventeen is really not sure to escape under the crazy attack of the evil tiger captain.

The white wolf is mostly dead!

The five tigers, Black Bull, Dali, Zhou Lihao, and Scorpion, who had completely lost their minds, fought together. Soon after, the five human blood shadows disappeared.

"Even the evil tiger captain has lost his mind, can't that Sun Jiacheng escape?"

Chen Hao whispered in a low voice: "Perhaps it was the illusion that the formation mage deliberately gave you?"

"Master Jianling, what should I do? Do you have a way to wake up the captain?"

"Sorry, I don't have a way to keep them awake...but I have a certainty to make them crazier!" Chen Hao thought about the situation now, and decided to help him.

He doesn't want to be acquired by the formation mage, even if the opponent is really strong!

He thought for a moment and replied: "I have a method, it is possible to destroy the formation."

"what way?"

"The formation of the aura is very similar, if the aura is fully opened, it is likely to break through it!"

Seventeen urged: "Then open it!"

He felt his intellect disappeared.

"But if you think about it, if you really open the Qiqi field and break the formation, the secret of the Red Blood Demon Sword will probably be discovered by the waking person!" Chen Hao whispered, "I will probably be blue Home snatched!"

Could the Lan family find the Red Blood Demon Sword?

Of course it is possible!

The scary vision could not be concealed by allowing the Red Blood Demon Sword to fully release the aura of aura.

Especially experienced and experienced, the evil tiger captain loyal to the Lan family is still present! They just lost their reason temporarily, it does not mean that they will lose all their memories when they are awake. Seventeen used to be crazy during the first execution, but afterwards he was still able to remember what happened after he lost his mind.

After doing so many tasks, Seventeen didn't believe in Lan's conduct at all.

Chen Hao added: "I need to make it clear to you that the red blood demon sword can only be replaced by the new sword master after the death of the former sword master!"

"Master Jianling means...When they die, shall we try to break through the formation?"

He didn't dare to think about killing people and killing his mouth. He couldn't beat the evil tiger, black bull, Dali and scorpion.

"No, I mean, take advantage of them and go kill them quickly!"

"Why kill them?" Affected by the formation, 17 thoughts began to freeze.

"You forgot, there is a formation wizard outside waiting for you!" Chen Hao said seriously, "You can only use the power of the Red Blood Demon Sword to improve your cultivation ability in a short period of time to have a chance to survive."

"But killing them, I broke through to the beginning of the real Yuan at most!"

"No, I'm sure to let you break through to the middle or later period of the real Yuan realm, it is a side effect!" Chen Hao whispered, "You have three choices, the first choice: do nothing, you all die together; Two options: I directly open the Qiqi field with all my strength, and have the opportunity to destroy the formation. If it succeeds, the evil tiger, black bull, Dali, and scorpion may all live, and then the red blood demon sword is likely to be taken, and finally you will die; the third Choice: Kill evil tigers, black bulls, Dali, and scorpions to increase strength. I will try my best to destroy the formation. You alone have a chance to escape and continue to fulfill your unfinished vow... which one you choose, tell me! "

"Seventeen, I finally warn you that it is better to control fate in your own hands. Don’t believe in illusory luck. Evil tigers know your abilities well. Don’t gamble on the blood-red demon sword in case it is not found. Tell the truth. , My previous sword masters, not very lucky!"

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