I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 817: Nangong Family

The leader of the city guards said: "My lord, his subordinates feel that Deng Yifei is a little overwhelmed. If his subordinates remember correctly, Deng Yifei was a warrior at the peak of the Heaven-Breaching Realm not long ago. He can't reach the supernatural power realm now, even if Deng Yifei is talented. No matter how strong it is, no matter how strong the fighting consciousness is, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Nangong family's Celestial Breaching Realm martial artist, and even less likely to be the opponent of the Nangong Old Thief!

When the leader of the city guard said so, Lord City Lord's expression became gloomy again.

However, the city lord did not blame the leader of the city guards. Firstly, the other party was convinced by his own side, and was loyal to him since he was a child. Secondly, the other party's analysis was indeed reasonable. From a rational point of view, Deng Yifei thought It is indeed impossible to destroy the Nangong family.

From a distance, above the Nangong family, a white luminous body hangs high.

Countless warriors rushed toward the white light like moths.

Many civilians and low-level warriors were awakened from their sleep. They either opened the window or ran out the door. Anyone who saw the white light or saw countless warriors would guess what was about to happen.

It is very possible that a war of warriors is about to take place in Minan City!

Many ordinary people hurriedly packed up and fled outside, preparing to run out of the city.

This is the world, the consciousness of ordinary people.

Only in this way can they live longer.

Just when someone was about to escape, someone suddenly discovered that the white light, like a ghost fire, floated outside the city of Minan.

And the figures of the warriors of the Nangong family who chased him also followed the white light out of Minan City.

Countless residents of Minan City breathed a sigh of relief, including the lord of Minan City.

If Minan City was spread or damaged during the battle, the damage would be great. Maybe the county guard would even ask him!

"Deng Yifei, this location is beautiful, it should be a suitable place for your burial, right?"

The Nangong family originally wanted to attack immediately, but when they discovered that Deng Yifei had taken the initiative to evacuate Minan City, they also changed their place smoothly.

After all, Minan City is the base camp of their Nangong family, and they also don't want Minan City to be affected.

"This place is for your burial. After all, it is your hometown, not far from your family!"

The Patriarch of the Nangong family shouted: "Give me up!"

The seven Nangong family's peak-breaking martial artists just approached Deng Yifei, and felt a deep chill coming. For no reason, their hearts were a little bit cold.

This situation is very abnormal.

You know, the vast majority of warriors at the top of the world-breaking realm are experienced and lived for hundreds of years. They have rich combat experience and it is impossible for them to be timid before fighting.

"Thunder Sword Technique!"

The thunder-thundering swordsmanship, the mysterious swordsmanship, after Deng Yifei's years of training and fighting, has reached the realm of great success.

Even if Deng Yifei's savvy isn't strong, he can't hold him to take the world with one sword.

The "Thunder Prison Sword Art" Liu Hansu gave him, he is still just a beginner, and in terms of the power used, it is not as good as Dacheng Realm's "Thunder Sword Art".

And because of the increase in the swordsmanship of the Scarlet Blood Sword, the power of the Thunder Sword in Deng Yifei's hands has surpassed those Xiaocheng's low-rank swordsmanship.

"Thunder step!"

In the burst of thunder, Deng Yifei used a sword to repel a peak-breaking realm powerhouse, and then rushed into the other late-stage and mid-stage warriors.

The fighters of the same level may be able to block Deng Yifei's several moves, but once the cultivation base is lower than Deng Yifei, those fighters are very likely to be killed by Deng Yifei!

Nangong aristocratic family background is good, there are a lot of warriors in the world, but sometimes, the number of people is not necessarily a good thing, especially during the big melee, there are many powerful tricks, and they are afraid of accidentally hurting the same family.


Every time the thunder sounded, Deng Yifei would change position like a teleport.

Every time he changes his position, a head of the Nangong Family Shattering Realm Warrior is raised high.

The explosive power of Thunder Step for a short time, in this kind of group battle, the effect was brought to the extreme by Deng Yifei!

In this chaotic battle, Deng Yifei was not unscathed.

The warriors of the Nangong family are not vegetarians. They also left countless bleeding wounds on Deng Yifei's body. If the time is prolonged a little longer, even if no one can kill Deng Yifei with a single sword, it may drag Deng Yifei to death.

Of course, this is just what they imagined.

The real situation is that whenever Deng Yifei kills a warrior of the Nangong family, the Scarlet Blood Sword will feed back a small amount of energy into Deng Yifei's body.

During this killing, Deng Yifei's true essence in his dantian was increasing, his body was strengthening, and his injuries were recovering quickly.

"Listen to my orders, all the warriors below the peak of the sky-breaking realm, all retreat!"

The Patriarch of the Nangong family quickly reacted. He realized that it seemed that the crowded tactics would only cost their family even more.

As a result, those warriors in the middle and late stages of the Breaching Realm began to retreat, and Deng Yifei was chasing them down while being chased down by seven warriors at the peak of the Breaching Realm!

Deng Yifei's body skills are not weak, not to mention that with the enhancement of the Scarlet Blood Sword, it is difficult for the seven peak powers to catch up with him.

Deng Yifei's killing method quickly made the Patriarch of the Nangong family feel heartbroken.

Those warriors who broke the heavens are all the mainstays of the Nangong family. If they lose one, he will suffer for a long time, but now, they have fallen one after another!

Nangong Patriarch yelled: "Deng Yifei, if there is something, you can rush to us. What's the point of attacking those people?"

Deng Yifei didn't talk, but killed himself.

Judging from the information Huo Sining gave him, the crimes committed by the Nangong family in Minan City are simply too numerous to document. The crimes for hundreds of years can not be seen for three days and three nights. Huo Sining has selected seven Nangong families, the most in the past century. Deng Yifei mentioned the representative evil.

Robbing civilian girls and oppressing civilians are just commonplace. Now Deng Yifei sees more and doesn't even blink.

The people who made Deng Yifei upset, within the Nangong family, a small number of people practiced the magic way. Every year in Minan city and nearby towns, thousands of people disappear. The intelligence of the sting bee organization is that these people are missing. The gang entrenched in the area has something to do with... But this gang was fostered by the Nangong family.

The spies of the Sting Bee organization witnessed the gang sending the missing people into the Nangong family.

Then, then there is no more.

Never saw those people come out again.

The people in the Sting Bee organization can probably guess the result, and it is impossible for them to continue to investigate.

Unless someone is willing to spend a lot of money to buy this kind of information.

"Deng Yifei, I am going to kill your family!"

"I will fulfill your wish and let me send you to see my family first!"

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