I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 820: Early stage

Everyone can see that there are many doubts about the Nangong family's rebellion.

Especially, Lord City Lord’s time is so in a hurry, it is clear that there is something tricky, and he wants to make this case an iron case in a short time.

After the notice was announced, almost everyone who heard the news in Minan City began to squeeze frantically at the door of the vegetable market in Minan City.

Several blocks near the vegetable market were surrounded by water, and several stampede incidents occurred, which made the Minan city officials have to dispatch a large number of city guards to maintain order on the scene.

Countless civilians cheered loudly, and even those with surplus wealth would set off firecrackers at the door.

It can be seen how much people from the Nangong family are hated in Minan City!

"It's great, it's so clear that the Nangong family is finally over!"

"The Lord Niu Cheng is really the Great Master Qingtian!"

"I didn't expect Niu Chengzhu to be so powerful. A Nangong clan would get rid of it!"

"You are wrong. It is not the Lord Niu Cheng who actually eradicated the Nangong family, but the Aurora swordsman Deng Yifei. If Deng Yifei hadn't killed all the masters of the Nangong family, the Lord Niu would not dare to touch the Nangong family!"

"Do you have any evidence? Who is that Aurora Swordsman?"

"Of course there is evidence. The white light that appeared above the Nangong family yesterday proves that in the entire Southern Territory, only the Aurora swordsman Deng Yifei can emit such a strong white light. In the battle last night, the Nangong family lost a mess, even the family ancestors, They are all killed!"

"Really so amazing?"

"Deng Yifei is so powerful. It is said that he is a rare genius in the Southern Territory for thousands of years. Many forces are looking for him, hoping to recruit him under his command, but I think their solicitation is destined to be useless. Deng Yifei is too special. It is impossible to be recruited by any power. He is too upright and rigid, and there is no sand in his eyes. No matter which power he enters, he will probably mess up that power!"

"What you said is very true. Look, those in the prison cars are just old and weak women and children. The warriors are probably dead in the battle yesterday!"

The civilians in Minan City, when they saw the carriage drawn by the Nangong tribe, began to throw rotten vegetables, rotten eggs, mud, and even stones into the carriage...

The people of Minan City deeply hate the Nangong family.

When the time was up, the execution was executed, and the heads began to fall.

When Su Yang woke up, it was already the next evening.

He had a big meal with Huo Sining in the inn, and what he heard was that the aurora swordsman Deng Yifei yesterday killed all the warriors of the Nangong family and eradicated evil for the people; today, the lord of Niucheng in Minan City, killed the nine Nangong family , The charge is collusion with the devil and intent to rebel!

What Deng Yifei heard in his ears, almost all the diners “believe” that the Nangong family did intend to rebel!

Deng Yifei who got it was also a little skeptical.

Deng Yifei asked Huo Sining: "Is the Nangong family really colluding with the magic way to plot rebellion?"

"I don't know this. Anyway, I only know that there are people in the Nangong family who practice the magic way. You should know this best!" Huo Sining also failed to give an accurate answer. "As for whether they colluded with the magic way, it is hard to say. Whether there is any intention to rebel, our people have not been investigated for the time being, and it is not ruled out for the time being, because they have done a good job in keeping secrets!"

"So be it! After eating, let's go to the next goal!"

Deng Yifei didn't want to pull his hands on the Nangong family's being sentenced to the Nine Clan.

Especially after seeing those many civilians clapping their hands and cheering, even if Deng Yifei had some doubts about the city lord of Minan City, he did not delve into it.

There is no shortage of villains in this world.

He has never lacked goals.

In comparison, a Minan city city lord, a small-scale warrior in the world-breaking realm, didn't even have the idea of ​​doing things, and maybe, people really acted according to the law, and the Nangong family is indeed suspected of rebellion.

In this way, according to the law, Deng Yifei is not easy to trouble him.

Therefore, with the help of Liu Quanjun’s old ministry, Deng Yifei began to frantically kill the villains in the early stage of the supernatural power realm in Cai Guo!

Among them, there are single villains and some weak first-class forces.

Every time after killing the opponent, or destroying a force, Deng Yifei will leave behind the crimes of the opponent to prove the reason for the opponent's killing!

Not only the Sting Bee was cooperating with Deng Yifei, even the Scarlet Sword was cooperating with him.

Every time Deng Yifei punishes the evil, Chen Hao will turn on his consciousness to help Deng Yifei look out for the wind.

After all, Chen Hao likes to give preferential treatment to Deng Yifei who is full of energy.

Soon, all the major forces in the Cai Kingdom were alarmed by crazy Deng Yifei!

Some small first-class forces are even more dangerous for everyone!

Because they found that according to Deng Yifei's non-standard, they all seemed to be damned!

Let me ask, which powerful warrior dare to say that he has never killed innocent people indiscriminately in his life, or that he has never affected innocent people?

That powerful warrior dare to say that he has made no mistakes in his life?

As for those forces, let alone mention them. In order to obtain violence and resources, they are more or less not good people!

In just over a month, Deng Yifei's strength improved by leaps and bounds.

When he killed a wanted criminal in the early stage of the supernatural power realm, and the Scarlet Blood Sword began to feed him energy, the true essence in his dantian was about to be filled!

At this time, Deng Yifei's mind suddenly became clear, and the original silent aurora profundity broke out again!

Chen Hao watched the Aurora Profound Aura on his body getting stronger and stronger, and the dazzling light of Aurora Prosperity became stronger and stronger...

Soon, the light of the golden sun hanging high in the sky seemed to be covered by the white light of Deng Yifei!

When the white light reaches the extreme, the whole world is white!

White earth and stones.

White woods, insects.

White body, white sky!

This strong white light feels like it can blind the eyes of most people.

Deng Yifei closed his eyes and could no longer feel his own existence, as if he was integrated with the whole world.

With this familiar feeling, Chen Hao knew that Deng Yifei's Aurora had broken through.

After killing countless villains, Deng Yifei's persistence paid off!

After comprehending the magical powers of the Aurora, Deng Yifei can safely break through to the early stage of the magical powers, completely free from the mastery of killing!

Chen Hao knows that this is another ability of "Aurora". It itself is a spiritual level of mood, profound meaning, and supernatural powers. Its influence on the sword master is not weaker than that of killing mood, profound meaning and supernatural powers!

As long as the sword master insists on his martial arts, maintains his own heart, and as long as the "Aurora" is still there, he will be hardly affected by the killing!

Just like Deng Yifei, who has poor talent and understanding, but definitely the one with the most emotional stability among the sword masters ever!

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