I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 836: completely annihilated

Xu Sheng roared loudly: "Damn it, stop, let this **** white light disappear!"

Unfortunately, once Deng Yifei shot, it was impossible to stop.

Because it doesn't help to stop, under the fifth floor of the "Holy Sword Realm", if the warriors below the Innate Realm are crazy... then they are really crazy.

Even if the holy sword domain disappeared, they would not be able to wake up again.

Deng Yifei encountered the army soul for the first time, and he had great scruples about the army soul. When he found that the army soul had disappeared, he immediately pointed the finger at Xu Sheng.

The general of the Black Wolf Legion who ordered the massacre of the city, in his opinion, is indispensable!

Moreover, his time is running out.

Although his spiritual power has been strengthened and has a strong immunity to the influence of the holy sword domain, he can still detect the influence of the holy sword domain on his soul level through his strong spiritual power.

Relatively weak, but definitely there.

"Thunder step!"

Deng Yifei flashed in front of Xu Sheng as soon as he performed a thunder step.

At this point, he was not surprised at all.

In addition to the spiritual attack in the holy sword domain, since it can drive the enemy crazy, it can also greatly help the sword master in the domain.

The most obvious is the increase in his speed.

In the holy sword domain, there seemed to be an extremely obscure energy that was boosting him.

"Thunder Prison Sword Technique!"

Deng Yifei took out his sword under the raging thunder.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Xu Sheng roared.

His eyes gradually glowed red.

If he has the sane now, he will definitely turn around and flee like the last time, instead of fighting Deng Yifei after the fifty thousand black wolf army loses his sane!

With a sound of "dang", Xu Sheng was directly retreated ten meters.

This is another enhancement given to Deng Yifei by the Holy Sword Realm-power!

The increase in strength is not as exaggerated as the increase in speed, but it is enough to make Deng Yifei's physical strength several times stronger!

The beaten Xu Sheng barely stabilized his figure, then shook his head vigorously, and when he looked at Deng Yifei again, his eyes were already blood red.


Deng Yifei knew that the overall situation was set.

When Xu Sheng was sober, he couldn't beat Deng Yifei, let alone he was crazy!

Killing Xu Sheng with a single sword, Deng Yifei immediately stopped the holy sword domain.

After the white light group disappeared, Deng Yifei suspended in mid-air at the feet, and there were tens of thousands of soldiers and officers living in the Black Wolf Legion. They went crazy and killed each other with their former comrades in arms.

After eliminating the first evil and opening the "Holy Sword Realm", Deng Yifei was extremely tired.

This exhaustion is more of mental exhaustion!

He looked at the soldiers of the Black Wolf Legion with a sense of dismay.

At this moment, Chen Hao reminded: "Hurry up and kill all those people...Many of them will never recover. If you don't kill them, once they run out, they may be in trouble. Up!"

"Master Sword Spirit makes sense!"

After Chen Hao reminded him, Deng Yifei immediately cheered up and rushed towards the already crazy soldiers, and the semi-crazy innate and world-breaking powerhouses!

Without the constraints of the masters of the supernatural power realm, the irrational Black Wolf Legion was completely lambs to be slaughtered. In less than half an hour, Deng Yifei cleaned them all.

On the battlefield outside Jiantong City, Deng Yifei also did it...without leaving a living!

There were blood and corpses everywhere, a scene of Shura hell.

And Deng Yifei's murderous aura also reached the extreme!

The feeling of condensing the murderous secrets should be a sign of a breakthrough soon!

It should be soon, and soon Deng Yifei may be about to comprehend the magical power of killing.

Chen Hao, who has always been diligent and thrifty, was very satisfied with Deng Yifei's lack of life.

Sword Master, that should be it!

Cherish every life!

And Deng Yifei slowly closed his eyes as he watched the battlefield where countless corpses were piled up.

This was his first contact with the battlefield, the first time he killed so many lives at once.

He slowly closed his eyes, as if he couldn't bear it.

Chen Hao knew that Deng Yifei's intolerance was not pretending.

He was a little bit compassionate.

"Think about the civilians behind you. If you don't kill them, they will not only slaughter Jiantong City, but may also harm more innocent lives. If you kill them, you will save more innocent lives in disguise. It's time for Chen Hao to be a soul mentor again, "And those soldiers are not innocent people. The soldiers who can join the Black Wolf Legion and condense the soul of the Black Wolf Army through evil spirits have blood on their hands... "

"I know, I understand!" Deng Yifei said, and suddenly smiled, "But after listening to Lord Sword Spirit, I feel much better."


"Maybe it's because I feel lonely!" Deng Yifei said, "Many people don't understand me, they all think that my lunatic, only Master Sword Spirit supports me. Fortunately Master Sword Spirit has always been there and has been helping me..."


Chen Hao knew that Deng Yifei was alone.

But he didn't think that Deng Yifei was alone.

When Deng Yifei was alone, there was at least Chen Hao, but when he was alone, he seemed to have nothing but memories.

Almost all the people he knew in his memory were dead.

However, since he was light-faced, Chen Hao was already a qualified sword spirit. He quickly arranged his thoughts and encouraged him: "This is what I should do. Our goals are the same!"

"However, what makes me most happy is... Liu Quanjun also agrees with my ideas!" After speaking, Deng Yifei showed a rare smile on his face, "Master Sword Spirit, do you know? When she decided to agree with my idea, and When I said to support me, I was really happy...Although I didn't have any expression on my face at the time, I was really happy!"

Looking at the gentleness in Deng Yifei's eyes, Chen Hao suddenly felt a little sour in his heart.

It's like a little girl who has been robbed of her favorite toy.

But this feeling only appeared for a while, and then it dissipated.

"Do you really like her?"

"I don't know!" Deng Yifei shook his head and shook the blood on the long sword. "It's just that sometimes I can't help but think of her."

This child is indeed hopeless.

Chen Hao never interfered with the feelings of the sword master.

But he didn't like that the sword master had too much emotion.

He always felt that feelings could easily hurt his optimistic sword master.

There are countless **** examples!

Thinking of this, Chen Hao simply stopped thinking: "You can find a place to take a break!"


Deng Yifei flew directly away from Jiantong City.

"It seems to be quiet!"

"Yes, there is no sound anymore!"

"Is Deng Yifei dead?"

"do not know!"

"Could it be Deng Yifei who repelled the fifty thousand elite of the Black Wolf Legion?"

"Are you daydreaming? The fifty thousand black wolf legions gathered in the battlefield, and the black wolf army soul summoned has the peak strength of the supernatural power realm. We built a master of the supernatural power realm peak of the black armored army in Tongcheng, just died In the hands of the Black Wolf Army Soul, how could Deng Yifei be the opponent of that Army Soul?"

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