I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 844: Maybe

"Yes, 18 or 9-year-old supernatural power realm masters, in the entire Southern Territory's thousand-year history, there seems to be such a single person. Isn't it scary to ask!" said the master from the Cai Guo family, "Anyway, I hope that Deng Yifei will die. Here, if he does not die, we Cai Guo will not be at peace!"

"Yes, although we are from the Cai country, we also hope that this time the Xu country black wolf army can bury Deng Yifei here!"

"Deng Yifei must die!"

Other masters from the major forces in Cai State all agreed.

With that said, the masters of Xu Guo became curious.

A master Xu Guo asked, "Why are you all looking forward to his death? Even if it is a demon martial artist, it won't be enough for everyone to shout and beat?"

"Bah! Deng Yifei is more terrifying than the Demon Warrior!"

"Yes, Deng Yifei is much more terrifying than the so-called Demon Martial Artist!"

"He is a lunatic!"

"He himself thinks he is not crazy!"

The Cai Guo masters began to attack Deng Yifei one by one.

"Can you elaborate on it?"

"Deng Yifei believes that the lives of civilians are the same as those of our warriors. That's fine. But he just likes to fight for those mud legs! I have a fellow in the post-breaking world cultivation base, because I am angry. Down, killed a civilian, and then was killed by Deng Yifei!"

"I have a junior, because when I was fighting against others, the sword qi accidentally swept across a village, causing a little casualty, and was killed by Deng Yifei... Most of you are masters of the supernatural power realm, you Think about it, you sometimes make shots, do you often hurt people by mistake?"

The masters of Xu Guo nodded together.

As soon as the martial artist's cultivation base reaches the Breaching Heaven Realm and Divine Passage Realm, those tricks have a very wide range, especially some powerful tricks, which are normal for several miles, hundreds of miles.

Sometimes a little carelessness does cause a large number of civilian casualties.

But for them, this is nothing!

Because no one has ever asked them for compensation.

Even if the officials are held accountable sometimes, as long as they are not intentional, the casualties are not large, and the officials will not investigate too deeply. At most, they will accompany the loss and give the officials a little face, meaning.

"But this is different for Deng Yifei. As long as you accidentally kill civilians, he may hold you down, say you are a villain, and say you want to kill you... Isn't this just a mental illness!"

"I also heard that Deng Yifei also has a special notebook with a list of many warriors and influences who have harmed civilians. Once he is strong enough, he will follow this list and start killing...Before his strength was low, only It's okay to say that the broken sky realm, but now he is a martial artist of the supernatural power realm, if he does not die, I don't know how much **** wind will be caused!"

When Xu Guowu heard the complaints of Cai Guowu, all of them looked at each other. They could imagine that if people like Deng Yifei appeared in Xu Guo, all of them might want to get rid of him soon!

Cai Guowu continued: "Think about it, most of you are also behind the forces, you have so many people, are there always some bad tempers, and in a rage, kill a few civilians?"

Xu Guowu all nodded.

"These are all within the scope of Deng Yifei's intervention. If it is serious, if the force is weak, he may be able to destroy the force together... In his words, it is to kill the villain!!!"

"True pervert!"

It took a long time for Xu Guowu to squeeze these characters from his teeth.

"The most terrifying thing is that Deng Yifei's strength is still rising rapidly. I am a little scared. One day his strength will break through to the realm realm. If he is really allowed to break through to the realm realm, I feel, I feel that the entire southern region will probably be There was a **** storm... he was much more terrifying than the blood demon girl Chen Ruoyan back then!"

"So, it is better for Deng Yifei to die!"

A martial artist of Xu Guo looked at Deng Yifei, who was getting closer and closer to Jingdong City, and said: "Don’t worry, since Deng Yifei has appeared today, it is definitely dead and not alive. There are dozens of top masters in the supernatural power state of the Black Wolf Legion. The army formed by the Ten Thousand Black Wolf Legion, even if it is a weaker realm strong, don't even want to leave when you come!"

"Yes, I'm here to witness Deng Yifei's fall!"


Deng Yifei flew to the outside of Jingdong City. He looked at the 200,000 black wolf army in front of him, his expression also extremely solemn.

If it's an ordinary legion, he is a master of supernatural power, and it can be completely destroyed if he spends some time.

Can summon the army soul legion, that is different.

"You are Deng Yifei?"

Xu Tianfu, general of the Black Wolf Legion, had seen a portrait of Deng Yifei, but there was still a difference between the portrait and the real person.

Real people look too young.

Young to be jealous!


"Humph! Unexpectedly, you dare to come!"

"Isn't that what you want?"

"I would like to ask, since you are not from the Cai State military, why did you kill my 50,000 Black Wolf Legion Paoze?"

Deng Yifei sneered and said: "The life of your fifty thousand Black Wolf Army soldiers is life, and the life of tens of thousands of civilians in the construction of Tongcheng is not life?"

Xu Tianfu gritted his teeth and said, "This is different!"

"In my opinion, it's the same!" Deng Yifei drew out his scarlet blood and pointed at Xu Tianfu with a sword. "Fate, there is no distinction between high and low!"

This is the sword spirit Chen Hao told Deng Yifei, Deng Yifei also deeply agreed.

It can be said that all of Deng Yifei's actions and standards for judging good and evil are based on this.

In the distance, the masters watching nearby heard the dialogue between Xu Tianfu and Deng Yifei.

Among them, most of them sneered at Deng Yifei's words.

Of course they think that as a martial artist, their life is of course more valuable than that of ordinary people!

In the Black Wolf Legion, many soldiers heard Deng Yifei's words, and for a while, they were a little bit moved.

After all, most of these soldiers are from the bottom.

They only joined the army for the sake of making meritorious deeds.

But their approval and touch appeared quickly and disappeared quickly.

They did not forget that Deng Yifei was their enemy.

"Huh!" Xu Tianfu snorted coldly, "You are indeed an unreasonable lunatic idiot just like the rumors. You are like this, you are fighting against all the warriors in the world, and it is impossible to have a good end!"

"From the moment I gripped this sword, I never thought about a good death! This is my mission! This is my will, this is my martial arts!"

"In that case, you will die here today!" Xu Tianfu didn't want to reason with this madman anymore, he just wanted to kill the enemy in front of him, the shame of the Yixue Black Wolf Legion!

Deng Yifei took a deep breath: "Today, who will live and die? Maybe!"

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