I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 867: Goodbye Liuya

"Do you think she can forgive you?"

"I will explain everything and try to get her forgiveness!"

"hope so!"

Huo Sining was not optimistic about Deng Yifei at all.

"Then can you take me to see Senior Liu Ya?"

The high-level members of the sting bee organization don't want to meet, they can see it.

They are very good at hiding. They asked Deng Yifei to look for it. Turning Cai Guo over, they might not be able to find Liu Ya.

Only Huo Sining like Liu Quanjun's confidant could find her.


Huo Sining hesitated.

Deng Yifei knew her concerns: "Don't worry, even if I didn't talk to Senior Liu Ya, I would never do it first."

"Okay!" With Deng Yifei's assurance, Huo Sining's mental arithmetic was put down, "I will take you there, but before that, you must change your appearance. You may be recognized wherever you go when you go out now. "

Deng Yifei's true appearance is now a household name.

After smearing Deng Yifei's face for a while, putting on a mask for him, smoothing out all the wrinkles and removing the angles, Huo Sining frowned again.

"your eyes……"

Deng Yifei's eyes were completely white.

Huo Sining looked closer and could see his eyes, but unlike ordinary people's black eyes, Deng Yifei's eyes were light gray. If he didn't look closely, he thought he had no pupils and looked...somewhat scary.

Huo Sining didn't know how Deng Yifei changed his eyes into this way.

"what happened?"

"your eyes!"

"What's wrong with the eyes?"

Deng Yifei is not aware of his changes.

After all, he did not have the ability to see his pupils.

"It's white!" Huo Sining took out a small bronze mirror and handed it to Deng Yifei, "See it for yourself!"

Deng Yifei glanced at his white eyes, didn't even frown, as if accepting his changes calmly.

For him, as long as his life and strength are still there, everything else doesn't matter.

"Is there a way to cover it up?"

"Yes, but it will take a while, but no one else knows about your pupils changing color?"


"Well, let's get on the road first, anyway, even so, others won't recognize you!" Huo Sining whispered, "And, maybe because of the color of the pupils, others will not doubt you anymore."

"That's true!"

Deng Yifei took Huo Sining out of this abandoned small mountain village. Along the way, after passing some cities, Huo Sining entered the city, contacted other branches, and began to ask Cai Guo’s headquarters to know the location of Senior Liu Ya, and claimed This matter is about Liu Quanjun's death.

On the fifth day of the journey, after entering a city, Huo Sining did not find anyone from the Sting Bee Organization branch. Instead, he stared at some patterns on a wall, and his face was a little ugly.

"what happened?"

"The branch here was destroyed by the city guards sent by the city lord's mansion. The people in the branch were a lot of good fortune, but they still left a signal to explain the situation here!"

"Did the entire Cai Guo branch have a problem?"

"Do not rule out this possibility!" Huo Sining said, "After all, Cai Guo must also know your relationship with the leader!"

Deng Yifei said sadly: "I am the one who dragged the sting bee!"

"Let's go and see the next city!"

In the next city, Huo Sining still failed to find the sting bee branch of the city, but he also got more useful information.

The City Lord's Mansion of that city also launched a raid on the Sting Bee organization, but the people in this branch had received the news in advance and ran away directly, temporarily not contacting anyone.

In the next city, the branch of the Sting Bee Organization is not much better either. Otherwise, it will run away or it will be destroyed directly.

Both Deng Yifei and Huo Sining knew that Cai Guo attacked the Sting Bee organization.

The sting bee intelligence network is likely to be paralyzed in a short period of time. As for the specific loss, they can't make statistics, but depending on the situation, at least half of the manpower is lost.

As for the dark lines, there should be many dark lines in the sting bee tissue.

However, not all the branches of the Sting Bee were destroyed, Huo Sining still successfully contacted Liu Ya.

For more than half a month, Huo Sining finally took Deng Yifei to see Liu Ya.

Liu Ya still looks like that, she looks like a middle-aged beautiful woman, but compared to the last time we met, her face is obviously more haggard, and her spirit is not so good.

The last time Deng Yifei saw Liu Ya, Liu Quanjun introduced him, and they dealt with Qin Lao together.

Only a few months later, Deng Yifei felt like a world away.

"Si Ning, what did Jun Jun say?"

"The leader said, let me give you the token, and you will lead the Sting Bee Organization in the future!" Huo Sining said, and handed the Sting Bee Organization token to Liu Ya.

Liu Ya took the token and rubbed the lines on the token with a sad expression on her face. She sighed and said: "Unexpectedly, Jun Jun died like this!"

"I am also very sad about the leader!"

"I heard that it was Deng Yifei's hand?" Liu Ya asked in a deep voice.

"Senior Liu think it's possible?"

"I don't believe it too much!" Liu Ya said calmly, "After all, this is the news released by Cai Guo. They recently carried out a large-scale encirclement and suppression of our sting bee, and the entire intelligence network was almost paralyzed. We not only lost. Many experienced intelligence personnel, even supernatural power realm masters, have lost two, and another supernatural power realm master has already announced his withdrawal and left Cai Guo directly!"

"Ah!" Huo Sining said in surprise, "How is it possible?"

"There is nothing impossible. If we are only allowed to insert our eyeliner, why should we not allow Cai Guo to do this? We have Cai Guo's eyeliner in our sting bee, but I didn't expect that they could get so much information!" Liu Ya wryly smiled. , "I was almost killed too, but escaped by fluke."

"Then we still have magical power level masters in Sting Bee?"

"It's gone, only me!"

With that said, Liu Ya solemnly collected the token.

After experiencing the internal fighting of the sting bee and the blow with Cai Guo, the sting bee's organization was greatly injured.

"Senior Liu, this person next to me wants to see you!"

"Isn't he Xu Le?"

Xu Le is the intelligence officer who is responsible for receiving Huo Sining from Cai Du.

It was Xu Le who brought Deng Yifei and the others here.

Xu Le is also Liu Hansu's old subordinate, Liu Quanjun's subordinates are safe and loyal, otherwise Liu Ya would not believe Xu Le and let Xu Le bring Huo Ningjun.

Before that, Huo Sining had persuaded Xu Le to let Deng Yifei temporarily replace Xu Le and come to Liu Ya.

The process of persuasion is very simple, it is to know the reason, and then threaten Xu Le’s family with...

As Liu Quanjun's confidant, Xu Le knew everything about Xu Le.

"Master Deng, take off the mask!"

Master Deng?

Hearing this name, Liu Ya stood up directly from the chair.

Deng Yifei took off his mask and gave a gift to Liu Ya for the younger generation: "Senior Liu Ya, long time no see!"

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