I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 994: What baby

Chen Hao estimates that Ma Haolin will never know whether his son has practiced martial arts well...

Obviously, the strength of the Stone Chamber of Commerce is not too strong.

If they are strong enough, they will not stay in Xikou City, but will choose to run straight and walk across this dangerous area sideways!

The fact is like this!

Among the huge team of more than 3,000 people, the strongest is the Innate Martial Artist, and there are only three, two in the front team and one in the back, seeming to have mixed in casually.

And Chen Hao discovered that among the surrounding three bandit teams, there are also three innate martial artists, and the strength and momentum of these bandit masters obviously surpassed the fighters on their side of the Chamber of Commerce!

That's right, there are three bandit teams!

At least they are now scattered.

If three bandits besieged the 3,000-person Chamber of Commerce together, Chen Hao really wouldn't be very optimistic about Kong Qing and the others.

Among the more than 3,000 people gathered by the Stone Chamber of Commerce, there are too many guys like Kong Qing who have a lot of money and don't have much combat power.

Originally there was no affiliation, and it was originally a mob. Once in danger, the team of more than 3,000 people might immediately collapse!

Under the power of Chen Hao's Dao realm strength, the Sitong Chamber of Commerce and the bandits have no secrets at all.

Chen Hao watched the team of more than 3,000 people, step by step into death...

Will Kong Qing live?

Chen Hao didn't know, but he didn't care either.

Let it happen!

Only a quarter of an hour later, the front of the team stopped, and then the whole team stopped.

"what happened?"

Ma Haolin tightened the rein and asked.

"do not know!"

The person before him replied.

Just at this time, a majestic sword aura whizzed out, drawing a blood-red gully in the team.

"Kill them all!"

Under the leadership of the three innate warriors, the three groups of bandits rushed over from three directions.

The two congenital realm warriors of the Stone Chamber of Commerce were forced to meet the two congenital realm warriors among the bandits.

An innate warrior from the Stone Chamber of Commerce shouted: "Su Li, there is another innate warrior for you!"

At this time, the warrior who had been hiding behind the team stood up and intercepted the innate warrior among the last bandits.

The battle begins!

Without being reminded, everyone drew their swords.

Whether it's a mercenary, a guard, an ordinary man, or other traders, they have all taken out their own weapons, they all know that they are desperate now.

Kong Qing took out his long sword and heard countless screams.

He saw the battle that took place before, and saw the blood stumps scattered everywhere, he was slightly nervous.

This is the first time he has encountered such a large-scale battle!

As for the Scarlet Blood Sword behind him, Chen Hao didn't think much about it.

Thousands of people fight with weapons, sprinkle water!

Like a large-scale war, the number must be at least tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, Chen Hao will be a little excited.

Sure enough, as Chen Hao predicted, the three Innate Realm Martial Artists of the Sitong Chamber of Commerce were beaten back by the three Innate Realm bandits...Depending on the situation, it should not last for half an hour.

Chen Hao suspected that the three innate martial artists on the bandits might have other forces behind them.

You know, in fact, the bandits and bandits in Cai State have been suppressed by the Aurora Pavilion in the past two or three years. Not long after the Aurora Pavilion fell, there were congenital bandits... Chen Hao always felt that there were some of them. Tricky.

On the side of the innate realm martial artist, the four general chambers of commerce can survive for a while, but on the side of the acquired martial artist, Kong Qing and the others, they just collapsed directly.

The Stone Chamber of Commerce is actually good, the quality of the warriors in the Chamber of Commerce is good, and the mercenaries hired are not very bad, but except for the Chamber of Commerce, people from other directions can't resist the bandit attack!

Before Kong Qing confronted the brutal bandits, he was swept aside by others and fled the battlefield.

But they wanted to escape, but the bandit didn't want to let go.

The ambush location chosen by the bandits is inherently more dangerous, and it is not easy for them to escape.

After being wrapped up by the crowd, the crowd suddenly stopped moving...

"Back, here is a dead end!"

Chen Hao took a look, and it was indeed a dead end, or a steep hillside.

At this time, climbing the mountain is indeed not a good choice.

Then Kong Qing was wrapped up by the people who fled and ran in another direction...

This scene made Chen Hao want to laugh.

This kid is so miserable!

It's just being walked by someone.

"No one wants to leave!"

The bandits are like a rainbow, like a tiger like a flock, killing these merchants guard mercenaries crying father and mother!

No miracle happened, and no heroes passing by drew their swords to help, only a sword spirit sealed in the magic sword watched all this silently...indifferent.

In the Stone Chamber of Commerce, an old congenital warrior was defeated and killed. The congenital warrior named Su Li immediately shouted, "I'm sorry!"

Then he ran away...

The remaining congenital warrior of the Four-link Chamber of Commerce ran slowly, and was immediately surrounded by three congenital realm warriors and besieged and killed on the spot.

The defeat is set!

Next, it was a massacre!

The red-eyed bandits simply ignore the people kneeling and begging for mercy!

With a slash, Kong Qing raised his sword to block, and with a bang, the inferior long sword in his hand was broken in two!

Another knife struck, Kong Qing resisted with his arm, the arm was cut off, and the long knife smashed into his head.

The knife was taken away again, blood raging in the wound, and he fell to the ground feebly.

Falling to the ground, he felt that the ground was a little soft, not as painful as he thought...

He saw countless people stepping past him, some stepped on his stomach, some stepped on his leg, and others stepped on his hand...

Before long, when his consciousness was about to dissipate, he was kicked from the waist, and he was forced to roll over, and then he could see the package on his back from the corner of his eye.



After all, he still did not send the package to Jingyuezong!

He fell halfway, he failed after all!

I knew... I knew I should open the package and sell the contents of the package home!

Kong Qing thought of his family again, and of his parents...

A drop of tears ran down the corner of the young Kong Qing's eyes.

I don't know who it was, Kong Qing groaned and vomited a mouthful of blood, completely losing consciousness.

Kong Qing is dead!

Died in obscurity.

Until he died, he did not open the package on his back and glanced at the Scarlet Blood Sword...

Chen Hao didn't know what to say about him!

In less than an hour, the battle was completely over.

More than 3,000 people assembled by the Stone Chamber of Commerce were defeated.

The bandits began to search for the loot, clean up the corpses, and by the way make up for those who have not completely died.

A bandit patted Kong Qing's face with a long sword, and muttered to himself: "It's quite tender, what a pity!"

After saying this, he casually tore off the lace that Kong Qing had tied to his body, picked up the package with one hand, and looked at the tightly wrapped package, he became curious.

"Could it be a baby?"

He tore open the package and took a look: "Yo, it's still a sword!"

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