After leaving Cui Yuer's house, Lin Quan immediately returned to his own home, and then called Yin Qingxue to ask her to come over.

Because of the delay with Cui Yuer, many things should be accelerated.

The most urgent task now is to select the characters to participate in the finals and prepare for cosplay.

Soon, Yin Qingxue drove to Lin Quan's home.

"Ms. Lin, why did you think of looking for me today?"

Yin Qingxue opened the door and teased.

Today, Yin Qingxue wore a pair of washed denim shorts and a gray T-shirt with English letters on her upper body. Her hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and she looked indescribably youthful and energetic.

"The finals are coming soon, and I haven't decided what character to cosplay, so I called you over to discuss it together."

Lin Quan gently kneaded his eyebrows with two fingers, feeling a little worried.

In the last qualifying round, Lin Quan had invested a lot of money because he had to fight the makeup artist who backstabbed him.

Not only did he challenge a very challenging role like Alicia, he even used his own family resources and most of his fan points were raffled.

Although he won a great victory and received a full house of applause.

But the tone was too high.

If he felt that he could not satisfy the audience this time, it would definitely have an impact on the final results.

So, Lin Quan was a little worried at this time...

Yin Qingxue also straightened her face when she heard this.

As smart as she was, how could she not know Lin Quan's worries?

Now the situation is that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

Yin Qingxue pulled out a chair, sat down, and began to keep browsing the short videos of the second dimension on her mobile phone, hoping to find some inspiration.


Just when Lin Quan and Yin Qingxue were trying hard to think about what role to cosplay in the final, Lin Quan's mobile phone rang.

Lin Quan picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.

A sweet female voice came from the other side.

"Hello, is this Mr. Lin Quan?"

Lin Quan was a little surprised. In his impression, he didn't know such a girl, and the other party seemed to know him very well...

"I am Lin Quan, who are you?"

Lin Quan responded politely.

"Hello, Mr. Lin Quan."

"I am a staff member of MiHoYo, Nai Xue."

Lin Quan was also a little surprised after hearing this.

MiHoYo is a top game company in the industry and has very strong strength in the field of two-dimensional.

When I participated in the cosplay competition before, MiHoYo officials also interacted with me on Weibo.

But this time, why did they call me?

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

Lin Quan got straight to the point and raised his question.

"It's like this, Mr. Lin Quan."

"We, the official MiHoYo, would like to ask you to help promote and cosplay our company's new character."

After hearing this, Lin Quan instantly understood what the official MiHoYo meant.

They are preparing to launch a new character, but before launching it, they must hope to take advantage of the popularity of the cosplay competition and promote their character.

"Who is the character you want to cosplay?"

Lin Quan asked hurriedly.

This question is very important.

Although MiHoYo has always been generous and willing to spend money on promotion, as long as he agrees to their request, the remuneration will definitely be very generous.

However, his goal is not money...

What Lin Quan wants is to increase his popularity as much as possible, and he doesn't value money so much.

Therefore, Lin Quan's idea is to find the most suitable character for himself and win the final championship.

As for the remuneration, it is secondary.

"The character you are going to cosplay is the limited card pool character in the first version after the game goes online, Shark Girl, Ellen."

This answer was not much unexpected by Lin Quan.

Although, Nicole was very popular before the game was launched.

However, according to the memory of the previous life, Lin Quan knew that after the game was officially launched, the most popular character would be the shark girl in the limited card pool, Ailian.

It seems that the miHoYo company in this world also realized this, so they invited themselves to vigorously promote the character of Shark Girl.

"I have a question, and I just want to ask your colleagues in the design team."

Lin Quan turned the phone to hands-free mode, put it aside, and said to the phone.

"No problem, I will contact my colleagues in the design team right away."

Naixue quickly agreed.

After seeing Lin Quan's amazing cos skills, miHoYo officials put Lin Quan's help in promoting their new character in a very important position.

Not to mention just asking colleagues in the design team to understand some of the situation, even if it is a more excessive request, miHoYo will seriously consider it.

Soon, a clear male voice came into Lin Quan's ears.

"Mr. Lin Quan, I am Li Jin from the design team of miHoYo."

"Our entire team is here, just ask any questions you have."

Lin Quan was also a little moved by miHoYo's sincerity.

I just have some small questions to ask, but the entire design team is out?

After thinking about it, Lin Quan finally expressed his doubts.

"It's not a big deal..."

"I'm just a little curious, why is there a gill on the shark tail behind Shark Girl?"

"This shape looks like a shark biting Shark Girl's butt..."

Lin Quan said a little embarrassed.


Li Jin was a little speechless.

Originally, he thought that as the head of the design team, he should be able to answer the question raised by Lin Quan.

However... he really didn't know how to answer this question.


There were laughters from both ends of the phone.

Yin Qingxue laughed so hard that she fell backwards, and someone on the other end of the phone also laughed "cackle".

Just as everyone was laughing, Lin Quan's brows were locked again.

In the game, Shark Girl's tail is a vivid shark tail, just like a real shark tail.

This design is easy to achieve in the game.

But in reality, it is not easy to replicate it.

If it is just a prop that cannot move, the difference in texture is too big.

It will not only affect the charm of the character of Shark Girl, but it may also affect Lin Quan's final performance!

If this problem is not solved, Lin Quan can hardly imagine that he can get good results with a prop tail that cannot move.

Thinking of this, Lin Quan couldn't help but sigh.

"MiHoYo officials really gave me a difficult problem..."

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