At this time, Lin Quan, who was eagerly awaited by countless viewers, was putting on makeup in the dressing room.

The role Lin Quan chose was Nicole in "Zero".

In Lin Quan's previous life, after the public beta of "Zero", Nicole took the top spot on the popularity list.

The temperament of being greedy and lustful is somewhat similar to Nami in "One Piece", but there are some differences.

In the dressing room, the makeup artist looked at Lin Quan in front of her, and her eyes couldn't help but reveal an intoxicated look.

At this time, Lin Quan was wearing a white tube top with a straight line pattern, and a half-length black jacket on the outside.

A long pink curly hair fell down softly and fell to the back.

The lower body was a pair of short daun shorts that were short to the thigh root.

Under the shorts, there was a pair of straight and round thighs.

As a male cosplayer, Lin Quan's height and long legs are already very advantageous, and Lin Quan's legs are relatively straight, which makes him even more attractive.

To use a popular saying in this world, these legs are longer than many people's lives!

In addition, Lin Quan is very careful about his legs. Not only does he have no scars, but he doesn't even have leg hair!

This gives the makeup artist in front of him an illusion that this is a girl's legs!

Of course, Xiong Er has no choice.

Nicole's proud figure can only rely on cushions.

However, the cushions nowadays are also made to be real. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can definitely make it. Put on clothes and show the southern hemisphere, western hemisphere, and eastern hemisphere, and you can't tell that it is a fake product.

The makeup artist feels that her makeup skills have made great progress.

Can't wait to take two steps back, wanting to take a closer look at her masterpiece.

Just as the makeup artist stepped back, the sound of the system sounded in Lin Quan's mind.

"The current cosplay character is: Nicole from "Zero Zone".

Restoration degree: 80%!"

"The system automatically corrects...corrects and increases the restoration degree. Nicole's voice has been bound, and the action system has been bound-current restoration degree: 97%!"

After a series of system changes, Lin Quan's original slight difference with Nicole, slight differences in actions, the original male voice, and some slight differences in body shape...all have been corrected!

Even in the cosplay state, Lin Quan feels as if he has really become Nicole!

Now Lin Quan exudes Nicole's kind of greedy and lustful temperament, and the makeup artist feels like she is about to fall!

"Oh my God, although I know he is a man, the girl he cosplays is really too pleasing to the eye!"

The makeup artist looked at Lin Quan in front of her in disbelief.

Lin Quan's long pink curly hair casually fluttered on his back.

Under the vest, there is a pair of bulging white rabbits. Although she knows it is fake, the makeup artist still has the urge to pinch them.

Under the vest, there is a small waist that can be held in one hand. The proportion is perfect, without a trace of fat, and even has a vest line!

Under the short shorts that are short to the root of the thigh, there are Lin Quan's slender and straight thighs.

For the first time in her twenties, the makeup artist feels that there may be something wrong with her sexual orientation...

The girl in front of her makes her want to hug her tightly.

"Am I turned gay?"

"Do you like girls now?"

The makeup artist looked at Lin Quan, who had finished his makeup and was ready to participate in the competition, and couldn't help thinking helplessly.

In theory, the one who cosplays Nicole is Lin Quan, a real little brother.

But the girl is attracted by Lin Quan's cosplay of Nicole.

For a moment, the young lady couldn't tell whether she was turned gay or not...

"Okay, Lin Quan."

"Since the makeup is done, let's go to the competition!"

Yin Qingxue, who had been watching from the side, saw that the makeup artist had finished her makeup, stood up and reminded Lin Quan.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Quan stood up and walked towards the competition site with Yin Qingxue.

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of cosplayers to participate in the competition, the organizer stipulated that all contestants can have the opportunity to perform on the stage.

In this way, it can greatly promote the enthusiasm and initiative of cosplayers to participate in the competition.

When Lin Quan and Yin Qingxue arrived at the competition site, Zao Ge and Jun Ye had finished their performances and returned to the backstage to rest.

Now performing on the stage are other contestants.

Because Lin Quan came late, the performance number plate he received was relatively late.

Lin Quan was not in a hurry, and walked shoulder to shoulder with Yin Qingxue, watchingwatching other contestants perform.

The one performing on the stage at this time is a young lady cosplaying as Nie Yin Meng from "Bleach".

Nie Yin Meng, like Matsumoto Rangiku, is a very popular character in "Bleach".

Nie Yin Meng's taciturn, cold and unworldly temperament, plus her devilish figure, although not as exaggerated as Matsumoto Rangiku, but also a good bust, has been sought after by many otakus.

And now the young lady cosplaying as Nie Yin Meng on the stage obviously did not understand the essence, and her innate conditions are also somewhat insufficient.

She is too short, resulting in insufficient leg length, and can't show the soul-stirring feeling of Nie Yin Meng's long legs at all.

"This, no."

"The legs are too short."

Yin Qingxue took a look and quickly made a judgment.

She has been with Lin Quan for a long time, and her taste has been correspondingly spoiled...

She glanced at Lin Quan next to her.

Yin Qingxue originally had some appreciation in her eyes.


Suddenly realizing something, she turned her head and pretended not to peek.

What does this mean for her? ?

If she admired the same girl.

She wouldn't be shy at all!

When she saw a boy, she would also doubt whether she liked him.

But Lin Quan...

How does this count? ?


Appreciating art, I am just appreciating art!


On the stage.

The full house that this young lady expected did not come.

There were only a few young boys in the audience. Whenever they saw a young girl, they would applaud, which gave her some comfort in her heart.

But this deserted look still made her feel a little wronged, and she returned to the backstage.

Soon, another coser came out.

She cosplayed Nami from "One Piece".

In a swimsuit, she showed her youth and beauty.

The two big thunders on the chest swayed back and forth, attracting people's attention.

But when they got closer, everyone found that although the headlights of this coser were very bright, the skin on his legs was really bad.

Not only was it dark, but there were also a lot of leg hairs that were not cleaned up.

This made him look very amateur.

"Another amateur, dare to go on stage without cleaning his leg hair?"

Yin Qingxue rolled her eyes.

Lin Quan didn't say anything, but just secretly observed the performance of these cosers.

After all, these were all his competitors.

After the cosplayer who cosplayed Nami stepped down, a cosplayer who cosplayed Yoruichi Shifengyuan in "Bleach" came up.

Wearing a tight suit and a brown top, he looked heroic.

The high ponytail dragged to the back, giving him a youthful and beautiful feeling.

However, the audience soon discovered that the skin of this coser was whiter than Yoruichi Shifengyuan in the original work.

In order to make up for the difference in skin color, this cosplayer chose to paint black paint on his face.

But this black paint is not waterproof. Once it is wetted by sweat, it immediately tends to become a clown face...

However, in general, the level of these cosplayers is still good.

At least, some of them look like they are in the city-level competition.

Although they cannot be compared with professional cosplayers such as Lin Quan, Zao Ge, and Jun Ye, they are also the best in the cosplay world.

If they can handle some details well, they must be very good cosplayers.

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