After listening to Lin Quan's words, the boss lady also felt a little hungry.

Originally, she was worried about her mother's safety and her daughter's situation today, and she was anxious, so she didn't feel hungry.

Now her mother is out of danger, her daughter is doing well, and even the operation of the store has not been affected, so the boss lady is relieved.

After relaxing, the boss lady did feel a little hungry...

"You two have worked hard all day, let's eat quickly!"

The boss lady said, and hurried to the kitchen, brought out the dishes prepared by Lin Quan, and put them on the table closest to the bar.

After all, the boss lady is an expert. Just from the taste, she can tell that Lin Quan's cooking skills are very good.

Looking at the appearance, she was even more surprised.

This young man looked fair and handsome, but when it comes to cooking, he might be much better than herself!

Soon, a table of four people gathered around the table, chatting and enjoying a sumptuous dinner.

Through chatting, Yin Qingxue and Lin Quan learned that the boss lady was not very old, but unfortunately became a single mother.

According to the boss lady, the father of the child died in a car accident a few years ago, leaving only her and her daughter.

Because she was afraid that her daughter would be wronged if she remarried, the boss lady did not remarry.

Instead, she relied on the restaurant she opened with her late husband to support her daughter and mother.

Lin Quan and Yin Qingxue could not help but respect the boss lady.

This woman is really strong...

"Boss lady, how old are you this year?"

Yin Qingxue was a little curious, looking at the boss lady who was eating and watching short videos on her mobile phone in her hand.

According to Yin Qingxue's idea, this kind of lifestyle usually happens to young people.

The boss lady's age may not be much different from her and Lin Quan.

They are all of the same age, some are glamorous, and some people have suffered the hardships of life too early.

"Twenty-nine. I got married when I was twenty-four, and gave birth to my daughter in the same year."

"When my daughter was three, her father died in a car accident. Since then, I have been running this restaurant alone, thinking of raising my daughter by myself."

While the proprietress was talking, her eyes never left her phone.

Soon, the proprietress seemed to realize something, and put away her phone with a guilty look.

A blush also appeared on her face.

Today she had something urgent to do, and these two guests not only helped her to look after the store and her daughter, but also did not fall behind in the business of the store.

It was indeed a bit rude to not chat with others while eating, but to look at the phone by yourself.

Thinking of this, the proprietress hurriedly apologized to Lin Quan and Yin Qingxue.

"I'm sorry, it's too boring to take care of a child alone, and I usually develop the habit of watching short videos."

"I forgot today, there are still guests!"

"No, no!"

While the proprietress was talking, she pointed to the TV hanging on the wall.

"I don't usually watch TV, I just play with my phone. But today I met you and I feel like we're getting along."

"How about we watch TV while eating?"

Lin Quan and Yin Qingxue thought it was nice to chat while watching TV and eating at the same time, so they agreed.

After getting the consent of Lin Quan and Yin Qingxue, the proprietress stood up, picked up the remote control, and turned on the TV.

The TV screen was showing the scene of the national cos preliminaries.

"Our station reported that Lin Quan performed well in the recently concluded national cos preliminaries and received strong attention from countless viewers."

"Many people praised that Lin Quan, as a man, showed a more attractive role than a woman. This is the progress of the times."

"Please see our detailed report below."

As the host finished speaking, the TV screen switched to the scene of Lin Quan participating in the national cos preliminaries.

On the screen, Lin Quan, with long pink hair, was particularly eye-catching.

Lin Quan and Yin Qingxue looked at each other, and saw deep surprise in each other's eyes.

They didn't expect that Lin Quan's cosplay of Alicia would be so popular and even on the news!

The proprietress stared at Lin Quan on the TV screen, almost staring at her without even noticing that the chopsticks were in her mouth.

"Oh my god, she's so beautiful..."

"I've never seen such a beautiful girl..."

"It's absolutely amazing!"

The proprietress sighed heartily while watching.

Her restaurant is located near the university, and there is an endless stream of college students coming to eat every day.But even so, she had never seen any female college student who could be compared with the girl on TV.

"I want to be such a person when I grow up!"

The little girl looked at Lin Quan on the screen and said in a baby voice.

Yin Qingxue couldn't help laughing when she heard what the little girl said to the boss lady.

Didn't the mother and daughter find that the person on TV was very similar to Lin Quan opposite them?

This is really, the light is dark!

The more Yin Qingxue thought about it, the funnier it became. She couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh secretly.

The boss lady, who was watching TV, heard Yin Qingxue's laughter and suddenly seemed to realize something...

The boss lady cast her eyes on Lin Quan and asked uncertainly: "Classmate, are you... called Lin Quan?"

Hearing this, Lin Quan nodded.

After all, he had eaten in this restaurant for many years.

When he was still in college, he often came here to eat.

It's not surprising that the boss lady knew his name.

Later, when he graduated, the company where Lin Quan worked was not far from the university, so Lin Quan simply rented a house near the school and lived there.

Not only was life convenient, but the neighborhood was also familiar.

Many times, Lin Quan was too busy to cook, so he would eat at this restaurant.

To be fair, the food in this restaurant tasted good, the environment was clean and tidy, and the price was cheap and affordable. It was definitely a good place to eat.

"Your name is Lin Quan... The one who was just on TV was also called Lin Quan..."

The proprietress seemed to suddenly realize something, and she muttered twice, then looked at Lin Quan and examined him carefully.

Sure enough, the proprietress found that Lin Quan's handsome face, if wearing a wig, seemed to really look like that pink fairy lady...

It can definitely be said that she can be sweet or salty!

After discovering that the beautiful lady on TV was actually a college student she had known for many years, and even helped her look after the store for a long time, the proprietress finally couldn't help but exclaimed.


"Is that beautiful lady on TV really you?"

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