I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1129: The babbling primitive little girl (2 in 1)

With the yelling of the old priest of the nest tribe, the people of the nest tribe stopped their grief and began to go to the tree house one after another.

The injured people were also **** with ropes, carried on their backs, and carried the tree house together.

As for those who died, under the order of the old priest of the nest tribe, the nest tribes did not even do too much remembrance, so they got them into the open space that their tribe often used to dispose of corpses. Put on the firewood and set it alight!

Looking at the smoke and fire not far away from the tribe, and smelling the unpleasant breath in the air, the old priests of the nest tribe looked particularly sad.

While sorrowing, there was a little stability in my heart.

Because at this time, all the people in their tribe have come to the tribe’s tree house.

As long as nothing special happens, then the people in the tribe are already safe for the time being.

It will not happen again as it did not long ago.


After sitting here for a while, the old priest of the nest tribe once again stood up from the tree house where he lived, then opened the window and shouted loudly towards the tribe.

What he meant was that from now on, people in the tribe must not go out of the wooden house if nothing happens in the past few days!

All stayed honestly above the tree house!

No matter what happened this time, why is there such a big contradiction between the Red Tiger tribe and the Green Sparrow tribe? The old priests of the nest tribe are all determined that what happened suddenly this time is not thorough. Before he settled down, he wouldn't let people in the tribe go down from the tree house!

Regardless of the disputes between these two tribes that one's own tribe can't afford, the people of their own tribe only need to stay on top of the tree house!

As for the people in my tribe who are burning in flames, they can only die if they die!

Except for this, the old priests of the nest tribe have nothing good to think of other than praying in their hearts that the two tribes can play out their brains, die more people, and take revenge for a few of their tribes.

After all, neither the Red Tiger tribe nor the Blue Sparrow tribe can provoke them!

Sitting here thinking for a while, the old priest of the nest tribe turned his head and looked at the residence of the Blue Sparrow tribe not far from his tribe, his eyes were full of shock.

Before, he had been sorrowing and angry for the people of his tribe, being killed by the people of the Red Tiger tribe and the Qingque tribe, and thinking about how to avoid such things from happening again.

After all these things were arranged at this time, I gradually realized one thing!

This thing is that in the previous chase battle that took place in his own tribe, the people of the Red Tiger tribe were chased and beaten by the people of the Qingque tribe!

That's the Red Tiger tribe!

Just like this, being chased by the Qingque tribe, it seemed that there was no way to fight back!

I remember the news brought back by the humpback primitives of their tribe. Although the Qingque tribe is also a powerful tribe, it is much worse than the Red Tiger tribe in terms of number of people!

If it really fought, the Blue Sparrow Tribe would definitely not be the opponent of the Red Tiger Tribe!

However, how long has it been since the humpback primitives of their tribe said such things!

After a year, I don’t know if there is any. The Red Tiger Tribe has been chased by the Blue Sparrow Tribe and beaten!

What kind of terror tribe is this after all!

The old priest of the nest tribe, after realizing this, was particularly shocked in his heart, but also began to moan weakly...

When faced with such an astonishing development of the Blue Sparrow tribe, the old priests of the nest tribe did not even have the courage to become lemon spirits...

The place where the Red Tiger tribe lives is now empty.

The formerly lively place of residence has now become deserted.

Many people went out looking for food under the arrangement of the Miko.

Many of these people have not returned.

Thinking of the exceptionally rich food, I didn't bring back much.

The life in the tribe is even more miserable, and it will never return to the previous heyday.

I heard that those who have not returned have died outside and will never return!

The witch went to the Qingque tribe alone, looking for someone from the Qingque tribe to ask for an explanation.

After the chief learned about this, he left with many people in the tribe.

With weapons and anger, she said she was chasing the witch of her tribe.

It is said that the Qingque tribe is too evil and killed too many people. This time, we must find the people of the Qingque tribe to settle the account!

After the leader and them left, a large number of people in the tribe left, and they were also going to the Qingque tribe.

Those who left said that the Qingque tribe is a very good and kind-hearted tribe.

This tribe is so generous and kind!

If it’s not from the Qingque tribe, let the people of your tribe dig and transport the black stones. While giving them rice seeds, they also give free food to many people in your tribe, many of them in your tribe. Many people will starve to death!

I can’t grow rice from my own tribe!

When the time comes, the difficulties faced by my tribe are even greater!

Even more out of control!

They are going to the Qingque tribe!

To tell the people of the Qingque tribe this news, let them prepare in advance, lest they will suffer a loss under the leadership and others.

The Qingque tribe, a tribe that is kind to its own tribe, shouldn't be treated like this.

They will also discourage the witches, the leaders of the tribe, and those who followed the leaders back, to prevent them from doing such wrong things and making unforgivable mistakes!

A small and thin primitive girl with messy hair and a messy-looking animal skin, standing on the outskirts of the tribe’s residence, she has some children like her, and she still has some body. The bad tribe people looked outside.

She didn't quite understand why the people in the tribe had two completely different views of the Qingque tribe.

I don't know why the affairs of my tribe are related to the Qingque tribe.

She also didn't want to understand these things.

In fact, what she wanted to say most was that she was so hungry.

I have not eaten a lot!

I really want to have a good meal and fill my stomach!

It does not matter if you do not eat meat or good food, or only the worst food.

Meat and good food, let the strong people in the tribe eat, after eating, they can bring back more food to the tribe...

The skinny little hominid girl stood here, pressing her flat belly with her dirty hands through the dirty animal skins, and her big eyes filled with desire for food.

She didn't know what the adults in the tribe thought, nor did she know what the witches thought.

She also thinks that the Qingque tribe is a good tribe.

Because before, her mother brought her some food to eat more than once.

At the beginning, the mother just took a small mouthful with her mouth. After taking advantage of the opportunity to come back, she lost the small mouthful of food to her.

Later, slowly, the small mouth became a big mouth.

The mother, whose face and body were all black, said that this was the food that the Qingque tribe took care of the mother and the others. She gave a lot of food. She couldn't finish eating it, so she brought some food to her.

She was very happy, and then said that her belly is always hungry, and she can't get enough of this food, can she bring back more.

After saying this, my mother burst into tears.

The little girl panicked at the time. While wiping her mother's tears with her little hands, she said that she was not hungry at all and she was full of food!

I am so small that I can be full if I eat a little food!

But I didn't expect that my mother's tears flowed more and more, and she couldn't wipe it off anyway. After a while, her mother even hugged herself in her arms, the kind that came out tightly. Tears, wet my hair...

In the evening, the little girl ran out of the tribe and came to a place not far from where the mother and the others worked and ate. Standing on a rock, she lifted her toes and supported the tree, looking towards the large crowd of people eating. Looking forward to seeing the mother's figure.

After watching this for a while, she really saw her mother.

Mother stood up from the crowd, secretly looked around, then hid the bowl quietly and walked outside.

Looks extra cautious.

The eagerly-awaited little **** her toes seemed to understand something, and mist suddenly appeared in the little man's big eyes.

Then, something more worrying happened.

The cautious mother, not long after leaving, was noticed by a person from the Qingque tribe who was hitting food with a spoon.

They yelled and told their mother to stop, and then they came to the mother's side, and took out the bowl that the mother was hiding under the leather in the trembling mother's arms!

Then he asked!

The little girl who watched this scene eagerly, this whole person was frightened!

Under her silly gaze, her mother was scolded by the Qingque tribe.

After a while, the bowl that was taken back by the Qingque tribe people was again stuffed to the mother by the Qingque tribe people.

Amid the scolding of the Qingque tribe, the mother who took the bowl drank the remaining half of the bowl with tears.

After drinking it all, these people took the mother's bowl back.

Mother stood there for a while, then slowly squatted on the ground, burying her head in her knees.

After a while, the Qingque tribe man who had snatched the mother's bowl came over again with the bowl.

The bowl was sternly stuffed back into his mother's hands, and he didn't know what to say to his mother, then turned around and went back.

The mother, who was holding the bowl, stood there and looked at it for a while, before she seemed a little lost and walked towards the tribe.

The little girl, with her teary eyes dim and frightened, hid her body behind the tree, and only half of her head was exposed felt that this must be the mother's behavior that angered the people of the Qingque tribe, and they would let her mother leave with the rice bowl. Don't let mother eat at them!

The skinny little girl bit her lip, rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand, crying extremely sad.

I’m all to blame, the victim’s mother was also hungry, and the victim’s mother was punished by the Qingque tribe...

Such a mood, until the mother came to her with a bowl of full, thick, and seldom soupy food, it was completely over...

The little girl didn't know that the witches of her tribe and their leaders, why such people who hated the Qingque tribe and pushed the tribe to become bad.

The Qingque tribe is very good!

Mother told her more than once that if it were not for the Qingque tribe, many people in their tribe would starve to death.

Including the two of them...

She stood here, pressing her belly and looking into the distance.

She was looking forward to the return of her mother and many people in the tribe.

When the mother and the others came back, they would be able to know some news about the kind-hearted blue bird tribe.

Waiting for others, you can eat some food!

The mother and the leader do not come back, and these people in the tribe are basically afraid to take out the stored food to eat...

In the little girl's chattering and innocent and childish thoughts, a figure flickered in front of the tribe.

Then a group of people appeared in front of the little girl and others!

This is not the mothers who always have some black and gray on them, nor the leaders of the Qingque tribe with weapons, but a group of people from the Qingque tribe!

However, the little girl ran forward choked and didn't stop, just like this, she ran straight to these people from the Qingque tribe.

Because she has recognized the person walking in the front, the one who served her mother and them!

Not only the little girl ran over with a thud, but also a lot of children ran over with a thud. UU Reading www.uukānshu. com

Because this little girl is not the only one who has benefited from this Qingque tribe.

Since that incident passed, the people of the Red Tiger tribe who worked with the Qingque tribe have been inspired. Most of them will bring back some food for the children of the tribe.

However, they did not fight more from the pot, but kept some of their food.

As for the Qingque tribe, they also chose to open one eye and close one eye for this matter, and did not care much.

Even when some things are cooking, the person in front of you who is called the long-legged person will deliberately cook more food for the adults to bring back to eat with them...

"Hahaha, come, let me hug!"

The long legs walking in the front looked at the little girl running towards him, and couldn't help but smile.

He bent over and picked up the little girl who ran up to him, held it in his arms, and rubbed his cheek affectionately, as if he were treating his own child...

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