I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1217: People who taste the sweetness (2 in 1)

Everyone present looked at the tribes that left the large army and the herds. Some people felt angry. When they were angry, they couldn’t help but want these people to meet the evil Pegasus tribe and let them fly. People from the horse tribe, educate these people well!

Let them taste the consequences of leaving everyone alone!

But there are also people who still maintain some rationality and think long-term.

Although they also have this kind of psychology, but besides this kind of psychology, they are also a little worried about the situation of themselves and others.

The departure of these people undoubtedly reduced the strength of themselves and others, so that in the days to come, when they encounter the Pegasus tribe, they will become more dangerous.

Especially the tribal leader who made the most fierce chaos in order to leave, the strength is indeed very strong, people cannot be underestimated.

His departure undoubtedly caused these tribes united to lose a lot of strength.

It is a big loss.

Such things make them have to worry about it.


Driving the cattle and sheep, and walking slowly forward with the people of the tribe, some people finally couldn't bear it, and said to everyone, expressing their own concerns.

As this person spoke, the atmosphere here could not help but stagnate, and everyone was speechless for a while.

However, these people do not include the leader of the hill tribe.

His complexion was calm, and he didn't become panic because of this person's question.


When the rest of the people became silent because of this problem, the leader of the hill tribe took the lead to speak, attracting everyone's eyes and attention.

What he meant was that everyone shouldn't worry too much about this matter.

Because the tribes who left are only a small part after all.

Their departure will indeed have some impact, but such an impact will not be big after all.

For people like them, it's not a painful one.

Moreover, after leaving the valley and walking far, they are less likely to encounter the Pegasus tribe.

And it really happened. People like them are not unable to deal with them.

Of course, because of the departure of those tribes, the evil Pegasus tribe really chose to chase after this period of time, and it would also run to the scattered tribes.

After all, those tribes are too good to fight.

As for how to solve the problem of their weakened power, the leader of the hill tribe also gave a solution.

This method is to invite other tribes you meet to join them in the days to come!

After all, according to the brutal appearance of the Pegasus tribe, they would definitely not stop their atrocities.

There are many more tribes that will be fatally threatened by the Pegasus tribe.

Those who left are unwilling to act with them, but it does not mean that no other tribe is willing to live with them and fight the evil Pegasus tribe together in order to protect themselves!

The leader of the hill tribe had asked the people in the tribe to summon the other tribes who had avoided the wind and snow in the river valley to fight against the evil Pegasus tribe. Now it is logical to think of this method again.

After all, he had done such a thing once, and he also tasted the sweetness in this matter, which was naturally impressed.

After hearing what the hill tribe leader said, everyone present couldn't help being excited, and everyone couldn't help but shine!

Before, they only thought about the tribes that left, but forgot that there were other tribes besides these tribes!

If the other tribes can join themselves and others, isn't the problem facing them and others now solved?

This hill tribe leader really gave a good solution!

Of course, there are some people who are so excited because they heard what the hill tribe leader said just now that even if the evil Pegasus tribe chases out at this time, they will only rush towards the scattered tribes and ignore them.

But no matter what these people think, their admiration for the leader of the hill tribe is growing rapidly.

Following the leader of the hill tribe and uniting around the leader of the hill tribe to deal with the **** Pegasus tribe, so that your tribe can avoid this daunting disaster, for a while, it became the subconscious thought of many people present.

And these people don't think, or don't realize what's wrong with it.

After some things like this, the leader of the hill tribe seems to have become the absolute core figure among the people present.

This is what the hero of the times said.

If it weren't for the sudden rise of the Pegasus tribe, and so many things came out, the leader of the hill tribe could not be forced to do anything, then he would not have come to this point.

He is still the one who grazes with his tribe in peace, and his biggest hope is to let his tribe meet the rest of the tribe, or meet some male primitives in his tribe, and then let his tribe meet People become more prosperous people.

Definitely not think like this and own these things now.

And some things, once opened, it is impossible to go back to the past...


In the valley, the chief of the Pegasus tribe said loudly.

After hearing what he said, they were already extremely sharp tribal warriors who polished their weapons, each holding their weapons, and getting on the horses they were used to riding.

While riding a horse, he also led two empty horses by the way.


The chief of the Pegasus tribe turned around and glanced at these people, and then shouted again, urging the horses to jump out!

The rest of the people also learned the same way, fighting horses one after another, and rushing forward with their chief.

The reason why the chief of the Pegasus tribe is so excited and so impatient is that just before him, someone specially sent out to quietly stare at the group of hill tribe leaders back to report, saying that it was the tribes that gathered together. After going out of the valley, he really moved separately.

Several tribes were separated from the rest and headed for the rest!

Such a long-awaited opportunity finally appeared in front of him, and the chief of the Pegasus tribe was of course extremely excited!

The chief of the Pegasus tribe, who is inspiring to make his tribe stronger, will not let such an opportunity be lost in vain anyway!

The leader of the Pegasus tribe, who took the lead in galloping out with the horses, is not worried about losing those tribes or finding them.

You must know that the people of these tribes did not go by themselves, but drove the animals together.

Animals need to eat grass and drink water on the way, so the speed is naturally not faster than there.

Of course, in addition to these, these animals also need to **** and pee.

It can be described as walking all the way, eating all the way, pulling all the way.

There is a huge gap between fresh animal manure and stale animal manure.

These things left on the road by the animals are excellent guide signs!

Even the leader of the hill tribe can roughly calculate the number of days and how long the dung was excreted by the animals based on the color of the animal dung on the ground!

In fact, it's not just him, many people in the grassland have this ability.

After all, they deal with these things every day, day after day, year after year, and there is still no good means of entertainment.

At the same time, it is necessary to collect animal dung and use it as firewood.

Therefore, it is also very understandable to understand these things that are frequently encountered.

After the chief of the Pegasus tribe led the warriors of the tribe to go out, among the Pegasus tribe in this valley, the person in charge became the witch of the Red Tiger tribe.

The atmosphere of the entire Pegasus tribe can't help but become calm. There is no urgency and uncomfortable fear when the chief of the Pegasus tribe is here...


Panic shouts rang out in this cold spring, and chaos also appeared along with the shouts.

Someone suddenly turned their heads, but they were seeing the people who were holding yellow weapons, riding horses, had appeared in the field of vision, and were rushing toward him and others with murderous aura!

The rest don't need to bother, just look at that Huang Chengcheng's weapon, you can understand the identity of the person who comes!

Pegasus tribe!

The evil and cruel Pegasus tribe!

How could this **** tribe find its own tribe so quickly? !

Many people stood there in shock!

One or two people were extremely surprised and could not help but fell from the horse...



A sharp bronze weapon was slashed and chopped off at an angle. One body was injured and was pressed hard by other members of the Pegasus tribe. His body suddenly stiffened, and blood was sprayed out.

This man is tall, extremely strong, and very brave. Even the chief of the Pegasus tribe was hit by him!

This person is either someone else, or the tribe leader who first quarreled with the hill tribe leader, and led the tribe first, leaving the tribe united with the hill tribe, and acting alone.

At this moment, seeing this person who was already unable to live, a very strong expression of regret appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, he remembered the words the hill tribe leader had said, and even the hill tribe leader's retention of his tribe.

But now, everything is too late!

It was his own selfishness and will to kill everyone in the tribe and his own tribe!

At this dying juncture, this person thought this way, with incomparably clear regret.

But regret is useless, it cannot slow down his death, nor can it change the fact that their tribe has died...

The chief of the Pegasus tribe wiped the handle weapon he was holding on the man who was lying on the ground and there was no sound. After he wiped it clean, he stopped.

After doing this, the chief of the Pegasus tribe looked down at his chest.

There is a mark on the animal skins, and there are openings in the outermost layer!

This was made by this person who had just been killed by his own hands during the battle just now.

His chest is still aching now, and you don't need to look at the chief of the Pegasus tribe to know that the skin here must be bruised.

Looking at the mark on his chest, and then feeling the pain that was still coming from his chest, the chief of the Pegasus tribe couldn't help but think of the woman without a nose in the tribe.

Thinking of this woman, the chief of the Pegasus tribe couldn't help feeling grateful and grateful for a while.

According to what the other party said, he successfully captured the rest of the tribes. It was only a small aspect to catch people. The bigger reason was that this time, if it wasn't for something created by the red tiger tribe maiden, he was very likely. Will die!

Even if you can't die, you must be seriously injured!

But now, because of what was made by the Red Tiger Tribe maiden, even if he was stabbed in the chest by a man who was stronger than himself with a sharp stick weapon, it was only slightly injured, and his chest was slightly injured. It's a little painful, but it's not dead.

He can still endure such pain and continue to wield his weapons to fight.

The chief of the Pegasus tribe, who held a weapon in one hand and pressed the other hand on his chest for a while, looked at the animals that had been controlled by the people of his tribe, as well as the women and children, his smile began to change. It's brilliant.

I have already got such a good result on my side, and it won't be bad if I want to take another route.

On the other way, the leader of the team was the people who followed him and attacked the other tribes. They had exceptionally rich combat experience, and he also allocated some more manpower to him. I think there is no problem.

Thinking of this, the feelings of the Chief of the Pegasus tribe couldn't help but become more beautiful...

In the valley, the large troops of the Pegasus tribe still stayed in there without moving.

They stayed here under the leadership of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, waiting for the return of the chief of the Pegasus tribe and others.

The Feima tribe people staying here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are not idle. Except for the people who graze cattle, sheep and horses, there are many others who are gathered around the Red Tiger Tribe maiden, holding them in their hands. Some tools and some animal skins are busy here.

It can be seen that they are cutting and sewing these animal skins.

And on the side, there are also a few things that are finished products, but still look particularly rough, which can barely be called clothes or armor.

This is what the chief of the Pegasus tribe is wearing.

This was created by the Red Tiger Tribe witch herself.

Her direct inspiration came from the exquisite things made of rattan worn by the **** blue bird tribe.

This thing left a very deep impression on her.

When fighting against the Qingque tribe, if it weren't because the Qingque tribe people had these things, they would not be defeated so miserably!


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