Shen Langbai shook his head

"It seems that the reputation of this peripheral needs to be paid attention to, so that people can't think that I am just trying to be a leek."

He thought

"I have promised before that I will reissue a set of top-notch peripherals to customers who support me before the online store goes online."

"After all, it’s less than a thousand sets, and my cost price is less than 100,000 yuan."

"The more user experience you have, the faster word of mouth will spread."

"Give it away, this benefit must be given to the brothers!"

Immediately, Shen Langbai arranged the delivery without stopping.

Soon, customers who had purchased computers from Shen Langbai before received notifications that the express delivery had been sent.

They were all a little stunned.

Because they had not only bought computers recently, but Apart from computers, I haven’t bought anything else.

Where did the express come from?

And the sender of the express was actually Shen Langbai, whom they were familiar with?

Someone in the community also posted a question about this.

"Have you ever bought Boss Shen's computer? I was one of the first to buy it. Why did Boss Shen send me another express delivery today?"

"I also received a courier message. What is this? What did Boss Shen send me?"

Soon, this topic aroused the interest of many Starry Sky Technology customers.

Some local netizens in Jiangcheng thought that since there was nothing to do, they might as well go directly to Pacific Computer City and see in person what Shen Langbai was sending to his brothers. Something.

When he arrived at Pacific Computer City, what he saw was boxes with Shuangfeiyan mice and cherry green keyboards printed on them being packed into trucks.

The netizen was stunned for a moment.

Could this be what Shen Langbai gave Things that everyone sent?

No, according to everyone, no one bought anything. Why did Boss Shen send everyone such a set of peripherals?

He couldn't restrain his curiosity and stepped forward to ask Shen Langbai.

Shen Lang Bai smiled slightly and said

"Isn't this what I said before, I want to give benefits to the customers who support me. I still owe everyone at that time a set of top peripherals."

"This set of peripherals is given to everyone as a thank you for taking care of my business at that time."

Shen Langbai's words were posted to the forum by this netizen, which instantly silenced those netizens who were still curious before.

Many of them had been guessing whether some promotional information or advertisements were being sent to them.

After all, many online stores do this now.

As long as you buy something from them once, it's over. You can't avoid all kinds of advertisements, phone calls and inexplicable messages. It's like being covered in dog skin plaster.

They originally I thought Shen Langbai was like this too.

Perhaps he was using this part of the proceeds to supplement his computer business.

Most customers had previously expressed understanding, but many people still had complaints in their hearts.

After all, this is equivalent to being disturbed all the time, and no one I like this.

But now when this netizen told them what happened, they were completely silent.

They even felt a little ashamed.

"We too judge a gentleman’s belly with a villain’s heart"

"Boss Shen was giving us peripheral gifts. We actually thought he was sending us flyers and advertisements or something."

"He actually still remembers the promise he made at that time, is he really going to give us peripherals?"

"Oh, I'm crying. Brothers, if you go to another online store, they will write you a small gift when you post your order. If you go to ask for it after you place your order, you might get stymied."

"But Boss Shen, we didn’t even need to mention anything, he still remembered to send us peripherals. This is the difference between whether a businessman has a conscience or not!"

"However, this set of peripherals is priced at 650 in Boss Shen's store. Boss Shen's cost price is so low that it's not even cheap. Wouldn't giving it to us make Boss Shen lose money again?"

"This already poor situation is getting worse!"

"Brother, tell Boss Shen quickly and tell him not to give it away."

"We appreciate this kindness, but we really don’t want to see Boss Shen go bankrupt. Please, please don’t give it away!"

The netizens at the scene also quickly told Shen Langbai what they meant, and wanted to dissuade Shen Langbai from sending it away.

However, after Shen Langbai heard this, he flatly refused. Don't send it away? What are you talking about


Are you kidding?

If you don’t give away these peripherals, then everyone still thinks that I, Shen Langbai, am taking advantage of the peripherals? I can’t bear this kind of grievance for a day!

Besides, if I don’t give away these peripherals, how can I experience it? Aren’t there fewer users who enjoy the improvement and fun brought by peripherals?

If there are fewer users falling into the trap, won’t the points that I, Shen Langbai, can earn also decrease?

No, absolutely not!

Shen Langbai is full His face is full of determination

"No, no one can stand without faith"

"I promised my brothers that I would send peripherals. If I don’t send them now, wouldn’t I be breaking my promise?"

"A real man is born between heaven and earth. He doesn't have to make money, but he can't break trust with others."

"No one can stop me, even if Jesus comes, he can’t stop me from giving away peripherals!"

Shen Langbai's response made netizens in the forum sigh and sigh again.

"Boss Shen!"

"Alas, there are really too few such conscientious and honest businesses!"

"Boss Shen still has a conscience!"

"No, I can’t let Boss Shen give it away for free. I’ll buy a set too, just to make up for the loss to Boss Shen."

"Go together, go together!"

Hou Yaochen, who had been looking at the forum, was so angry that he slapped his hand on the desk.

"Damn it!"

"You idiots, these users are all idiots!"

"Shen Langbai gave him such a small favor, and you praise his conscience again"

"We have already offered a discount of 20,000 yuan to 300 yuan. The price has not increased, but the price has been reduced by 300 yuan. That is real money and silver, and the red tickets will be delivered to you consumers."

"What a sin! Why don't you praise my conscience?"

After being annoyed for a while, Hou Yaochen took a deep breath to calm down his mood.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be angry"

"No matter how much he, Shen Langbai, doles out such small favors, the quality of those peripherals will be rubbish."

"When those users get it in their hands, no matter how much Shen Langbai boasts that he has a conscience, it is an indisputable fact that he is using high-priced brand-name peripherals!"

"I have to let people kill him!"


Soon, Shen Langbai sent out the peripherals the next day.

In the graduate dormitory of Yenching University, a master's student in his twenties was engaged in a fierce gun battle in Crysis.

My roommate in the same dormitory asked curiously

"Myojin, aren't you going to the lab today?"

"You used to go to the laboratory at six o'clock every day and come back at twelve o'clock in the evening. It was so scary that you didn't go there in the past few days?"

Speaking of this, the graduate student who was playing Crysis sighed.

His name is Gu Canming, and he is a graduate student at Yanjing University. He majors in optics. He is a well-known academic leader in the research group of the Optics and Application Laboratory. He is also a game and hardware enthusiast.

Facing his roommate’s inquiry, Gu Canming said helplessly

"Don't mention it, we are in the field of optical applications, that is, applying optical achievements to actual production."

"Light sensors are very closely related to our research direction. Without a suitable light sensor, all our work would have to stop."

"But the light sensors we use have relatively high sensitivity requirements, and the scale of this industry is very small. In the past, we could only find a few small manufacturers in China to customize them."

"It's a bit expensive, a light sensor costs more than 500, but it works and allows us to continue research."

"But recently, this industry has been in such a slump that several small manufacturers have closed down and don’t even have inventory."

"Not only our optical laboratory at Yenching University, but also the optical application groups of other domestic universities are in misery and have all been shut down."

"Without light perception, we can't do anything. The teacher in the laboratory has almost lost all his hair and is looking for where to buy this level of light perception. It is said that several large project teams are planning to organize groups and go abroad. ask"

"In the future, the light sensor may only cost three hundred dollars a piece, and you won’t be able to afford it for experiments."


Gu Canming shook his head

"So now that this is the case, there’s no point in going to the lab. Why bother going there to take fake exams? It’s better to relax in the dormitory."

"Not to mention, I didn’t have time to play with the Core computer I bought from Boss Shen before, but now I’m playing Crysis, it’s so damn exciting!"

At this moment, a call came to Gu Canming's mobile phone.

"Is this Mr. Gu? Your express delivery is here."

"Um, what kind of computer peripherals does the express information show, such as a light-sensitive mouse? Can you come and sign for it?"

Only then did Gu Canming remember.

Indeed, he had seen this on the forum yesterday. It was said that Boss Shen would reissue the peripherals he bought for his computer before. Unexpectedly, the shipment would be delivered by Shunfeng the next day?

Shen Boss, this is so conscientious!

Immediately afterwards, Gu Canming's body suddenly paused

Wait a minute……"

"What does this peripheral say? What kind of mouse is that? A light-sensitive mouse?"



PS: This is the last chapter before it is put on the shelves. I would like to ask for a wave of data, flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and comments. Thank you all for your support! If there are no surprises, it will be on the shelves at noon today. I beg the bosses to support the first order. This is so important for the results! Thanks to the author!

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