After this angry rebuke, Xia Xishan also hung up the phone.

At this moment, Hou Yaochen and his subordinates responsible for contacting Xia Xishan were all stunned.

"No, what's going on in Xia Xishan?"

"Is he sick? Why is he so erratic?"

"Didn't he happily accept our money before and say that what he told was the truth and that he was not unconscionable at all? Why did he change his story now?"

"Why the hell does he still call Shen Langbai daddy? He also says that Shen Langbai is the father of the entire Long Kingdom optical world?"

"What nonsense is this?!"

Before Hou Yaochen could recover from the phone call, he immediately discovered that a post in the knowledge sharing community had been ranked as a hot topic in the community.

It was exactly what they had asked people to ask about the Shuangfeiyan light-sensing mouse. Post.

When you click on it, they are even more stupid.

At the top, Xia Xishan's reply has been deleted by himself, leaving only the words full of great respect for Shen Langbai.

"I would like to extend my most sincere apologies to Mr. Shen Langbai for my previous ignorance."

"A cricket doesn't know the magnificence of spring and autumn, a frog at the bottom of a well doesn't know how big the world is."

"After receiving a call from the person in charge of our laboratory, I found out that the Shuangfeiyan light-sensitive mouse sold by Boss Shen used a really high-standard light-sensitive mouse."

"A light sensor that costs at least three hundred dollars a piece. Boss Shen only sells it on a mouse for one hundred and fifty dollars. He also said that it is only a loss for himself, but he wants to give good products to the public."

"At a time when many optical laboratories in Longguo have shut down due to the shortage of light sensors, Boss Shen’s Shuangfeiyan mouse is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for the entire optical community in Longguo."

"Great, needless to say!"

The contrast between Xia Xishan's answers before and after was so great that not only Hou Yaochen and his subordinates were confused, but even the people who were eating melons were confused.

"No, I saw Professor Xia talk about his professional skills before, and he also took out the purchase documents. It was conclusive evidence that Star Technology's double"800" Feiyan mouse was a rip-off. The product"

"Why has his attitude turned 180 degrees now and made Star Technology's boss Shen so famous that he is rarely seen in the world?"

This knowledge community has not yet been opened on a large scale. It adopts an invitation system. Those who can be in this community are basically considered to have a small status. Many people's real estate is worth tens of millions.

They But I don’t believe what Xia Xishan said. Shen Langbai only sells a top-level light sensor for 500 yuan for 150 yuan. How can anyone do this kind of business?

He wants to let his customers profit while losing money?

Isn’t this sick ? ?

Some netizens suddenly came up with a guess

"Could it be that Xingkong Technology stuffed money into Xia Xishan?"

"Good guy, after all, Xia Xishan is also a professor at Hainan University and a well-known person in the academic world. After receiving the money, he can even say such things."

"These words are almost making Shen Langbai a saint? Can a profiteer who started his career in a computer city have a conscience? Only a ghost can believe it!"

The discussion about this incident suddenly became a hot spot in this knowledge community, and the popularity of this post suddenly climbed to the top of the community.

When Hou Yaochen saw the discussions below, he let out a sigh of relief, and his eyes were filled with excitement. Showing joy

"Let me just say, the people in this community are all elites"

"Could this be the same as those netizens who are easily deceived?"

"It was because of their sharp eyes that they immediately discovered the truth. Shen Langbai must have stuffed money into Xia Xishan, a money-minded man!"

"Humph, I don’t know how much he stuffed in, but Xia Xishan even said such words as Father Shen. He was really shameless and polite!"

The worries that had arisen because of Xia Xishan's change of words suddenly disappeared.

Hou Yaochen let out a long breath, with a look of pride on his face.

"When the comments here spread to other communities, let’s see how Shen Langbai can maintain his reputation."

"The Shuangfeiyan mouse is recognized as a product of Jiucai, so who else will buy it except those idiots who have no brains to believe in Shen Langbai?"

"We can't rely on this kind of off-brand peripherals to make a profit, and Shen Langbai's low-priced computer can't even be sold. He has lost so much money, and he can't even hope to get back his money. He can only obey my terms."

"I am determined to get that technical document!"

At this time, in the optical laboratory of Hainan University,

Xia Xishan was filled with despair when he saw the comments in the community.

"No, what I told is the truth. Why don’t they believe it?"

"I really didn’t take Father Shen’s money, what I told is the truth!"

The person in charge of the laboratory is also sweating profusely. Shen Langbai's request is for them to restore his reputation, but now, Xia Xishan has apologized in public and changed his story, and he is still being paid by the conspiracy theory? How can this be done?


After a while, the person in charge of the laboratory made a decision

"Restoring Boss Shen’s reputation is what we must do"

"Boss Shen contributes money and effort. As long as we still have some conscience, we cannot let him be slandered again."

"In the official name of our Haida Optical Laboratory, a statement should be convincing, right?!"

Soon, a statement issued by the Optical Laboratory appeared on the official website of the Optics Department of Hainan University.

"Haida Optical Laboratory is strongly grateful to Xingkong Technology for providing Shuangfeiyan mouse, a conscientious product of high quality and low price, which has made great contributions to the optical industry of Longguo and solved the urgent need of high-end light sensor shortage in the optical industry of Longguo."

"For Mr. Shen Langbai, the entire Department of Optics of Hainan University would like to express our sincere gratitude and apology. We are willing to appoint Mr. Shen Langbai as an honorary professor of the Department of Optics of Hainan University. We hope that the unfounded speculations about Mr. Shen Langbai on the Internet will end here!"

Such a statement was simultaneously reprinted in the community where Shen Langbai and Xingkong Technology were agitated.

Netizens in the community were also shocked when they saw the official statement issued by the Optics Department of Hainan University.

"Damn it?"

"This incident directly exposed the official department of the Optics Department of Hainan University?"

"An official statement said that they were grateful for Shen Langbai's contribution and were willing to hire Shen Langbai as an honorary professor?"

"No, is it so outrageous to become an honorary professor directly?!"

You know, Hainan University is one of the top ten universities in China.

If you want to work here, even the lowest-level lecturer, you must have a doctorate with experience studying in famous overseas universities and making achievements!

To become a professor here , even if it is just an honorary title, it is still something that 99% of people dare not think about in their lifetime!

This is not a title that can be obtained by donating money, this weight is too heavy!

This title from the Department of Optics of Hainan University An official statement silenced the discussion in the community.

At this time, the other optical laboratories in Longguo were anxious.

"No, Haida, what does this mean?"

"Is this to use the title of honorary professor to win over Boss Shen?"

"Do they want to rely on this method to obtain a higher standard of light from Boss Shen in advance?"

"Damn, why did you let them take the lead... Ah no, why did you let them do such an unscrupulous thing?"

"No, the motto of our school is not to lag behind others and dare to be the first. Hainan University has done it, so why can’t we do it?"

"Besides, protecting Boss Shen’s reputation is what our Longguo optical community should do. If Boss Shen's reputation is allowed to be slandered, what difference will we make to animals?"

Professor Li Guanghua, the head of the Optics and Applications Laboratory of Yenching University, stood at the door of the office of the director of the Department of Optics with a statement and an appointment letter as an honorary professor, and said in one sentence

"Director, I know how strict our title of honorary professor is."

"But I will tell you now, either you stamp this invitation letter from Boss Shen, or I, Li Guanghua, will leave."

"You choose."

In the optical laboratory of Shuimu University, Professor Zhao spoke righteously at the door of the department chair.

"Boss Shen is nothing more than a reborn parent to us in the optical world."

"Without the high-standard light perception he provides, our direction may be controlled by others from now on, and it will never be possible to surpass foreign countries."

"With this contribution alone, the entire Longguo optical community must remember this day. The honorary professorship at Shuimu University is rare, but not as rare as this!"

Countless similar scenes occurred in the optical departments of various top universities in the Dragon Kingdom.

What followed was one after another statement and invitation letter stamped with the official red seal of the university.

"All colleagues in the Department of Optics at Yenching University would like to thank Mr. Shen Langbai for his outstanding contributions to the optical community in Longguo."

"Mr. Shen Langbai is hereby invited to become an honorary professor in the Department of Optics of Yenching University……"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"All colleagues in the Department of Optics of Shuimu University would like to thank Mr. Shen Langbai……"

"Invite Mr. Shen Langbai to become an honorary professor of the Department of Optics of Shuimu University……"

Statements and invitations one after another, like bombshells, were announced one after another, causing the previously elite knowledge community to shut down.

Damn it, those gathered here are indeed elites.

But they are not yet elites to that extent. Those who can get a professorship can be said to be only one in ten, let alone professorships in these top universities.

As for such a great person who can attract the olive branch from almost all the top universities in Dragon Kingdom, the entire community may not be able to find one.

This weight is simply incredibly heavy!

Netizens who were still discussing Shen Langbai before now also showed a wry smile.

"Damn it, are we worthy of discussing a big guy like Shen Langbai?"

"I originally thought that a profiteer in the Computer City could get some seats, but now the seats are completely full."[]

"It's true as Xia Xishan said, the entire Longguo optical community has benefited from him, so many top universities directly sent invitations to endorse his reputation!"

"What else can we say about this?"

"All this is enough to prove that the mouse sold by Shen Langbai is not a defective product at all, but is really awesome to the point of being incredible!"

At this time, more careful people found out the transaction status of Shuangfeiyan mouse in Xingkong Technology online store.

Seeing the sales volume of 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, everyone had a guess in their minds.

"How could ordinary users buy so much in such a short period of time?"

"There is only one explanation……"

Hou Yaochen sat on his office chair with a confused face, and after a while he let out a cry of reluctance.

"Damn it!"

"You guys, a group of optical laboratories from the top universities in the Dragon Kingdom, went to an online store run by profiteers in a computer city to purchase goods and conduct scientific research?"

"Are you sick? It’s not embarrassing, right?"

"And this Shen Langbai, Shen Langbai……"

"Are you really fucked up with something wrong with your brain? You use the lighting that started at 500 bucks on a mouse and sell it for 150 bucks........."

"Are you addicted to losing money? Gan!"


At the same time, game communities such as 4DM also learned that Shen Langbai had attracted invitations from the top universities in the optical world of Longguo.

Seeing the invitation letter sealed with a red seal, the netizens here were breathing rapidly, and their eyes showed their enthusiasm for Shen Langbai, and it could even be said that they felt a sense of admiration in it!

"Oh my god, Shuimu University, Yenching University, Hainan University, Northwest University... they are all top universities!"

"When I was a kid, I always dreamed of going to these schools. I thought I would never see invitations from these schools in my life, but I didn’t expect my eyes to open today!"

"What do you think of Boss Shen’s noodles? Which other businessman can attract so many top universities to issue invitations to become an honorary professor?"

"Even if you look at what they said in their statement, they all said that Boss Shen had solved the urgent need of the optical industry in Longguo this time!"

"Good guy, this may be recorded in the history of Longguo's optical industry in the future! At least learn eachThe Department of Optics of Shen Langbai will definitely leave many laboratories or buildings named after Shen Langbai. If it were me, there would already be a page for me in the family tree!"

"Open a single page? You might as well be brave and start building a new family tree directly from you!"

While netizens were discussing it, those netizens who had doubted Shen Langbai before and went to the online store to persuade him already felt deeply ashamed.

"We actually suspected that Boss Shen wanted to use peripheral equipment and sell products that were sold as dog meat."

"I really didn’t expect that Boss Shen had lost so much money selling computers and owed so much debt, yet he still hadn’t recovered from the peripheral equipment."

"Look at what the big guys in the optical industry say, Boss Shen’s mouse also cost a lot of money to sell for this price!"

"Boss Shen has distributed benefits to everyone, but I actually think that Boss Shen has ulterior motives. I am an idiot, I am a big idiot, and I apologize to Boss Shen!"

"From now on, I will never question Boss Shen again. Boss Shen just sells rice fields, so maybe they are mixed with ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum and other precious medicinal materials, which can prolong life!"

"Boss Shen's conscience is irreproachable and unimpeachable. Everything in this world can be questioned, but Boss Shen's conscience cannot be questioned!"

For a time, posts apologizing to Shen Langbai could be seen everywhere in various game and hardware forum communities.

At this time, in addition to admiration for Shen Langbai, a greater curiosity also arose in everyone's minds.

"The cost of the peripherals sold by Boss Shen is so high, how easy is it to use?"

At this time, those users who had received the peripherals sent by Shen Langbai couldn't wait to take them apart.

Many of them, after receiving the Shuangfeiyan mouse and cherry green keyboard, felt that they must be junk peripherals. The equipment is not as good as the one I use now.

So I put many of them away for later use. Now that I heard the news, I hurriedly took it apart to experience it. 4.0 When the Shuangfeiyan light-sensing mouse was plugged in and held, they gasped. A breath of cool air.

You must know that the light sensor replaces the trackball. In addition to the improvement in sensitivity, the most important thing is that the weight is greatly reduced and the feel is greatly improved. The previous trackball mouse was extremely bulky, but now the light sensor mouse can really be called It is as light as a swallow.

And due to the characteristics of high-sensitivity light sensing, it slides extremely smoothly. There is no longer the feeling that the trackball mouse does not follow the hand when used before.

This difference is earth-shaking!

And the cherry green axis The experience improvement brought by the keyboard is even more intense than that of the mouse. In a short time, all the netizens who used this peripheral were in trouble and frantically posted Amway posts in the community.

"This set of peripherals is completely different from the ones I used before."

"So cool, so cool!"

"The mouse is fun to use and as light as a swallow. Using it for shooting can elevate your skills to two levels!"

"The keyboard is more enjoyable to use and feels addictive when typing!"

"Even if I don't play games, I feel so good just typing on the keyboard. Not to mention using this keyboard to do some text work. Oh my god, coding, which used to be pure torture, has now become a joy!"

Such posts that have sprung up like mushrooms have naturally aroused the curiosity of other netizens who have not bought the Shuangfeiyan mouse and Cherry Green axis keyboard.

Before, they thought that the 150 yuan off-brand mouse and the 500 yuan off-brand keyboard were a bit expensive.

But Now, so many big guys have endorsed Shen Langbai, so what are you worried about?


What if you go late and everything is sold out?

So in a short period of time, Starry Sky Technology’s online store has seen an unprecedented amount of sales. users.

Shuangfeiyan mouse and Cherry Blue Switch keyboard, these two peripherals that were not taken seriously before.

Sales began to explode!

Even the turnover of the entire online store began to soar!.

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