"There are actually 1,500 points, not bad!" Levi was very satisfied.

4000 points of Reiatsu gives him the strength to be completely unafraid of the Marine Admiral.

Now that there are 1500 more, the strength of Reiatsu will definitely increase a lot again.

Sabaody Archipelago has less rewards than Marine headquarters for signing in.

Levi can understand, after all, there have been many famous battles at Marine headquarters.

and its unique location.

It must be more famous in the whole world than Sabaody Archipelago!

"Come on, give me the Reiatsu!" Levi has truly experienced that he can crush his opponent without fighting.

I no longer look down on other abilities.

This Reiatsu is so comfortable to use!

As a result, Levi's Reiatsu points have been increased to 5500, which is several times stronger than before!

"The Reiatsu attribute points have been improved! The Host's ability to control Reiatsu has been improved, and the Reiatsu perception has been greatly improved! Soul deterrence, and soul real damage has been improved to a certain extent!" The sign-in system quickly reported Levi's own changes to him.

"Perception has been improved the most?" Levi was a little surprised.

It seems that after the overall Reiatsu is improved, the improvement of other accompanying skills is not exactly the same.

Instead, there will be a focus, Reiatsu perception in Levi's cognition.

It has always been easier to use than Observation Haki.

Ordinary Observation Haki cannot see a person's true appearance clearly.

It's like the black and white world or infrared sensing.

Only the human form and movement can be seen!

This is also the point where Fujitora couldn't see Luffy's face clearly in Dressrosa and regretted it.

But Reiatsu's perception is different, in Reiatsu's perception.

Everything around him was clear and clear, like a holographic radar projection.

Not only can you see a person's face, but you can also vaguely detect the essence of his soul.

Now that the perception is improved, what will happen?

Groups of Marine soldiers, armed with weapons, quickly disembarked from the warship.

Gather in front of Levi and wait for his orders.

Almost all of Marine's eyes were filled with curiosity.

Levi's youth, Levi's previous actions at Marine headquarters.

And what will their fourth Admiral do next?

It's all about what they care about.

"Everyone acts according to the established arrangements!" Seeing Levi in ​​a daze, Gion couldn't help but outline a sexy and confident arc at the corner of his mouth.

In her opinion, Levi must not know how to command an army in combat.

He had admitted this himself before.

Fortunately, she had already arranged it when she was on the warship.

Seeing this little monster, there were times when I was confused.

Gion has just found a little sense of existence.

"Don't bother, I'll give it a try!" Levi held his chin in thought.

"What?" Gion was puzzled, but he didn't wait for her to continue asking!

A tsunami surged into the sky, shocking the world. Reiatsu exploded with a bang!

Like a volcano erupting, it radiates instantly, in the blink of an eye.

It covers the entire Sabaody Archipelago.

"What's going on? Is it going to rain?"

"Why do I feel hard to breathe and feel heavy in my heart? There is something strange about this dark and dark curtain. Look, there is no such dark and dark curtain outside the island..."

This time, no one passed out!

Levi's control is now high and he can accurately control every part of his Reiatsu!

[Perception] Activate, shroud.

The tens of thousands of people and buildings on the entire island all clearly appeared in Levi's mind!

Watching the lively supernova DJ Yin Apu!

Allosaurus-shaped Drake and Monk Urouge are fighting the pacifists!

Law and Kid are blocked by a Pacifist.

The two captains were arguing, but temporarily joined forces to fight the pacifist.

Luo turned his palm downwards, and the white Uzumaki-shaped barrier rotated to a certain number of circles, unfolding a light blue semicircular field!

Shroud the pacifist.

Kid absorbed countless weapons and condensed them into a pair of metal arms, attacking the pacifists from both sides.

The Straw Hat Pirates are close to defeating the pacifist.

A group of people swarmed up and kept causing injuries to the pacifists!

The Big Stomach Girl turned all the Marines who besieged her into old people and children, and then fled happily...

Capone Bege was surrounded by Marine on the coastline, but he calmly teased Marine: "You lost because of your superiority in strength!"

Then many holes were opened in his body, and countless small cannonballs were shot out from those holes.

After a certain distance, these cannonballs suddenly became larger, and they all stuck in the faces of the Marines!

It was so sudden that the Marines had no way to escape.

Then Bege lowered a suspension bridge on his chest, and a whole team of cavalry rushed out.

Hawkins was still divining his fate leisurely, when suddenly his arms stiffened and his face was blank...

It seems that the divination has yielded an incredible result.

In a certain tavern, Pluton Rayleigh, who was drinking quietly, suddenly looked up at the sky!

His eyes instantly became extremely sharp: "Whose Conqueror's Haki? The coverage is so wide, and it doesn't just pass by instantly!"

"What are you doing? There are no enemies here!" Gion felt the Reiatsu released by Levi, and suddenly felt pressure and looked horrified at the same time!

Because she found that this Reiatsu seemed to be stronger than what she had experienced at the Marine headquarters before!

How is this going? ! Illusion?

"The enemies are all within striking range!" Levi smiled lightly!

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