Rayleigh smacked her mouth and felt the fragrance linger on her lips and teeth.

"Is it such a common name? Such a delicious thing should have a better name!"

"That's right."

Levi said and took a sip.

However, he was still not used to the taste of wine.

Rayleigh didn't taste much at all just now.

At this time, he grabbed Levi's cup and drank it with a gulp.

It wasn't until he drank the second cup that he tasted some of it.

But he soon frowned.

"It looks like! It's really similar! But how is it possible?"

Levi didn't really like drinking, and he drank very little.

He just tasted it and felt that it had a spicy taste from alcohol.

As for the fragrance, it only refers to the smell.

After I actually drank it, I felt a little uncomfortable in my throat.

He really couldn't understand what people who liked wine were drinking.

Seeing Rayleigh keep repeating that sentence, it aroused Levi's interest.

"Uncle Rayleigh, what are you talking about?"

Yamato and Robin covered their mouths and laughed: "Although this is a secret recipe, no one can taste it, but there are several flavors added to it."

"I always feel that this tastes really like the specialty wine of Queen Taji!"

"Oh? Really? But I didn't use grapes! They said it was blended with rum."

Rayleigh was a little shocked.

It is still difficult to use a variety of different flavors to create a special fruit flavor.

He couldn't help but look at Shakky. .

Shakky opened a hotel in Area 13 of the Sabaody Archipelago.

She usually mixes some wine to entertain the pirates who come and go.

Even Rayleigh often frequents Shakky's tavern to gather information.

But he had never discovered that Shakky could make this kind of drink.

"Okay, Shakky, we have known each other for so long, but I have never seen you bring out this! You have a good drink and you don't tell me?"

Rayleigh mistakenly thought that this must be what Shakky taught Yamato.

"Ah? This recipe was researched by Yamato and Robin, not me."

Yamato also asked Shakky for advice because he was interested in bartending.

But she always has some fantastic ideas that even Shakky has never thought of.

Rayleigh was even more shocked this time.

"Yamato? How could you ever drink the specialty of Taji Kingdom?"

Levi was not very good at these wines and drinks. At this time, listening to Rayleigh talking about the Taji Kingdom they were going to, he became confused.

He thought to himself that Yamato had never been to that place.

He had asked them before.

Yamato also made it clear that he did not know this place.

A place I have never been to, a place I have never heard of.

How can Yamato imitate it? Which local specialty is it?

Levi, who had no interest in the glass of wine, couldn't help but take a sip. (Li Haohao

Then he shook his head, because he really couldn't tell the difference between good and bad wine.

'.Huh? This is based on my memories of things I smelled when I was a kid.

Yamato lived in Wanokuni when he was a child, and was later imprisoned on Onigashima.

As for the Taji Kingdom, I don’t know about it at all.

"Yes. There are some things that Yamato can't recall, but I used chemical reactions to help restore them."

Robin helped Yamato add another sentence. .

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