There has been no fresh food on the ship for a long time.

Most of it is some canned food and some dried food that can be stored for a long time.

"Do you think it's because there's no fresh food, so they're tired of it?"

Rayleigh had already eaten the entire plate of Levi's food by this time.

Shakky, Yamato, and Robin ate most of the remaining meals.

At this time, he burped and said: "It's easy to eat fresh food. The most indispensable thing in the sea is fish!"

Rayleigh's words reminded Levi.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of that!"

Levi has never fished at sea.

However, the fishing rods and hooks for sea fishing have been prepared on this boat.

This was what came with the boat when 21 originally bought it.

There are even harpoons and fishing nets.

It's just that Levi never uses these things, so he keeps them in the top corner of the cabin gathering dust.

Just do it, Levi ran out immediately.

Then he ran to the corner of the warehouse at the bottom of the cabin and rummaged through those things.

Shakky, Yamato and Robin, on the one hand, they couldn't bear to dampen Levi's enthusiasm, but on the other hand, they wanted to find excuses to shirk.

As a result, they feel particularly hungry on certain days of the week.

At this time, the pile of messy things Shakky and Yamato bought on The Fish Men Island came in handy.

There are all kinds of snacks specially made by The fish men island.

With these things, the three of them can survive.

But I don’t buy much of these things, and there will always be a day when I finish them.

It happens to be today.

Shakky distributed the last three snacks from a small iron box to everyone.

After the three people swallowed it wholeheartedly, they did not change their state of hunger.

Robin studies navigation charts every day, which requires a lot of brainpower.

If she doesn't eat enough, she feels like her brain is in a mess and she can't think clearly.

"Why don't we take a look at what's in the warehouse and grab some to eat?"

Shakky and Yamato were hesitant about Robin's proposal.

"But most of them are raw! If you search for them, you will definitely alert Levi!"

"Yes! He will ask why we have to cook alone again!"

When Robin thought about it, it was indeed the case.

Although Levi's cooking skills are terrible, he still has confidence in his attempts at cooking.

Robin also didn't expect that Levi was very good in many aspects and learned things very quickly.

Why is there so little progress on the issue of eating, which is one of the three most important things in life?

Although both Shakky and Yamato said so, Robin really felt a little hungry.

"Let's do this 663! If you don't go, I will go by myself! If I find something delicious later, you are not allowed to snatch it from me!"

In fact, Shakky and Yamato were already very hungry.

Although Robin's suggestion made them particularly excited, they were afraid of meeting Levi.

So the three people discussed it carefully.

It was decided that Robin would be responsible for going in to look for things, while Shakky and Yamato would stay at the door to look out.

Even their excuses for going to the warehouse to find something were already made up.

"You must remember what I'm going to say below! If Levi finds out, just say this!"

"Do not worry!".

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