Levi was rummaging through the fishing rods and hooks on the boat.

But he never thought that someone would come to the warehouse at the bottom of the cabin at this time.

He touched the dusty fishing rod and wiped it.

I fantasized about catching a few fish so that Shakky, Yamato, and Robin could have some fresh food.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, three wooden sticks rained down on him!

Although Levi's combat ability is very strong, Reiatsu's ability is also very fishy.

But on the one hand, he didn't sense any strange aura when he was attacked.

Judging from the force of the blow, it must have been done by a girl.

So Levi didn't resist at all, he even thought that maybe it was Shakky and Yamato who did it!

570 However, in terms of physical defense, Levi is still a little behind.

Levi felt a twinge of pain and screamed!

But unexpectedly, when he shouted, the other two wooden bars stopped, except one.

Until he heard a crash and the wooden plank broke into two pieces.

But there was still a whistling sound behind the ears.

Levi covered the bag on his head, then turned around to look at the pain.

I saw that Robin and Yamato had already put their hands behind their backs, and then smiled awkwardly.

Only Shakky had his eyes closed, and there was only a piece of wood less than an inch long in his hand, but he was still waving it with all his strength.

While waving, she kept shouting.

When Levi saw this, he immediately understood what was going on.

His hands suddenly grasped Shakky's wrists.

Shakky originally wanted to resist, but he felt that the temperature of this hand was unusually familiar.

She slowly opened her eyes, only to find that it was Levi.

Her face immediately turned red, and she looked very nervous. She looked at Robin and Yamato with awkward expressions.

The half-section of wood in Shakky's hand loosened unconsciously and fell to the ground with a clang.

"I'm sorry! Levi! I didn't know it was you here, it was just the two of them..."

Shakky pointed at Robin and Yamato in a panic.

Robin and Yamato forced out a smile, and then shook their heads desperately.

At the same time, he whispered, "It's none of our business!"

Levi turned around and came behind Robin and Yamato, then pulled out the two wooden bars they were carrying on their backs and threw them to the ground.

"Tell me, what's going on? I was looking for a fishing rod here, and you guys showed up!"

"Fishing rod?" Yamato didn't react for a moment, "Are you too [could it be...?"

Robin reacted quickly and quickly covered Yamato's mouth.

She knew that this simple guy must have remembered that the three of them had just discussed how to hide things from Levi.

But he didn't expect that by such a coincidence, Levi actually came to find the fishing rod.

Robin was a little worried that Yamato would tell the truth about the matter, so he used his other hand to tug at the corner of Yamato's clothes.

Levi saw the three people with such strange expressions.

It's like there is some secret hidden.

He couldn't understand what was going on.

"Yamato? What did you just want to say?"

Robin winked desperately at Yamato. Then she took off the covering on his mouth.

"Ah! Well, we were just passing by here

"Yes, I passed by the door."

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