I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

65. Reiatsu Rushes To The Town! Shock The World (Continue The Big Chapter! Please Order First!)

"Does the newly promoted fourth Admiral want to stop my attack? My attack is not that easy to block, young boy. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go..."

Whitebeard also saw Levi getting up.

Whitebeard knew the Marine Admiral was there.

It was impossible for him to achieve significant results with one blow.

But as long as it works, this kind of powerful attack.

Helps improve one's own morale.

Now both sides in the decisive battle are elite.

The role of numbers cannot be ignored.

A strong person is easily targeted by a strong enemy.

It would be hard for Whitebeard himself to attack the execution platform directly.

You will be targeted by countless high and mid-level experts in no time.

But with a large number of people, anyone can seize the opportunity and save Fire Fist.

These are all purposeful battles, not a decisive battle between armies of both sides fighting to the death.

"Black Crow..." Garp looked at Levi with a complicated expression.

Although Levi captured Luffy, Garp couldn't bear the hatred.

Because Marine catching pirates is a matter of course.

"Black Crow Admiral? He looks like a young boy. Is he really as powerful as the rumors say? Can he catch Pluton Rayleigh?" The ice witch led the ship closer.

She leads the pirate fleet and is about to break out into a battle with the Marine warship outside the port.

Levi stood up and was seen by her.

In her opinion, Levi's face looked a little childish.

"Everyone, have you ever felt the trembling of your soul?" Levi looked at the entire battlefield.

The pirate ships in the outer waters are approaching, but have not yet entered the range.

And directly opposite, there is no tsunami rising and it will not be affected.

Levi's powerful voice echoed throughout the battlefield.

No one knew why, but then everyone clearly heard a buzzing sound.

Then the whole world became dark, and everyone's footsteps suddenly sank.

Invisible pressure acts on the hundreds of thousands of elites on the entire battlefield.

The scope is not only the entire Marine headquarters, but also the external sea areas.

Everyone, for a moment, was forced to stand on the spot!!

Even the pirate captain, Marine Vice Admiral is no exception!

"Can't move?! Are you kidding!?" Marco and the other captains were all horrified.

What are they? They are the top group of powerful people in the world.

Even if it is far from Four Emperors and Admiral, there may be some gap.

But never too far.

No one in this world can rely solely on Conqueror's Haki's sense of oppression.

Suppress them until they can't move!

Not even the red-haired Shanks of Conqueror's Haki fame could do this.

Marco had felt the red-haired Shanks' Haki many times.

He was absolutely sure of this!

But what's going on now?!

"Impossible!" Qiaozi and Huajian also found it difficult to accept this reality.

The hands holding the foil sword could not move at all.

The will wants to move, but the body does not move.

"This... the atmosphere is frozen?!" Whitebeard was stunned for a moment while holding the cloud cutter in his hand!

In his memory, Conqueror's alone could do this.

There is only one person, his former captain RocksD Gibel!

But he did this only after Garp and Roger teamed up and were forced into despair.

A state that only broke out once.

But now, this young man has achieved this with ease.

How is this possible?! What kind of monster is this?!

"I can't move!" Hancock's body was filled with Conqueror's Haki.

But even Hancock, who is very good at using Haki, can't shake the essence of Reiatsu.

Instead, he almost suffered internal injuries.

"It's so heavy, but why does it feel strange? If I can practice swordplay in this environment..." Hawkeye slowly raised his black sword.

Only general-level warriors like them could still act.

But even without full force, their actions were seriously affected.

Feeling the pressure on the knife and body, Hawkeye's eyes lit up.

This feeling is amazing and good...

"What an incredible monster. If nothing happens in the future, it's better not to provoke him!" Brother Ming felt this sense of oppression again.

It feels more and more obvious, and there is even a shadow of fear.

It was a bit bitter, so he swallowed it if he wanted to.

If I go to settle accounts with him again, I'm afraid I will be the unlucky one.

This guy is by no means worse than Kaido, even scarier.

Rumble! A series of majestic black Reiatsu spread out behind Levi like a celestial river!

Like a black and beautiful picture.

The picture scroll unfolds and radiates out indiscriminately in all directions.

And Levi is in the center of the black scroll, as if a god has come to the world.

Within a radius of dozens of kilometers, there was another soft buzzing sound.

The already strong sense of oppression increased sharply again.

Let everyone's soul be like a flickering candle that may be extinguished at any time.

But Levi didn't actually go out of his way to intimidate these people.

Because it scares them into unconsciousness.

When the war breaks out, whether it's pirates or marines.

Walking on the ground, no one cares. Once the bombardment occurs, they will all turn into corpses.

In that case, Levi would have to bear all this debt.

And Levi’s focus isn’t on the crowd.

And on the terrifying tsunami rolling down at this moment.

Circles of black ripples, centered on the scroll where Levi is.

Just like a pebble dropped into a calm lake, it ripples out in circles!

The ripples swept across the area, and it was as if time had stood still for an instant.

It formed a picture that amazed audiences around the world...

"What is going on?! The tsunami stopped and stopped moving. How is this possible? According to the inertia and the impact just now, it is absolutely impossible to stop!" Morgans was shocked when he saw this scene in the live broadcast. Get up.

He looked at the live broadcast as if it was paused.

"It's not just the tsunami. Look at those ships, those people, and the sea, almost all stopped! Is the signal disconnected?!" The Queen of the Pleasure District was stunned for a moment and asked with some uncertainty.

If it hadn't been disconnected, they would have never seen such a scene before [or even heard of it.

So spectacular! So amazing!

"It's not disconnected! Look at Hawkeye, he's still moving, and Whitebeard has also taken two steps!"

"This is the ability of Black Crow Admiral! Oh my god, what kind of ability is this?! In this case, if we catch them all, won't we win?!"

"It's not that easy. Whitebeard can still move, and he's an earthquake man!"

"Levi, this brat's Conqueror's Haki, actually overpowered someone's unnaturalness. Can he really be so evil? Even Marshal Sengoku, who thought he was familiar with Levi, was a little embarrassed at this moment.

With Levi here, he felt that this battle was more stable.

"Can I beat him?" Garp began to ponder.

"The tsunami is moving!!"

"What!?" When everyone heard this, they all became excited again.

Can't you stop it?!

Is it just frozen? Now the Black Crow Admiral is not powerful enough?

Want to let the tsunami collapse? Then it seems that the Marine headquarters will also suffer!

Then not, Levi spread his hands, and Reiatsu rippled out.

The tsunami gradually calmed down and subsided.

It's like a piece of soft and wrinkled rice paper, folded into the wavy shape just now.

Then Levi's Reiatsu is like a pair of invisible void rulers.

With a slight touch, it was smoothed instantly, just in the blink of an eye.

The sea will be calm and there will be no more waves.

The tsunami faded into nothingness.

Even the tsunami warning that the Sabaody Archipelago should have had is now gone.

This scene shocked everyone watching the live broadcast.

Holy place.

"Black Crow's Haki is really terrifying! I'm afraid it has surpassed the existing records..." In the Holy Land, the Five Elders are also paying attention to this battle.

"Not bad, not bad. It's a pity that the last time I invited him to the headquarters, he didn't want to join our CPO. It seems that we still have to work hard."

"Yes, Black Crow Admiral will be used by us sooner or later. Right now, he just can't see the reality clearly.

"No one can refuse the conditions we offer, he will figure it out sooner or later." Yue Laoxing said lightly.

"Have you found out? What is the reason for the missing soul?"

"We haven't found it yet. Everyone is queuing up to go to the flower room. Lord Im is looking for them one by one..."

"Logically speaking, no one in this world should be able to plot against us silently."

"I once heard Lord Im mention that the soul can carry information and memory, and has the same function as the brain. If the memory we lose is man-made..."

"Then we must eradicate the root cause. No one related to it can be spared!"


"The tsunami... is gone... ho ho..." Kebi gasped heavily as he watched the invisible tsunami disappear.

This feeling of surviving a disaster is so good!

Fortunately, the Admiral from their Marine headquarters is very powerful!

Otherwise, you will be dead this time.

"What a scary kid, but this seems a bit unlike Conqueror's Haki. Or is this a Haki realm that none of us have touched?" Whitebeard's eyes narrowed.

His expression was solemn and somewhat doubtful.

However, over the years, he has seen many storms and waves, and has long since developed a strong heart!

and the will to never surrender to fate.

As he spoke, his fist buzzed, covered with a vibrating halo, and he pulled out his frame!

"Dad, be careful, we can't move now!" Marco said slightly helplessly.

Even if Marco's whole body is burning with blue flames at this moment.

He can only move his neck and hands slightly.

The solidified atmosphere around him will not be broken unless it is broken or Levi takes it back.

Otherwise it will be difficult to act.

Peng! Click! With a confident smile, Whitebeard punched out!

The entire void in front of me exploded, and countless cracks appeared.

The void atmosphere shook, and with a bang, the atmosphere completely exploded like a mirror!

Everyone in the entire area can move again!

"Boys! Destroy Marine! Rescue Ace!" Whitebeard noticed that the morale of the pirates was a little low.

After crushing Levi's Reiatsu and solidifying the void, I cheered!

It instantly aroused countless following and roaring reactions!

In an instant, a battle broke out between external warships and came within range of each other.

Gun smoke filled the entire sky!

Thousands of cannons roared at the same time, deafening, as if the sky was about to explode!

"Shock Fruit is indeed powerful. It can even break Reiatsu's suppression. It seems that in order to completely suppress Whitebeard, Reiatsu must reach a high level. Shock Fruit is too destructive!" Levi's face was calm.

A real melee broke out!

There are 93 top-level armed ships outside, with guns and cannons firing.

As soon as the ship approaches, Marine pirates jump over with ropes and fight hand-to-hand!

The blood soon dyed the sea red.

The most bloody and brutal side of human nature is undoubtedly revealed.

After Levi hit it, he sat down after getting a certain effect.

"Catch the thief first! Capture the king first!" Whoosh! After Aokiji finished speaking, he jumped up.

turn into ice

Liu shot at Whitebeard: "Double Thorn Spear!"

Two ice spears as strong as steel appeared next to Aokiji, shooting towards Whitebeard like streams of light.

"Aokiji brat!" Whitebeard grinned, disapprovingly, and punched out!

With a click, the atmosphere shattered, and within Whitebeard's field of vision, shock waves were transmitted.

Nowhere to escape!

"Alala..." Aokiji's body was instantly dislocated, shattered by the shock, and fell straight from the air into the sea!

"Aokiji Admiral!!" Many Marines were extremely worried when they saw this!

That is the sea, the nemesis of those with abilities.

However, after Aokiji fell into the bay, an ice sculpture was instantly erected.

Centered around where he landed, the ice bloomed like a flower.

A gust of cold wind roared past, and the large harbor turned into an ice field in an instant.

All Whitebeard's ships are frozen!

"Hahaha, it just creates a foothold for us without having to pull the ship over, kids! Kill Marine!" The pirates on the ships in the bay became fierce.

Although they were also intimidated by Levi's Reiatsu just now!

But their father is here.

They believe that Father Whitebeard is still the strongest 347 man in the world.

I didn't see the solid atmosphere just now, but it was blown away by my father's punch!


"Aim for the pirates!"

"Fire!!" The Marine general on the barrier also gave the order!

The artillery fire was a volley fired at the elite members of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Pengpengpeng!! Explosions kept sounding and flames exploded!

But many pirates are extremely powerful and can easily split cannonballs!

The Marine general also rushed towards the pirates with countless Marines!

Hand-to-hand combat behind artillery fire, instantly pulled apart...

"The strongest man in the world has never had a chance to fight... Let's see how big the gap is between you and me this time!" Hawkeye looked at Whitebeard and still jumped from the wall of Bing Bay into the Icefield Lord.

"Oh, is that lonely man also interested in taking action against Whitebeard?" Akainu looked at Hawkeye, slightly surprised.

These Shichibukai, no more paddling?

"Brother Levi, aren't you going to continue?" Kizaru asked Levi with a smile.

"I have to give you a chance to show off..." Levi said calmly.

"........" Kizaru was speechless. What should he do? It would be best if he didn't do anything.

When it's time to take action, Levi will naturally take action.

Now that a melee broke out, he was looking for an opportunity to go Impel down.

If the red hair dares to attack Impel Down, Mr. Sengoku will get some of his debt back.

There are not many people in this world who are kind to me.

Moreover, the outcome cannot be decided so quickly here.

But you have to find a cooperating "actor" to do the whole thing for the sake of acting.

"Marco is pretty good..." Levi looked at Marco and smiled slightly. Marco noticed something and just saw Levi smiling at him, and suddenly his heart dropped.

What is going on? Why is a Marine Admiral smiling at him?

"By the way, Sakazuki, don't use the information about the Great Vortex Spider. If we want the world to recognize us more, we have to defeat Whitebeard with dignity!" Levi suddenly looked at Akainu and said


"Do you know what I'm going to do?" Akainu frowned slightly, how could Black Crow know what I haven't done yet?

Could it be that he was secretly monitoring himself? Did he know that he had collected information about Scuado before?

"Of course, Sengoku-san should have hinted at it. Hey, the old man is just too cautious. We are so much stronger than Whitebeard, but we are still afraid of being unsafe..." Levi shook his head.

Being stabbed by the filial son's sword, if he wins, he will appear to be suspected of picking up the slack.

It doesn’t fit in with my plan to build a reputation!

"This stinky boy, don't you know if I have any knowledge of sexual intercourse?" Sengoku's face darkened on the execution platform.

"Oh, by the way, Vice Admiral Garp, if you have nothing to do, come and sit down!" However, Levi's next words made Kizaru Akainu and Sengoku a little nervous at the same time!

Especially Marshal Sengoku, his heart skipped a beat.

You caught someone's grandson in Impel Down, and you still have the nerve to ask others to come over and sit down?!

Such a big heart?

Or is this a provocation?

(Nearly 5,000 words of chapter have been sent. I don’t know how long I can keep going! It’s so bad to subscribe! Work hard to get more updates! Please subscribe more!).

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