I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

68. Whitebeard: When Did Laozi Become A Prey That Can Be Fattened And Then Slaughtered! (Big Chapter

"Mad, why does this bastard keep looking here!" Doflamingo noticed Levi's eyes wandering around him.

He didn't even dare to release Observation Haki to sense it.

Lest Levi notice it and have any objections to him.

"Don't take action, I'm going to play with this big guy..." Brother Ming said to the two Shichibukai~ beside him.

He didn't want to be around anymore.

Maybe this guy was unhappy when he saw him standing here and letting off steam.

That's why I looked over. Now at the Marine headquarters, Marine is powerful, so it's better not to provoke the black crows yet.

Brother Ming seems to understand why Levi calls the black crow Admiral.

Wherever he went, it was full of unknowns to him.

Brother Ming thinks that his control over people's hearts has reached the point of perfection.

He also often likes to fight in various battles on various occasions.

Ridicule plays with other people's hearts.

But Black Crow has such a weak soul that there is no way to use common sense to measure it.

It's like I never thought of it.

He would be directly forced to kneel down just because of a joke.

Then his head was stepped into the ground by him, and Ridu almost died.

Brother Ming swore that he would walk to the Holy Land by himself.

Even if you tease Five Elders like that, you won't be treated like this.

Now he doesn't want to have anything to do with Black Crow for the time being.

As for the losses he suffered, he would definitely get them back if given the chance.

But if there is no chance, forget it.

"Come on, let's play, Super Whip!" Mingge connected with the white clouds, stepped on the lines, and flew towards Little Oz.

He casually pulled out a high-voltage thick wire and swept it over.

"Why is this guy so active?" Moria had already prepared the Shadow Mage, but Brother Ming said he would do it himself.

Everyone is a world-famous strong man.

Since he said so, of course they will give him this face.

Anyway, Moria only needs corpses.

Over the years, he no longer believes in the power of his partners.

He believed more that corpses would not betray people.

Although in his heart... he still values ​​his partners.

When he was young, he fought with Kaido, and when he got older, he became a transparent man.

Still dare to go to Four Emperors Blackbeard's territory alone.

The only pity is that the strength is insufficient.

"It's not stupid..." Looking at Hancock's reaction, Levi understood immediately.

He let it slip. In Levi's memory, he knew about Hancock's life experience.

This kind of natural memory makes Levi easy to relate to when he speaks.

Faced with Hancock's attitude of wanting to fight at any time.

It's still a bit difficult to handle.

"Put Haki away first, put it away." Levi responded to Hancock first.

"What?" Hancock's head was filled with questions. I'm asking you if you know something.

You asked me to put away the Haki that was revealed unconsciously...can you be more perfunctory?

Hancock remains unmoved if his secret is known.

It would be better to die in battle than to live!

There were some looks and things that she never wanted to see or encounter again in her life.

"I do know." Levi didn't feel the need to lie about it.

"What!!" A terrifying storm spewed out along with Hancock's Conqueror's Haki.

Both Marines and pirates were swept away.

Cracks gradually appeared on the ice.

This release of Haki's full strength immediately attracted the attention of many people.

After all, it is rare to see an explosion like Seven Warlords of the Sea with full force.

If the Shichibukai really take action and unite, they will probably fight against the Whitebeard Pirates for a while.

"What's going on? Could it be that the Seven Warlords of the Sea Hancock are going to fight with the Black Crow Admiral and they are having a civil strife?" Jozi looked at the two of them and couldn't help but grinned.

If this is really the case, then for them, the Whitebeard Pirates.

Very beneficial.

"The Pirate Empress, what does she want to do? Is she still worried about what happened before? Hum, she doesn't know what is good or bad." Sengoku said slightly dissatisfied.

"Are you sure you want to fight Haki with me?" Levi had no reaction and just stared at Hancock calmly.

Hancock was seen calming down.

But Haki has not disappeared, and is still being released.

It was obvious that he still planned to commit suicide at any time.

She knew what had happened before.

Fighting against Haki, I am afraid that I am far from being a match for this demon.

But so what? I will no longer let others control me.

But after calming down a bit.

She also noticed something was wrong.

If only the black crow knew his identity.

Why didn't you tell the world government or the world's nobles?

And these days at Marine headquarters.

I have never experienced those strange looks from other people.

As for those lustful eyes that lusted after her body.

Oh, that's normal, it's daily life, there's nothing wrong with it.

Could it be that he knew about it but didn't tell anyone else?

It seems that this is the only way to explain it.

But how is this possible? As we all know, Marine Admiral is loyal to the World government.

If you find yourself once a slave to the Celestial Dragons.

How could he hide it for himself?

Could it be that he misunderstood what he meant?

In fact, he doesn’t know his past at all?

Hancock couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

But as soon as this luck rose, it was directly shattered by Levi's ruthless words: "You are right, I not only know your past, I also know your body data, such as height, waist circumference and so on... ...There were always some guys discussing it before...Hey, no one is discussing it now, but I miss it a bit.

"You!!" Hancock forced himself to endure it.

Moreover, this anger can turn into tenderness and sweetness in an instant, and the change of expression is so fast that it is jaw-dropping: "No matter what you want, I can satisfy you.

Show your ugly nature, man.

Hancock only thought of one possibility.

He really knows his past.

But if you don't expose yourself, then there is only one truth.

He wants to use this secret to control himself.

Like satisfying some of his ugly desires.

As long as he makes such a request, he will give up his last thought of survival.

Then fight with him, even if you die, you will still have to bite off a piece of flesh from his body.

"Any request is acceptable?" Levi's eyes lit up.

"Yes, anything is fine." Hancock's royal blue eyes flashed dimly.

Haha...men, you must be coveting your own body again.

The reason why he didn't take action against himself before was probably because he wanted to obey his advice.

After all, he is also a Marine Admiral, and any woman can be found with just a wave of his hand.

I definitely don’t want to just get my own body, but I want to conquer myself both mentally and physically.

These high-ranking nobles always have similar hobbies.

"Go, find a stronger opponent. Did you see, Bramanke, Blenheim, these Whitebeard captains choose any one, don't let me see you paddling so excessively again.



"Did you hear me?"

"I heard that..."

"Then go, or I will expose your secret in front of everyone!"

"You bastard! Devil! Villain!" Hancock had no choice but to choose one captain as his opponent.

But he couldn't help but vomit in his heart, this guy must be sick.

Let yourself do this and directly threaten.

Logically speaking, Hancock would have to fight him.

But fighting against others for what you should do.

No matter how you look at it, it's stupid...

So Hancock stepped on his foot, and a Perfume Femur was unable to reach him and knocked away the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Yeah, that's good. If you want to, you can still do it. I'll give in later and you guys will do the same. The situation won't be very good!" Levi nodded with satisfaction.

Fortunately, Hancock didn't hear this.

Otherwise, I might turn around and fight with Levi.

"The Black Crow Admiral is so powerful! Don't be afraid of them, we have Admiral here!"

"Not bad! It's amazing. I saw Hancock was about to attack him just now, but I didn't expect that after just saying a few words, Hancock went all out to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Black Crow Admiral is not only amazing in strength, but his eloquence is probably also world-class!"

"Everyone, follow the Black Crow Admiral, the Holy Light Pirates!

Levi paid little attention to the changes around him.

Walked towards his target Marco.

Marco was kicked by Kizaru at the speed of light and flew hundreds of meters away.

Falling into the fighting crowd, a flaming circular shock wave exploded instantly!

But Marco's body was glowing with blue flames, which quickly repaired his body.

Came out of the explosion unscathed.

"He's a bit handsome, but it's a pity that fighting is so troublesome... Otherwise, I can give it a try. Reiatsu should be able to condense steel skin by now!" Levi looked envious, but he was not in the habit of getting beaten.

Kizaru moved a particle of light laterally and appeared in front of Marco again: "Speed ​​is power..."

But Marco reacted extremely quickly, with a phoenix seal and the phoenix claws slapping over, releasing a strong shock wave.

There was a loud bang, and the collision of their legs against their claws instantly set off a terrible shock wave.

Both of them were shaken out.

"Qingyanyan!" But obviously, Marco is more aggressive at this time.

The moment the two retreated, he attacked again.

The middle and index fingers were put together, and with blue flames, the void circled and turned into the tail feathers of the phoenix, and then turned into a huge flaming fist and blasted towards Kizaru.

Kizaru pulled out an Amancongyun Sword to block.

But the momentum still knocked it away.

Jozi struggled with Aokiji for a while.

Avoid the enemy's high-end combat power from approaching Dad at the beginning.

Because it is still far away from the execution platform.

Dad's body may not be able to fight at high intensity for a long time.

"Uh-huh-huh..." After temporarily forcing Aokiji back, Jozi punched the ice, then roared and erupted with terrifying strange power.

...Please give me flowers...

A huge iceberg that is almost as large as half of Marine Plaza was pulled directly from the ice sheet!

"What kind of strange power is this?! Is it scarier than a giant?!" He looked at Jozi holding up the small iceberg.

Many people suddenly felt bad.

"Marine!! If you have the guts, come and take it, hahaha!" Jozi laughed wildly, and suddenly threw the iceberg in his hand towards the execution platform, launching a tentative attack.

At the same time, try to see if there is any power secretly deployed there besides Admiral.

"This..." The faces of the giant Vice Admiral changed dramatically.

Because this iceberg is several times bigger than their bodies.

Moreover, the impact speed and force were so fierce that they could not stop it.

"Hmph!" However, Akainu looked at the flying iceberg, snorted coldly, and stood up.

He was also surprised by the strange strength of the captain of the third division, Jozi.

No wonder Marine Vice Admiral couldn't stop it.

"Great Eruption!" The giant arm of lava blasted out instantly, clashing with the iceberg, and quickly destroyed this

The iceberg shattered completely.

Many Marines instantly burst into cheers.

Although Whitebeard is powerful, their Marine Admiral is not a vegetarian!

"Destroy the pirates!"

"Destroy Marine!"

The two sides continued to fight fiercely.

Akainu did not sit down, but stared at the battlefield.

See if the time has come.

At present, many pirate ships have arrived at the port in the bay.

Thousands of pirates rushed over on the ice sheet.

"We have to let some more pirates in, and try our best to get rid of these thugs in one fell swoop... Some things must never happen again." Akainu thought to himself, looking at the pirates all over the mountains and plains in front of him.


There was only burning anger in his heart, which is the tragedy of this era!

It is also the sorrow of the world, and it is also the sorrow of my own childhood!

He once swore that he would live his whole life to end the era of rampant pirates.

For this, no matter what price you pay, you can bear it.

"He looked at me again... Damn it, are you really being targeted?" Marco watched Levi walking towards him.

With his brows furrowed, it's not easy for an Admiral to deal with.

If there are two, then he will be very dangerous!

"Marco, have you seen some stage plays in New World? Do you know anything about acting?" Levi suddenly asked with a smile when he was still some distance away from Marco.

But before Marco could respond, Whitebeard's voice came from the distance: "Marco, avoid shock!"

Marco heard a familiar voice and subconsciously dodged.

Whitebeard holds a cloud cutter, covering it with a shock halo, and slashes at Levi from afar!

A crescent sword energy with shocking power was faster than thunder, and it slashed towards Levi.

Levi just glanced at it, and the misty black Reiatsu formed a barrier like a sky cushion.

Boom! The sword energy with shock waves struck in front of Levi, motionless.

"Blocked! The high-level Haki who can't be broken by the earthquake force..." Whitebeard's face also looked unusually heavy.

"I don't really want to fight with you right now, Whitebeard..." Levi said slightly helplessly.

"Young boy, are you scared? If you are, just go back to your mother, blah blah blah..." Whitebeard mocked mercilessly.

Conqueror's Haki was released with excitement and Whitebeard's taunt.

Many Marines looked horrified.

Although Whitebeard knows that after practicing to this point, it is impossible to be afraid.

But as long as you are an enemy, it is not normal to taunt someone.

"I'm not afraid, but you are not strong enough now. If I kill you, your prestige will not reach its highest level." This place is full of Levi's Reiatsu and Whitebeard's Haki.

Unless someone can break out of their circles at the same time.

Otherwise no one can hear what they say.

So Levi speaks out.

When Whitebeard heard this, he was stunned for several seconds!

He has seen countless strong men and women in his life.

But no one had ever dared to talk to him like this.

And the reason why I don’t want to fight him is:

He has not yet burst out his true power, which makes people feel that he is not strong enough.

I feel there is no gain from killing!

Mad! When did Laozi become prey that others fattened and then slaughtered?

This arrogant brat plans to "raise" Whitebeard's majesty in this war.

Then he will defeat himself again and gain the most unparalleled prestige in the world!

This kid is so arrogant, he is simply crazy!

Whitebeard was surprised, shocked and angry, and all his emotions turned into fighting spirit and laughter. He even burst out with swear words: "Gula la la la... Laozi has never been underestimated like this."

Ah! Little devil, let me see what your crazy capital is..."

Conqueror's Haki is raised high! Conqueror's Haki is fully released! The earthquake ability is also activated!

(Don’t look at the fact that there are only four chapters a day now. Each chapter is equivalent to two to three chapters in the past, with only a lot more words. There are updates every day! Please subscribe!)

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