I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

72. Red Hair, Get Out Of Here, The Reiatsu Sword Shoots Through The Sixth Floor Impel Down! (Please

Kaido's sudden arrival plunged the entire battlefield into an eerie silence.

Beasts, Four Emperors! The strongest creatures in the world! Known as unkillable monsters!

He likes to commit suicide. He was arrested many times, could not be killed, and even managed to escape!

It is an extremely terrifying monster.

But Levi feels nothing about it!

If this guy really couldn't be killed, when Kozuki Oden was executed by cooking.

He wouldn't have that incredible expression.

This shows that Kaido at that time was very likely not able to do what Oden did.

And his defense has been broken.

Not so mythical.

Now it is certainly becoming stronger and its vitality is becoming more tenacious.

But Levi didn't believe that there was anything in this world that couldn't be killed.

There is a saying that goes well, if people are killed, they will die.

But Kaido suddenly stopped spying.

But after leaving, he suddenly appeared again.

This indeed makes both warring parties more vigilant.

Because they are both worried that Kaido will be each other's partner.

Once Kaido intervenes, no matter which camp he joins, it may change the outcome of the entire battlefield.

Even the Five Elders in the Holy Land frowned.

If Kaido takes action, then the preventive measures they have taken will also have to be taken.

Kong Anming has been waiting for orders with many strong men.

The purpose is to prevent these unexpected situations from occurring.

The world government has already made up its mind about this war.

Keep Whitebeard around no matter what.

The plan was so thorough that even the Four Emperors came to rescue him.

It definitely won't work, at least not until Whitebeard dies.

Their World Government and Marine headquarters will never give up.

Just because they have made preventive preparations does not mean they want to see this happen.

If there are too many forces involved, it is likely to turn into a situation that even the world government cannot handle.

Sengoku Garp looked ugly.

Ace's eyes were still on Whitebeard, full of worry.

Aokiji Kizaru, Marco Jozi, Hawkeye, these world-famous strong men.

They all distanced themselves from the enemy and looked at the sky warily.

"This is not going to be good..." Kizaru stretched out his fingers and scratched his ears.

Because that’s what I knew during the meeting.

He had never heard Marshal Sengoku express or hint about the possibility of Kaido being their reinforcements.

It’s unlikely that it will be, and it will be broadcast live to the world.

If Kaido was on their side, Marshal Sengoku should have stopped the live broadcast at this time.

But no, so it is very likely that Kaido came as a pirate.

As for the non-allied forces, it happened that the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates also thought so.

"I hate it when 343 people look down at me..." Levi raised his head. It was troublesome to raise his head for a long time.

But right now I don’t know what Kaido is thinking.

It is also not advisable to take the initiative to attack, lest bystanders become enemies.

That would be troublesome.

Levi is strong, but never blindly confident!

"Then what is that?! A dragon?!"

"Isn't that a legendary creature?"

"Oh my god, is there really such a creature? It looks so fierce! But why did a strong man call him Kaido just now?!"

"Hmph, a newcomer is a newcomer. Everyone in New World basically knows that Kaido of the Beasts is a user with the blue dragon ability of the fish-fruit phantom beast species!"

"A fantasy beast!?" The pirates, civilians, and reporters before the live broadcast fell into crazy discussions.

Their little hearts can’t stand it!

A Whitebeard pirate group has already fought so fiercely with the Marine headquarters.

We can't tell the winner for the time being.

If Kaido of the Beasts joins the battlefield again.

Could it be that... Marine headquarters will be defeated?!

Kaido looked down at the entire battlefield.

Both sides were unsure of his attitude.

They will not take the initiative to attack him.

He looked at Whitebeard, his cold eyes full of surprise.

He didn't expect that as soon as he arrived at the Marine headquarters, he would see the monster old man Whitebeard being sent flying out.

I can't even hold the knife anymore.

In Kaido's impression, he has never seen Whitebeard like this.

As a young man, he met Whitebeard during the Rocks Pirate.

By that time Whitebeard was already a very powerful pirate.

There shouldn't be a strong man in this world who can fly Whitebeard.

So Whitebeard flies away now. From Kaido's point of view, there is only one outcome!

He is old!

Older than I thought!

Maybe the battle with myself in the past few years.

They were all done with the last breath.

But even so, Kaido was not careless.

The one who can knock the old Whitebeard away.

It shouldn't be simple either, is it Garp or Akainu?

But after scanning around, he found that only two Admirals were closest to Whitebeard.

Who did Kizaru and the newly promoted fourth Admiral?!

Forget it, this is not important for now!

The important thing now is to bring the news of Impel down to Marine.

So after Kaido mocked Whitebeard, his eyes slowly fell on Sengoku: "Marshal Sengoku, it seems that you are getting old too. The Resourceful General has overstated his words (cbeh). In fact, when you get old, you should hand over the responsibilities to the young people as soon as possible."

After hearing Kaido's words, everyone fell silent and did not dare to answer the question casually.

Sengoku felt uneasy when he heard this: "What do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean? Uh-huh... Haven't you noticed it yet? Impel down has been invaded by the red-haired guy! By now, it should have almost hit the inside! Tsk tsk... When I came, I only saw a backup Admiral leading someone to intercept him! Maybe Magellan has been killed..." Kaido deliberately made the matter more serious.

It's not serious, just in case they have some other arrangements and don't use the troops here.

That's not what he wants to see.

When Kaido thought about it, he just happened not to see Magellan.

Maybe Magellan came out after he left.

"What?!" As soon as these words came out, all the strong men on Marine's side were horrified.

The Five Elders' expressions also changed dramatically, and their mentality was a little unsettled.

If all the strong men accumulated over decades were allowed to run away!

That’s okay!

"This red-haired guy clearly promised not to cause major fluctuations in the world structure. How is he going to plead his case now?!" Yong Laoxing said to "Heaven" with a little anger

With the red hair's behavior, there was no need for him to deliberately go to Marine headquarters before.

Go and warn Sengoku and the fourth Admiral not to attack the Red Hair Pirates.

It is unforgivable to violate their interests now.

And Four Emperors has three emperors who are in the first half of New World.

This situation was vaguely beyond their control.

And it has always been Tianlaoxing who was responsible for communicating with the red hair.

Tianlaoxing also frowned slightly, but then he thought of something and gradually calmed down: "If it is true, it can only mean that Pluton Rayleigh plays a very important role in one of the red-haired plans... ....Although Red Hair invaded Impel Down, he is not stupid and will not release all the strong men we have accumulated over decades unless he is ready for an all-out war with us."

"But as far as I know, he has no such plan yet!"

"And with Magellan still here, it may be possible to save one Rayleigh, but it's not that difficult to rescue the others."

"Master Five Elders, it's confirmed that we can't contact Impel Down, and the communication is interfered with," a CPⓊ secret guard suddenly appeared in the room silently.

This is their personal bodyguard, extremely powerful.

Some were once the world's strongest, but were brainwashed by them during Impel Down.

Complete control over the existence of the mind.

Some came to them voluntarily.

"I have arranged insurance measures before. Kosas is on Kong's side. Kong's position can support the headquarters and Impel down at any time!"

"Let Kosas go to Impel Down and have a look. If the red hair has rescued Rayleigh, talk to him and let him stop causing trouble and leave quickly. If he hasn't been rescued yet, stop the red hair!


Sengoku heard Kaido's words, took out the phone bug, and quickly dialed Magellan's phone bug.

Failed to connect, signal was interfered.

It's not normal.

Under normal circumstances, the distance between Impel Down and Marine headquarters is not long.

Even if there is a severe storm, the call between the two will not be affected.

But now it's obvious that I can't contact him.

Something really happened to Impel down!!

Levi's face darkened.

He thought about the redhead attacking Impel down.

But I didn’t expect it to be so fast!

The war at Marine Headquarters just started.

The redhead took action!

And he’s also being haunted by Whitebeard!

But Whitebeard is now forced back by himself!

Gotta get to Impel down as soon as possible.

Although Magellan is there, we join forces with Gion.

Even if you can't defend Impel Down, you should have no problem protecting yourself.

Unless something unexpected happens!

But Levi would not bet his hopes on whether there would be an accident.

He wants to hold all of this in his own hands!

"Mr. Sengoku, I'm going to Impel down!" Now Levi no longer needs to cover up.

Because now Kaido brings this news.

It makes Levi so upright as to impel down "office."

After Levi said this, he did not give Marshal Sengoku time to answer.

There was a loud bang! The ice exploded! Levi jumped and reached high altitude in an instant!

Then Reiatsu is fully released!

For a moment, everyone present was suffocated for several seconds.

But Levi didn't stop and teleported away in the direction of Impel Down!

This pressure just disappeared...

This makes many people think that it is an illusion.

The figure only moved for a few moments and quickly disappeared from the entire battlefield!

The speed of action and execution shocked both Whitebeard and Sengoku!

"Is it because of Gion!?" Marshal Sengoku frowned, even though Levi left.

But there is nothing wrong with it, now there is a problem with Impel down.

Moreover, there is an invasion by Four Emperors, and there is no way Marine headquarters can just sit idly by.

Because Marshal Sengoku doesn't know if the World government has prepared any insurance measures near Impel down.

Levi's ability to make such a prompt decision also saved Marshal Sengoku the time of arranging manpower.

And Levi's strength is past, plus Magellan and Gion, it should be enough!

On the contrary, if Aokiji Kizaru goes, it may not even be enough.

Because that could be the whole Red Hair Pirates thing.

And sending two Admirals? This won't work!

Sengoku cannot send two Admirals before the situation worsens.

Otherwise, the Marine headquarters' military strength advantage in this war will be greatly reduced in an instant.

How to take down Whitebeard like this?

And Kaido told them that these motives were unknown and they had to be on guard.

"Sengoku..." Garp looked at Sengoku.

If necessary, he could rush to Impel down now.

"No need for now, look what this guy Kaido is planning, I don't believe this guy has such good intentions!" Sengoku whispered.

Although Garp is strong, he can't fly.

Neither did Sengoku

Thinking that Levi can fly...

But being able to fly at this time is very advantageous and has the strongest maneuverability, so it is indeed the most suitable for support!

Garp said no more, just stared at the battlefield.

This matter has gradually gone beyond their planned plan!

Four Emperors, there are three of them in action, they must find a way to stabilize the current situation!

Otherwise, if you make a wrong move, the Three Emperors and Three Emperors will attack together.

The world is about to change!

Even if the Marine headquarters will not be destroyed!

His vitality will definitely be severely damaged, and he will fall from the top military organization in the world!

That would be an absolute disaster for the people of the world!

Pirates, we can't let them win!

Win or lose in this war will determine whether the future is the age of Marines or the age of pirates!

If it were still the age of pirates, it would be so disappointing.

There are enough pirates now.

"You're just going to let a newly promoted Admiral pass?" Kaido frowned. In his opinion, he gave the name of red-haired Shanks.

It would take at least two Marine Admirals to stabilize the situation.

The Red Hair Pirates are extremely powerful, and an Admiral working with a Magellan may not necessarily reap benefits.

Because all the Red Hair Pirates officers are dispatched!

"This is none of your business!" Sengoku said coldly and cautiously.

"I'm afraid it's you who will regret it later!" Kaido's eyes flickered, but he didn't stop.

He was about to return to Impel Down, but in order to dispel Sengoku's doubts and make him think that he was selling him a favor, Kaido still said before leaving: "Sengoku, don't forget this

This is what you owe me. "

After saying that, he pretended to leave in a different direction from Levi.

This was very confusing. Marshal Sengoku frowned, wondering what Kaido was thinking.

Did he really leave, or is he hiding high in the sky?

Could there be some secret agreement with Whitebeard?

"It seems we have to deal with Whitebeard as soon as possible. The nights are long and the dreams are endless!" Akainu's eyes turned cold!

These bullshit sea emperors will only bring disaster to this world!

Whether it's Whitebeard, red hair, or Kaido, sooner or later, we have to destroy them all!

"Let's do it!" Sengoku also felt that it was necessary to fight quickly.

Akainu turned into a stream of lava fire and shot towards Whitebeard's direction like an arrow.

Whitebeard reacts very quickly. He is slightly inferior to Black Crow, but that doesn't mean "Akainu can suppress himself!"

An earthquake punch blasted out, knocking back Akainu who was coming halfway, and at the same time forcing him out of his human form: "You lava kid, you want to kill me with a single sword attack, you are too naive to think...

"You'll know if you try it!"


"Damn, what's going on?! I can't catch up with that kid?! Is that kid so fast?" Kaido changed direction, then ran towards Impel down at full speed, preparing to sit down

Harvest the fisherman's profit.

But he found that after flying at full strength, Ji Wei could not be seen! This made him feel a little unbelievable!

He is the Qinglong, a magical beast that can soar into the clouds and control the wind. Is there anyone faster than him in the air?

Levi rushed to Impel Down as quickly as possible. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was furious: "Red hair!! Get out of here!"

At the same time, Levi unleashes his full Reiatsu like never before!

Even an extreme explosion! A rushing stream of Reiatsu condenses into a black sky sword!

With the explosion of Reiatsu, there was a roar, and the sky sword exploded from above Impel Down!

A loud bang instantly penetrated all floors!

From LV1 to LV6, a straight channel appears!.

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