I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

77. Akainu Lost To Whitebeard? Kaido: Black Crow Brat, Power Alone Is Not Enough In This World! (Ple

Two Conqueror's Haki set off a stormy sea.

Waves of terrifying aura turned into shock waves and shot straight into the sky.

Then it spread out, allowing the Calm Belt monster to run away cleanly.

Many Sea Kings swam away with their tails wagging.

A hint of human helplessness flashed across his beastly eyes.

That's about as much as a curse.

Whether it's over or not, scary monsters are always passing by here lately.

They leave, come back, leave and come back, and now they are leaving again...

If this continues, they may consider long-term migration.

In that case, the first natural barrier to Impel Down will disappear.

At this moment, we are about twenty kilometers away from Impel down, in two different directions.

There is a fleet of ten top-level warships heading towards Impel Down at full speed.

But this fleet is not flying the Marine flag.

But the flag of World government.

This is the tri-service fleet under the World Government.

Although other departments do not have as many warships as the Marine headquarters under their command.

But ten warships can still be taken out easily.

And can become an insurance.

It shows that these soldiers are all carefully selected elites.

Definitely no weaker than the soldiers at Marine Headquarters, even stronger.

Because this is the private army directly under the aristocrats of the world.

On the main ship, there are seven CPOs standing, but they are different from ordinary CPOs.

Several CPOs are filled with terrifying murderous intent.

This murderous aura seems to be impossible to conceal, like a bright light.

Extremely aggressive.

The leader is still CPO commander Kosas, whom Levi has met once.

He stared calmly in the Impel down direction.

The Red Hair Pirates attack Impel down, which is not an event they want to see.

The identity of redheads is very sensitive to them.

In the year of the Valley of the Gods War, Shanks happened to be a baby and was rescued by Roger in the ashes of the war.

Thus sailing on the ship may not even have occurred to Roger himself.

A baby he rescued casually was related to the lineage of the world's noble Celestial Dragons, and to Lord Im.

Red Hair has an extremely noble status, so noble that the Five Elders cannot decide whether to deal with his life or death.

But the red hair grew up on the Roger Pirates' ship.

But some can't accept their true identity.

So much so that after all these years, after the World Government gave numerous conclusive evidences, the red-haired man still chose to become a pirate and become the Four Emperors.

But the Four Emperors are to the World government Five Elders.

They are just criminals and thugs, and they cannot be compared with the royal family and nobles like them.

557 So Kosas will be very helpless when facing red hair.

Even the order given by the Five Elders is that if the red hair has rescued Rayleigh, let him go.

If not, stop him again.

Such conditions are simply too loose.

You should put it on others and dare to touch the interests of the world government in this way.

There is only one result, kill without mercy!

But red hair is equivalent to a "prince" among the world government nobles.

"It's such a troublesome mission. I just received a phone call saying that the Black Crow has left the battlefield and rushed to Impel Down. I hope it won't make things more troublesome..." Kosas sighed with emotion.

In the other direction, Kaido was so tired that the cow took a few breaths after running at high speed.

This seems incredible to others.

Because Kaido is known as the strongest creature, with strong resilience and physical strength.

Almost endless.

How could there be a problem of insufficient lung capacity due to being in a hurry?

But it is what it is.

Kaido doesn't believe that Levi can be faster than him, the master of the air!

So from the beginning of the acceleration, I didn’t see Levi’s back.

At 50% strength, I still didn’t see it.

Then with 80% strength, there is still no trace of his back.

After the speculation, they still couldn't find it, and Kaido finally got angry.

Just ignore everything and concentrate all your strength on speed.

Exploding his own unprecedented flying speed.

Still didn't see anything.

Impel down can now be seen in the distance.

Kaido looked at Impel Down and couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Maybe he ran in the wrong direction? There is no reference in the vast sea, and even I almost went in the wrong direction."

Not bad! It should be like this!

Kaido didn't think that anyone could be significantly ahead of him at the super-limit speed of his aerial overlord.

But after he finished speaking, he clearly felt the energy fluctuations emanating from the two Conqueror's Haki.

There is a smell that is very familiar!

It belongs to the black crow.

"How is this possible?! Is it really that much faster than me?" Kaido suddenly frowned, making the dragon's face look a little ferocious.

But forget it, so what if it’s fast.

The most important thing now is that they have fought as they expected.

"Uh-huh-huh... Impel down and broken, it seems like today will be a good harvest day." Kaido controls the wind and clouds and hides himself very well.

The breath is completely restrained and hidden in the wind.

He hadn't forgotten that Levi's senses were extremely sensitive.

No matter what this time, you must not let them notice your approach!

Only in this way can you ensure that you become the biggest winner!

Marine headquarters.

Peng! Click! The atmosphere shattered, Akainu's body twisted, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from Akainu's mouth!

The whole person was knocked hundreds of meters away by Whitebeard.

"Gla la la la... Magma kid, it seems that you haven't smoothed your water chestnuts in these years. You attack like a frizzy boy. Who do you think I am? Laozi is a Whitebeard!! "

Whitebeard roared angrily, pulled out the cloud cutter stuck in the ground, and another seismic wave swept across!

The atmosphere exploded, and Akainu quickly used Emission Haki to block it, but the Marines around him were not so lucky.

Even if there were Rear Admiral Vice Admiral among them, they were all sent flying into the sky by Whitebeard's sword.

The blue and white Marine embellished the entire void in an instant, extremely spectacular and gorgeous.

But when they think about losing their lives, everyone's heart is just heavy.

"It seems that Sakazuki Admiral can't beat Whitebeard?! Marine headquarters must lose..." A reporter from Sabaody Archipelago swallowed his saliva.

He said words that even frightened him.

They couldn't imagine what the world would be like if Marine lost.

"Don't be so talkative. How can Marine headquarters lose? Marine has more than one Admiral."

"But Kizaru and Aokiji are both trapped by Whitebeard's captains!"

"We also have Vice Admiral Garp. Marine will definitely win...!" At the end of the sentence, the reporter felt a little unsure.

They haven't seen how strong Garp is, but they are already deeply impressed by how strong Whitebeard is.

After Levi left, Akainu took Levi's place.

But the result was completely different, Akainu was eager to kill Whitebeard.

This shows a little bit of impatience.

This impatience is very slight, so slight that Akainu himself may not notice it.

Because he wants to prove it to everyone, especially the Black Crow Admiral.

He can take down Whitebeard.

Originally, this impatience was nothing compared to other strong men.

Because Akainu's combat power is very strong, his weaknesses are so subtle that they can't be seen.

It's nothing, but his opponent is Whitebeard.

He is a man with more combat experience than him, having gone through many changes in the eras and experienced numerous legendary battles.

And it holds the monster with the strongest ability to destroy fruits.

Whitebeard has extremely keen insights.

After catching this, he continued to stimulate Akainu and manipulate Akainu's emotions.

Let Akainu reveal bigger flaws.

Finally, he found an earthquake punch that could wound Akainu.

However, Akainu's body is also extremely strong, and an earthquake punch cannot kill him.

But winning is not that easy.

Even if he enters a desperate state, he still cannot gain the upper hand.

"Damn old guy, more than half of his body is buried in the soil, and he's still so difficult to deal with!" Akainu spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes still firm and murderous.

Even if it means risking your own life, you must try to kill Whitebeard!

But overall, Akainu is still at a disadvantage.

This has to make people worry about the direction of this war.

Fortunately, the pacifists have suppressed many pirates.

The surrounding wall has also been raised, and pirates are dying in large numbers.

But everyone knows that the real outcome depends on the high-end battlefield.

"It seems that some plans (cbee) still have to be implemented...after all, they were planned before." Seeing the situation of the battle, Sengoku muttered to himself, and then ordered the people around him to do things.

And Garp is currently sitting in the position of Marine Four Admiral.

He is the only one left in this position.

But Garp can't go out easily, he has to prevent Kaido or other possible attacks!

After all, three of the Four Emperors have appeared near the Marine headquarters.

Who dares to be careless?

"Black Crow Admiral, where did Black Crow Admiral go? Didn't Black Crow Admiral fly past Whitebeard just now? If it was Black Crow Admiral, he would definitely win!" Some civilians asked in confusion before the live broadcast.

"I seem to be going to deal with the Impel Down incident. When Kaido showed up just now, didn't he say that Impel Down was attacked by a redhead?"

"Impel down? Oh, it's the world's number one prison! Something happened there!"

"It shouldn't be a big deal. The most important thing now is to win this battle. I hope Admiral the Black Crow can come back and defeat Whitebeard as soon as possible!"

"Not bad! If it's the Black Crow Admiral, I think the chance of winning is greater. You see, although Akainu also fought fiercely with Whitebeard, from the beginning to now, it seems that he has never been able to defeat Whitebeard! It seems like, Black Crow Admiral is stronger!"

Many people put their hope in Levi, who had the ability to knock Whitebeard away before.

"Magma kid, it seems that you are much weaker than the little crow..." Whitebeard was taunting casually, intending to make Akainu angry step by step.

But he didn't expect that these words would directly hit one of Akainu's winning points.

"You old man, just enjoy this funeral... Dog bites the red lotus!" Akainu was extremely angry, punched out, and then attacked.

In Whitebeard's view, the flaw is even bigger than before.

An earthquake punch struck down, and Akainu spurted blood and flew backwards again.

At the same time, Whitebeard's eyes lit up, as if mentioning the name Black Crow... could make Akainu's mentality fluctuate!

At this moment, Whitebeard seemed to have found the password to wealth.

Constantly comparing Levi's achievements, age, and strength to Akainu and making fun of him.

Whitebeard gets better and better as he fights, but Akainu becomes more and more uncomfortable.

"What he means by this is that... this Conqueror's Haki is not his limit and full strength!? Isn't this...impossible?!" Jinbei and others listened to Levi's words After all, he was dumbfounded.

He is already so strong, just as strong as Father Whitebeard.

But this black crow Admiral actually thinks that the red-haired Conqueror's Haki is nothing more than that?!

Is this tone too loud?

Is there any Haki in this world that is stronger than these two Conqueror's Haki?

They couldn't imagine it at all.

"What a shame!" The red-haired man didn't believe there was a stronger Haki.

But after hearing what Levi said, the red-haired man still became vigilant.

After all, at this time, there seems to be no need to pretend to be a ghost.

Levi didn't explain, he just spread his hands and stretched his arms!

Suddenly, the entire Reiatsu black mist surged out from his body.

Like roaring waves, rushing directly into the sky.

"Buzz buzz!"

The entire sky suddenly trembled and was covered in black Reiatsu.

Then powerful Reiatsu black light beams fell on Levi's Reiatsu shock wave!

Press down.

Boom! The first black Reiatsu beam fell on the pressure of the collision between the two.

The pressure of the two men's fierce collision was suppressed by Levi.

I only saw the red hair who was able to compete with Levi just now.

Suddenly, the whole foot was pressed into the extremely solid ground!

Boom! Boom! In an instant, ten beams of light fell from the sky.

This is like adding a powerful thruster to the Reiatsu that Levi just collided with the redhead!

All of a sudden, half of the red-haired body was pressed into the ground!

"Tsk..." The red-haired man's face changed drastically, he bit his lips and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, but he still refused to take back Conqueror's Haki and persisted tenaciously!

He couldn't believe that his Conqueror's Haki would be knocked down by the opponent so brutally!


"Boss!" The other members of Red Hair Pirates were horrified and extremely worried at the same time!

The others looked at the two of them with ghostly expressions on their faces!

Unbelievable, my heart felt like it stopped beating.

They are suffocating!!

Four Emperors, red-haired Shanks, recognized as the strongest Haki in the world.

He actually lost in a competition with Conqueror's Haki!!

It’s obvious that we lost, and we lost more than just a little bit!

This is too fantasy, it feels like a dream and has no sense of reality!

"Boom!!" The eleventh beam of light fell, larger and stronger than the other ten!

This beam of light fell and there was an explosion. The red-haired Conqueror's Haki was unwilling to take it back and was completely shattered by the shock!

With a puff, the red-haired man opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with disbelief!

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't say a word!

"It just opened..." Just as Levi started to speak, there was a sudden pop, accompanied by bright blood flowers.

A green dragon claw penetrated his heart directly from behind, and the claws were stained with bright red blood!

This shocking change made everyone's eyes widen!

How is this going?!

"Levi!!" Gion roared hysterically, tears falling down all of a sudden!

How could this happen! How could this happen!

"Four Emperors, Kaido of the Beasts!!" Beckman looked at the claws protruding from the clouds in the sky with a sullen face.

Name the assassin!

The extremely sharp claws successfully attacked Levi and penetrated his heart.

"Little Black Crow, this world is not just about strength, you also need to seize the opportunity... Young people are a little more mature after all, huh." Kaido said with a slight expression, and the teaching voice sounded after Levi. .

"Oh, really..." Levi stood in the air, still unmoved, not even surprised!

(Today’s 18,000 explosion update is still completed, please subscribe!).

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