I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

81. Black Crow, Please Stop Talking! A Conspiracy To Alienate People! (Please Subscribe, Please Subs

This scene was simply more magical than all the mythological biographies they had read.

Because this is what is happening to them.

And Kaido's status and status, looking at the world.

It is much stronger than the king and prince in the notebook.

Even if the official does not admit it, it does not affect the fact.

In Wanokuni, everyone has to admit that Kaido of the Beasts lives the life of an emperor.

And Beasts Pirates is not just Wanokuni's territory.

Radiating from its surroundings, at least a dozen kings rely on Beasts Pirates to survive.

But now he is this noble, powerful, world-famous monster and strong man!

The majestic green dragon was burned by a black flame.

The aroma is overwhelming.

Extremely horrifying...

Look at Kaido writhing in the air in pain.

Some people even doubted whether Kaido would be burned alive.

If Kaido is killed, then Marine Admiral may really become a "god".

"Red Hair, are you stupid? Now that you and I don't join forces, do you think you can leave? Don't forget that he came for you just now! Kaido did not directly answer Red Hair's question

Because the redhead has extremely powerful Observation Haki.

Although he cannot, like the Red Earl, reach the level where he can freely hear the voices of others.

But if you answer the red-haired question just now.

Once he lies, the red hair will definitely be able to detect it, and his current Observation Haki is tightly locked on him.

At this time, it will be very troublesome whether Kaido answers yes or no.

So Kaido simply ignores this problem.

Directly name the red-haired Shanks' current situation.

When the redhead heard this, he also knew that Kaido didn't want to answer this question.

But sometimes there is no ghost in psychology.

Why avoid this problem?

"If this thing is true! After this incident, there will be no need for Wanokuni to exist!!" The red-haired man also brought his thoughts back.

But he never said harsh words to Kaido.

Such words came out of the red-haired mouth.

It almost means that the two Four Emperors forces will end up after this battle.

A total war will break out that has not been seen in decades.

Because the redhead can't forget the years he spent with Oden.

That is their most important partner and relative.

If it was just being killed or something like that.

Although the redhead will be sad, he won't react so much.

As long as there are many dogs in the world, they will never die.

Even he himself is just walking towards death step by step.

It's even coming soon...

But what kind of punishment is boiling in a cauldron? How could the red-haired pirate not understand it?

Even among pirates, such cruel and inhumane punishments are generally not used on enemies.

Put a person into high heat and cook it, and Levi just said...

He persisted for a full hour before being killed.

This hour, how terrifying it must be, even the current red-haired man may not be able to withstand this kind of punishment.

Even if you can endure it, it will definitely be extremely painful!

Much scarier than the countless punishments of Impel Down.

"You're really sensible, but your situation doesn't seem to be good, Dooku...1 Levi waved his fingers ten times in the air.

Countless heavenly swords, beams of light, and wings all hit Kaido.

Kaido was currently defending against the Reiatsu flames with all his strength.

After all, he has experienced hundreds of battles and just needs to try every method.

There is a high probability that we will find a way to extinguish the Reiatsu flames.

So before that, try to find ways to kill as many as possible!

Levi still has a lot to do.

Puff Peng Peng! Although Kaido tried his best to avoid it, his body was burning with flames.

The pain that burns the soul, no matter how strong Kaido's physical elemental defense is, it is useless.

Even if his soul is much stronger than ordinary people, he will still feel pain.

Therefore, it is impossible to dodge every attack accurately.

Many attacks hit Kaido directly.

In an instant, scales, flesh and blood, and even bones and debris were flying randomly.

Kaido screamed repeatedly, covered in blood, and looked extremely embarrassed.

The redhead should have attacked Levi immediately.

But he hesitated. Ji Wei's words just now still made him a little concerned.

He likes to see Kaido defeated or even seriously injured.

If Levi were a normal Marine Admiral.

The redhead even took pleasure in watching Kaido get beaten to death before he fucked him.

It's a pity that Levi is not an ordinary Marine Admiral, but a stronger being.

The threat is too high. If they fight alone, they may not be able to leave.

The red-haired man also noticed Gion's fighting power against the black and white bone monster early on.

That kind of fighting power, combined with Levi, they Red Hair Pirates are very dangerous.

Even with Beckman's ability, there is still a certain chance of being interrupted.

Because the red hair came to a helpless conclusion.

Levi is more than a bit stronger than him!

But then again, if Levi wasn't stronger than any of them individually.

It was impossible to force Kaido to this point, so the assumption in the red-haired mind did not hold.

"Red hair!! If you continue to watch, I will leave even if I have to bear half my life. Don't forget, you still have someone in Impel Down. I want to see if he is targeting you or not. Targeting me...?" Kaido vomited blood.

But I have to say that Kaido is really rough-skinned and thick-skinned.

After being hit so many times, the injuries were not minor, but the counterattack was very strong.

The counterattack shattered many of Levi's Reiatsu beams.

Extremely ferocious, but for Levi.

Kaido would just be a big punching bag, if it weren't for the red hair here.

Just a Kaido, under his own firepower.

Even if you can resist it, you will be hammered to death by yourself before long!

But with the two Four Emperors, Levi can't be careless yet.

There is a possibility of the boat capsizing in the gutter, but it's not that big.

As long as you don't waste it.

If you want to kill them, or take down one of them.

Levi also has an idea.

After hearing Kaido's words about leaving, the red-haired man couldn't even go to the theater.

Because this is indeed true.

Although Kaido stabbed Levi in ​​the back just now and almost killed Levi.

But looking at the overall situation, it was not Kaido who invaded Impel Down.

It's them Red Hair Pirates, and they Red Hair Pirates also rescued Rayleigh from Impel down.

The red-haired man was about to join the battlefield with his sword, but Levi's words stopped the red-haired man.

"Poor Oden, now his former partner is joining forces with his enemy...Oden was not simply boiled to death. Do you want to know how he died?" Levi controlled Reiatsu to repeatedly ravage Kaido. .

While shaking his head and sighing.

Although I understand that Levi is sowing discord in an aboveboard manner.

But the red-haired man still couldn't help but ask: "How did you die?"

Over the years, there has been little information about Wanokuni, despite repeated inquiries.

It is generally known that Kozuki Oden is no longer alive.

But neither Red Hair nor Whitebeard could find out how he died.

This made the red-haired man regret that he refused their help when Kozuki Oden returned home.

If only I would be more determined when waiting for others.

Maybe things would be different.

And after listening to what Levi just said about the torture in a cauldron.

How could the red-haired person not investigate further?

Even if the current situation is not suitable for further investigation.

Kaido's heart suddenly sank when he heard Levi's words.

But it shouldn't be possible for him to know.

If a strong man of this level were to land in Wanokuni, he would not be able to hide it from him.

Wanokuni's fishing boat has also been written many articles by Orochi.

Eighteen years have passed, and no one dares to discuss many things.

How could Black Crow know? Is he just deceiving the red hair and himself?

But no matter what, Kaido still gave the red hair a vaccination: "This is just the most despicable divorce plan, red hair, do you believe this?"

"It's one thing to believe it or not, it's another thing to listen or not. Just listen and you won't suffer any loss. What do you think, red-haired..."

Tsk! After Levi finished speaking, a large piece of meat was cut off from Kaido's back with a sky knife: "Well, it smells good, but considering that it's the meat of a despicable bug like you, it's better to feed it to dogs.

Levi pulled a Reiatsu and threw the flying piece of meat directly in front of a jailer beast.

The Jailer Beast tilted its head and sniffed it, it felt quite fragrant.

When he was about to open his mouth and bite, Kaido's Conqueror's Haki stunned it.

But his face was still extremely ugly: "Black Crow, don't bully others too much!"

What if a wild beast eats his flesh today?

And it was fed by Levi, so what’s the difference if it’s eaten by a dog?

Even if he leaves here today.

Tomorrow this scandal will be spread around the world.

Said that Kaido, the most powerful creature in the world, a phantom beast with the ability of the blue dragon, had his flesh cut off and fed to dogs!

None of the Four Emperors could stand up to this!

It is a great shame and humiliation.

"Too much bullying? Tsk tsk... It was you who stabbed me in the back first... And you were the one who bullied others too much... You allowed Orochi to threaten Kozuki Oden into submission by threatening the people of Wanokuni. , let him dance fruit dance and apology dance in public every day regardless of whether it is rainy or sunny, and every time he dances, you will release a hundred hostages.'

"And promised that as long as he jumped for five years, you would build a ship and leave Wanokuni. However, you lied to him. You were just afraid of his strength and used it as a threat. In the past five years, the former hero has been called Your Highness the Fool. , although you are indeed stupid, you pirates are indeed despicable."

"Five years later, Oden discovered the truth and challenged you to fight, but your subordinates used the fruit to change his son's appearance, affecting his mentality. In the end, he was captured, and before being cooked in a cauldron..." Levi did not bring his wife. Many personal feelings.

Just calmly tell what happened.

"Black Crow, don't talk nonsense..." Kaido denied it, but when he said this.

He himself is a little unsure, Levi's words.

It made his memory seem to return to the past.

But, how could Black Crow know this...

The black crow has this crow's mouth, can you please stop talking about it!

Kaido has done these things, although he is not afraid of others knowing!

But for him, it was also a rare shameful time in his life.

Because from Kaido's personal perspective, he admires Oden very much.

Before Levi could finish speaking, the red-haired man became completely furious. What was true or false only needed to be combined with Oden's personal character.

Do some reasoning and see if it matches.

Moreover, Kaido's face is getting more and more serious, which can also explain some problems.

"Kaido!! Laozi will kill you!!" The red-haired eyes suddenly turned red, and an endless and violent murderous aura burst out!

The red hair is flying freely, like a devil coming to the world.

When I think of one of the people I once admired, he was driven to a dead end like this.

The redhead lost his mind at this moment!

Oden is the man who owns Conqueror's Haki, and he is the man who talks about being brothers with Whitebeard!

One of the pillars of their Roger Pirates!

Although the time was short, I got to know them well.

They often go together to buy ingredients for oden cooking, explore together, and have fun together...

He is an unconventional, kind and innocent man!

But deep down he is also proud and domineering.

However, Kaido, the big snake, actually lied to him for five years.

Let him dance the LUO dance and the apology dance in public...

What an extreme humiliation, that such a proud His Highness Oden was forced to do such a thing.

But if he can save 100 people by jumping once, he will definitely do it...that's his character!

But five years later, we found out that Kaido had broken the promise. What a despair!

Enough to make a redhead furious!

Redhead, calm down..." Kaido's face darkened.

Damn it! How could this guy Black Crow know so well?

"Calm down your whole family!" The red-haired man was completely angry and originally slashed at Levi's head.

Slashed directly at Kaido!

At this moment, he didn't want to think about the overall situation!

I just want to kill Kaido!

As for Levi’s threat! How can I care about so much at this moment...

And they are not completely helpless, but the price is a bit heavy.

Now Kaido must die!

"By the way, they also carried out an operation to eradicate Oden's son and daughter..."

"Black Crow! Shut up you damn Mad Laozi! Hot breath!" Kaido angrily sprayed a hot breath at Levi.

But it was easily blocked by Levi's Reiatsu barrier!

If only at another time and place, Kaido wouldn't be so panicked!

But now the situation was already unfavorable to him, and Levi was still adding fuel to the fire.

Now the redhead turned to attack him!

It wasn't about how he was going to kill Levi now.

Instead, we have to consider how to save our lives.

Because Levi has also stepped up his attacks!

"You idiot! So what if I (Wang's) did it? Everyone is dead, do you want to die too? If we fight, that bastard Black Crow will take advantage of you!" Kaido said angrily, he didn't The thought of Oden irritated the redhead so much.

Kaido is so angry that he just wants to curse!

But when the redhead heard about Oden's wife and children, he still couldn't control himself.

When Fuzhisuke was born, he knew that Mrs. Shi was also very gentle to them when he was a child...

"Sword of Overlord! Amaterasu!" The golden-red Haki on the red-haired Griffin's famous sword seemed to be burning!

Kaido has no choice but to fight!

Rumble...the two of them fought instantly!

"What is going on here?! The red-haired guy is getting into trouble with Kaido?! Aren't they allies? Aren't they going to deal with the Black Crow? Wori, the Black Crow is condensing a very powerful attack! Damn... .......Why are they still fighting......"

The strong men who entered the city were stunned.

What is going on? "I just saw what the black crow seemed to say to the two of them.

Then the Four Emperors redhead was so easily instigated?

Could it be that Kaido was sold?!

"Take the next one first!" Levi looked at Kaido and said confidently.

He didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

Originally, he just wanted to interfere with the red-haired attack.

But the red hair was so stimulated that her eyes turned red.

It seems that the people on the Roger Pirates' ship have a better relationship than I expected.

This can be seen from the red hair coming to save Rayleigh.

But since they are enemies, it’s the redhead’s turn next!

"Black Cero!" Levi stretched out a finger, and a fast black light penetrated the space.

Then, with a speed that Kaido couldn't react now, he hit him!

There was a pop! Large pieces of flesh and blood flew into the air...

"Everyone, it's time to end the commotion!" At the same time, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded!

(Fourth update and 18,000 updates are completed! I don’t know if I can keep blasting for much longer, but now it’s a climax! I can’t stop! Wow! Please subscribe!).

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