Gong Bai was a little confused.

When he was most proud, a Daoist figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

The long sword swept across, and although the target was not critical, if it was hit, it would instantly lose its ability to fight.

However, Gong Bai's Cultivation Base, which broke through the eighth floor, was not covered after all. He turned sideways and avoided the sword dangerously, but a few strands of hair were mercilessly cut off by Sword Ray.

"Someone!" A storm surged in Gong Bai's heart, and the previous ecstasy was instantly washed away.

"When was it? Why didn't I find out? How did she get in? Does she also have the Kao Ling?"

At this moment, countless question marks flashed in his mind.

However, Xiang Liusi would not let him think freely.

Li Dao hid in the dark, sprinkled the poisonous powder, Xiang Liusi fought with Gong Bai directly.

In the mixed doubles between men and women, Gong Bai couldn't bear it for a while. Whether it was Xiang Liusi's strength or the influence of poison fans, he felt extremely troubled and began to retreat.

However, Gong Bai has harvested a lot of treasures after all. Seeing that he is not the opponent of the two, he took out some treasures obtained in the treasure house without hesitation, defended against the two, and looked for an opportunity to escape.

Because the houses here are all specially made, so no matter how the two fight, they will not be destroyed. This makes Gong Bai, who wants to escape, feel cold and cold.

"Why did your Excellency suddenly take action, I think, we can discuss it." Gong Bai said while parrying.

Xiang Liusi didn't answer, but was slightly annoyed in his heart, because this kid's strength is not strong, even worse than Zhuang Jian, but there are many treasures, and he really can't help him for a while.

"Hehe, you traitor, it was because of you that my Xuanhua Cave was destroyed. Now, if you want to steal my Xuanhua Cave treasure, what else can we discuss!" Li Dao hid in the distance , retorted sharply.

Sure enough, you are still not wanting face... Xiang Liusi couldn't help but smile and continued to interfere with Gong Bai.

"Your Excellency...is the descendant of Xuanhua Cave?"

There is no way, because the two of them can appear here, it proves that they are very likely to have the Kao Ling, and the person who has the Kao Ling, except for himself, then... the probability of being a descendant of Xuanhua Cave is very high.

Li Dao's expression didn't change: "It's natural."

"That's great! I'm also a descendant of Xuanhua Cave, so you are the real brother I've been looking for!!" Gong Bai looked surprised: "Look at my face, we have seven points. Similar!"

f*ck... This kid is not wanting face than me... Li Dao can be considered a lesson.

"Bah, don't climb relatives with me, Aunt Xiang, take him down and interrogate him well!" Li Dao shouted.

"Auntie, what I said is true!" Gong Bai also followed the trend.

As time passed, he couldn't bear it anymore, he didn't understand, this woman, Cultivation Base, was obviously lower than himself, fighting for Mao, so terrifying?

Although I say that I am not good at fighting, the gap on Realm is not so easy to be surpassed!

Could it be... this is the strength of Xuanhua Cave's disciples? ...Gong Bai thought wildly.

He was originally a man of active mind, and his talent was also extremely superior.

"Auntie is not someone you can call me." Xiang Liusi's face turned cold, this kid might be older than himself, but he was too embarrassed to call him Auntie.


Several Sword Rays swept across and hit the pitch-black shield that Gong Bai sacrificed, and the shield suddenly burst.

At the same time, Gong Bai flew forward, threw out several spells, several Flying Swords, and bombarded Xiang Liusi wildly.

"court death!"

In the face of these attacks, Xiang Liusi smiled coldly, and the golden light in his body flourished, intending to withstand these attacks and take down Gong Bai.

Hanmang flashed and slashed straight at Gong Bai's thigh.

At this time, Gong Bai either tried his best to avoid it, retreated to his original position, and was caught in the urn. Or Spiritual Qi bodyguard, and these spells, Flying Sword, attack Xiang Liusi together and fight against each other.

Looking at his unabated momentum, it is estimated that he wants to compete with Xiang Liusi.

But to Xiang Liusi's surprise, Gong Bai didn't defend, attack, or even evade. He let the Phoenix Sword chop off his thigh, and he... flew straight to Li Dao.

He could see at a glance that this was a pair of dog and man, and the man was a soft-hearted man, barking at each other, not wanting face to the extreme.

So... he wants to take a gamble, betting on the status of this soft rice boy in this woman's mind.

If the status is high, then I can hold him hostage this time and escape to ascend to heaven. If it is not high, then I can only send it...

No way, I don't know when the door was blocked by the formation of these two people, and I couldn't beat this woman...

"This kid looks a lot like me, so he must have some status." Gong Bai thought, getting closer and closer to Li Dao.

Li Dao took a deep breath, took out a spell, his face was cold, and he calmly shouted: "Aunt Xiang save me! Aunt Xiang save me!  …"

The next second, the spell burned, and a golden light shot out.

The power of this golden light is just average, so naturally it can't do anything to Gong Bai's overhaul, but in this situation, it can delay him for a second.

In just one second, Xiang Liusi's figure flashed, and a sword pinned him to the ground.

"Aunt Xiang is mighty!" Li Dao looked at Xiang Liu Si, who was like a female God of War, and quickly flattered.

Gong Bai was not seriously injured. Although Xiang Liusi pinned him to the ground, he did not let the Qi machine intrude into his body, causing it to be destroyed.

However, if Gong Bai made any small moves, Xiang Liusi could immediately end his life.

Gong Bai sighed, knowing that he was planted, but until this time, he did not give up thinking.

"Gong Bai, your leg."

At this time, Li Dao threw a long leg.

"Oh, thank you." Gong Bai took the leg, Spiritual Qi surged, and spliced ​​together. After a while, the splicing was completed.

Generally speaking, this kind of sword injury is not so easy to heal, but when Xiang Liusi cut off his leg, he didn't invade Spiritual Qi, so there is no difficulty in splicing it together.

This scene is a bit weird. Li Dao waited for him to splicing his legs before he summoned the black rope and tied him firmly.

After the development of the matter, Gong Bai was completely arrested.

"What about the four?" Li Dao asked with a light smile.

Gong Bai fell into his hands, and he was not afraid that Gong Bai would not hand over the treasure.

"Cultivation Base lost one or two floors, and it recovered after a few decades. It's not a big deal." Gong Bai smiled apologetically.

"Decades..." Li Dao's eyes were a little strange, this thing is really pitiful.

"He stole my Xuanhuadong treasure, how are we going to punish him? Or... Cultivation Base is abolished, leave it to those people." Li Dao looked at Xiang Liusi inquiringly.

Xiang Liusi nodded, with a bright smile on his face, and said, "Okay, but before that, I have to cut off one of his hands and one leg, and then use Spiritual Qi to destroy Meridians, so that he has no possibility of recovery.”

Li Dao made a thought state: "Then cut off his right hand and left leg."


Gong Bai was already sweating coldly on his forehead, f*ck, these two men and women have such vicious hearts, if they really want to do this, then for the rest of their life, life is worse than death!

Zhuang Jian, this kid, will definitely sell himself to Hualou after being tricked by himself. Although he will be disabled by then, but this handsome face, I don't know how much he will attract...

Thinking about it, Gong Bai was already trembling with fear. He felt that he might be able to rescue him, and hurriedly shouted: "The two seniors... no! The two uncles, the two ancestors, have something to say, something to say. Well, to walk the Rivers and Lakes, peace is the most precious thing."

Hearing Gong Bai's plea, Li Dao and Xiang Liusi smiled slightly at each other, thinking that this Gong Bai was really timid, so slightly frightened, he was cowardly.

But... In order to prevent him from playing tricks, Li Dao decided to make his memory a little deeper.

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