I Am A Role Model! Blackmail!

Chapter 553: The Past Of The Fire Spirit Kingdom

Gong Hong didn't know the ups and downs behind this.

But after all, she is also a powerhouse of Delusional Realm, and she has roughly noticed it at this time, Xiang Liusi seems to be not quite right.

However, Xiang Liusi didn't say anything, she had no choice but to pretend that she didn't see it.

In fact, so far, the harvest in this secret place has exceeded her expectations.

Although he didn't get any mysterious chance, he killed a fire beast that broke the third floor. The fire essence of that fire beast was undoubtedly the greatest treasure for Gong Hong.

After getting out of the dense land and digesting it, Gong Hong can try it out, breaking through the sixth floor.

After roughly exploring this area, the three of them began to walk towards the center of the ruins.

From the remaining remains, it can be seen that the palace is located there.

The three of them walked, and gradually began to realize that something was wrong.

I saw that the closer you got to the palace, the more bones there were on the road.

Some corpses have been weathered in the scouring of the years, and if there is a slight movement, they will turn into fly ash and drift away with the wind.

But there were also some corpses that glowed throughout. It could be seen that the owner of these corpses had a Cultivation Base that was not low.

Li Dao frowned and said, "It seems that what happened in the Fire Spirit Country was more intense than that of the Water Spirit Country, at least the number of people who died was much more!"

"Indeed, these unweathered corpses, the Cultivation Base during his lifetime, at least crossed the Thunder Realm." Xiang Liusi nodded, frowning in thought.

"Huh? Listen to your tone... Could it be that when the Shui Lingguo incident, you two were both in Langcheng?" Gong Hong, who was beside him, found Hua Dian and looked at the two of them curiously.

Although her reason told her that neither of them could fight well, but as a woman's intuition, she told her that the two seemed to be...a bit tricky.

"No... Shui Lingguo, I just heard from hearsay." Xiang Liusi hurriedly explained, and his heart beat faster.

If this is exposed, it will really be the death of the society.

"Yeah, I also heard it." Li Dao also added a mouthful.


Suddenly, someone stepped on the weathered bone, making a crisp sound, interrupting the chat among the three.

The three of them bowed their heads, stepped lightly, and made a clicking sound one after another.

Strangely, in the sight of the three of them, what they stepped on was obviously flat ground.

"Illusory formations have been set up here." Xiang Liusi is quite accomplished in formation, so he immediately discovered something was wrong.

"Li Dao, stop, I have to concentrate on cracking the illusion, Gong Hong, you are protecting me from the side." Xiang Liusi turned to look at the two of them.

Li Dao nodded, knowing what it meant to stop.

Immediately, the invisible Spiritual Qi dissipated, Gong Hong also looked around with a serious face, the pale red Spiritual Qi, little by little, protruded in all directions.

Xiang Liusi breathed a sigh of relief, the body that had been slightly tense before, relaxed, and began to sit cross-legged to break the illusion.

This illusion is much more esoteric than Xiangliu's thoughts, but she has a mood of contemplation, plus the formation has a long history, so it is not difficult to decipher it.

About ten minutes passed.

In that air, the invisible formation dissipated.

The real scene in front of him emerged.

The place where the three of them were located was an open space.

And above the open space, there are countless white bones, stacked high, and the three of them just happened to stand on these bones, feeling the cold air escaping from the air.

According to Li Dao's visual observation, there are tens of millions of these bones, let alone!

Moreover, it is already estimated in the least possible direction!

After unlocking the illusion, Li Dao raised his head and glanced at the sky.

For some reason, he seemed to see that countless grievances were crying, and the sky darkened.

The next second, it started to rain heavily.

The corpses all over the ground were undoubtedly telling the three of them a fact.

In this Fire Spirit Nation, a very terrifying war once took place.

And produced tens of millions of corpses.

Moreover, these tens of millions of corpses, the Cultivation Base during his lifetime, are at least from the destiny realm, because the bones under the destiny realm can't be preserved for that long.

Who could silently turn a city into such ruins? Moreover, this city is also the imperial city of the Fire Spirit Nation.

This news is really shocking.

The three were speechless.

It wasn't until four or five minutes later that Li Dao and Xiang Liusi looked at each other, and both saw anger in each other's eyes.

If there is no wrong guess, then it should be the Tongxian Kingdom.

It may be that the news leaked, and the people sent by the Tongxian Kingdom simply did not do it, and they started a full-scale war against the country.

The ruthlessness of its methods exceeded their expectations.

"Who did this? Who has this ability?" Gong Hong shook her head, her face full of disbelief.

Bowie's question was not answered.

Xiang Liusi frowned more and more deeply, walked straight across the square, and walked towards the palace.

Upon seeing this, Li Dao and Gong Hong followed closely.

The formation of the palace has been completely damaged, so the few people have not been blocked in any way.

They first came to the library, and then went to the clan, repeatedly confirming something.

Gong Hong was completely at a loss, she always felt that Xiang Liusi and Li Dao knew something.

The residual information of the Huo Lingguo is far more than that of the Linglong faction.

Up to now, Li Dao has determined that the mastermind behind the scenes is undoubtedly the Tongxian Kingdom.

And the ability to do this, I am afraid that only the highest level of the Tongxian Kingdom.

This scene of the Fire Spirit Kingdom further confirmed Li Dao's speculation.

There must be some kind of connection between the five spiritual kingdoms of gold, wood, water, fire and soil, but only the Tongxian Kingdom knows about this connection.

Li Dao saw the portrait of Huo Tongtian on the clan land of Huo Lingguo, and also got a preliminary understanding of Huo Tongtian in ancient books.

Huotongtian is actually a crystal nucleus. I don't know if it has any effect on practitioners, but its main purpose is to suppress the mountains and rivers of the country.

It seems to have some kind of seal quality.

The terrain of Huo Lingguo is relatively special. Without Huotongtian, it began to gradually evolve into what it is today.

Obviously, Tongxianguo is collecting five kinds of Tongtian, but Li Dao is not very clear about the specific purpose of Tongxianguo collecting these five kinds of Tongtian.

Is it used to suppress the mountains and rivers of the country? This may be one of the possibilities, but Li Dao thinks, there may be other purposes, maybe.

And now, among the five kinds of sky-penetrating gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, Tongxian Kingdom seems to have collected four.

There is the last Mutongtian left.

Intuition tells him that Tongxian Kingdom will soon be the last Tongtian.

And...the chances of success are not small...

Li Dao felt that the Tongxian Kingdom seemed to know much more than other forces.

"Burn all these." Xiang Liusi sighed softly.

This kind of behavior is a great sin and hurtful to anyone.

Rather than letting these corpses pile up here and accumulating ghosts, it is better to burn them and give them a complete release.

Li Dao nodded lightly, Nanming Divine Fire flew out, and the white flame, with the breath of purification, was burning brightly around this open space.

More than ten minutes later, the corpses all over the ground had turned into dust, and the ground originally made of top-quality topaz also emerged.

Above, there are some cultivators, small print carved before death.

It is more to say something, to express unwillingness and the like.

Through scattered words, the scene of that day was roughly restored.

Several mysterious powerhouses in black first blocked the entire city...

Xiang Liusi waved his hand, and a gust of wind blew past, and all the dust from the corpse disappeared with the wind.

In the whistling wind, Li Dao seemed to hear her sigh.

Li Dao was also in a bad mood. Anyone who saw this scene would not be happy.

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