I Am a Saiyan

Chapter 181:

Sun Wuming carried Sun Wukong and quickly rushed in the direction of Liu Lidong.

"Huh? Thorn head?"

Flying from the sky, Sun Wuming glanced at Vegeta, who was bruised and swollen on the ground, extremely embarrassed, with the orphan's fist mark on his abdomen, and was soaked all over, and was destroying the environment in anger.

Vegeta raised her eyes and saw him, and immediately dived on the spot, her breath quickly hidden to a very low level, mixed with fish and shrimp and the like, making it difficult to perceive clearly.

Sun Wuming was full of question marks.

doing something weird...

Chapter 202 Vegeta: Life is ups and downs...

Go back to about ten minutes ago.

The spaceship landed, Vegeta walked out of the hatch, and felt two extremely strong qi that were colliding violently... It seemed like Kakarot and Frieza?

Too strong, too strong to comprehend! Frieza's anger is so terrifying and understandable, why is Kakarot so powerful? !

Vegeta frowned and slammed into the spaceship with a ferocious expression.





I'm supposed to be the strongest Saiyan right, this gap...is despairing! But it's alright! Just become a Super Saiyan yourself!

That guy Kakarot said he missed the point - Super Saiyan, needs the power of anger!


While Vegeta frowned in thought, a man in a battle suit flew over.

"Yo, Vegeta! Are you despairing, so you've lost your mind?"

Qiu Yi glanced at the spaceship with two fist marks, and sneered: "King Frieza is very disappointed with you, but allow me to kill you directly!"

Idiot, if you don't turn on the detector, you are blind, and you can't even feel the super war that is taking place on the other side.

Vegeta sneered disdainfully, gave Qiuyi a thumbs up, and then turned her thumbs down: "Trash!"

"...Hehe, I remember you only had 18,000 combat power, right? Let me see where your arrogance comes from!"

Qiu Yi raised his hand and pressed the detector.


The detector blew his face.

Qiu Yi looked at Vegeta in surprise, then turned to look in another direction... What's going on? Detector malfunctioning?

"Stop talking nonsense! Frieza's dog!"

Vegeta raised his hand and made a contemptuous move, ignoring Qiu Yi at all - the power of anger, I need the power of anger, as long as I am angry enough, I can become a Super Saiyan! Sure can!

Qiu Yi narrowed his eyes and punched tentatively, hitting Vegeta in front of him.

He was stunned for a moment, right? ! With Vegeta's fighting power, he shouldn't be able to avoid this tempting punch!

Vegeta didn't move, and sneered in a sullen voice: "What? Didn't you eat? Beat someone with such a little strength?"

"Tsk! Then let you see if I have had enough to eat!"

Qiu Yi swung his fists and attacked Vegeta continuously.


Vegeta tilted her head, her cheeks were bruised, and she was angry! I'm going to be angry!


Vegeta staggers back, nosebleeds, this **** is hitting me! It hurts! I am angry!


The chain punches keep hitting Vegeta's head, and when I'm angry enough to become a Super Saiyan, I'll chop you into thirty-six pieces! No more than one piece!

Bang bang bang bang!

Qiu Yi's fist became slower and weaker, he was panting, his face full of incredulity.

Vegeta held the pig's head and shouted in a vague voice: "Come on, fight the nest!"

Vegeta becomes stronger? Still crazy? !

Real knowledge comes from practice, no detector is needed, and Qiu Yi has already felt the obvious gap between the two.

This gap is that maybe he has the opportunity to condense his ultimate move, but before the ultimate move is shot, he has to be killed by Vegeta.

"Friza... King Freeza!"

Qiu Yi turned and took off, trying to escape.

The face was directly pressed against the cheek by a hand, and the five fingers were deeply grasped into the flesh.

Qiu Yi was forced into the wound from the wound, and Qiu Yi's body that was not strong could not hold it at all. In the blink of an eye, his entire body swelled into a ball.

Vegeta waved his hand irritably, and Qiu Yi rose into the air and exploded with a bang.

The blasted flames happened to hit a passing aircraft.

"Humph! Dirty cigarette hair...hiss!"

Vegeta rubbed the cracked corner of his mouth, damn, even if he was beaten up by a little scoundrel he didn't like at all, wouldn't he be able to become a Super Saiyan? Isn't that shameful enough? So how can you be angry? !

If it doesn't work...

It's ok! Namek has Dragon Balls, and Frieza is entangled by Kakarot again. As long as he seizes the gap to steal chickens, gets Dragon Balls, and then makes a wish to become a Super Saiyan, can’t he? !

Right, that is it!

Vegeta clenched her fists and began to sense anger. For a genius like him, he figured it out on the way. It was a breeze, hum!

On the other end is Frieza and Kakarot's chi, and there are a lot of chaotic chi... It's probably Frieza's army.

There are still some scattered qi in other places, it should be the Namekians...

and many more!

Vegeta looked to the ground—the smoking aircraft landed on the ground, and figures came out of the aircraft.

Some don't know each other, but some are very familiar, especially...

Vegeta flew straight down and smiled in surprise: "Naba, you are still alive? It seems that these earthlings are more naive and stupid than I thought."

"Bei, Vegeta?!"

Naba was stunned for a moment, looked at the other party's hairstyle, and then recognized it: "You...you came with Frieza...Oh no, King Frieza came with him?!"

"It's nothing to do with Frieza, I've already betrayed that guy! Since you're still alive, come with me."

Vegeta ignored the others and said confidently: "As long as we find the Dragon Balls on Namek, then our wishes will come true!"

Naba looked at Vegeta with an unspeakably subtle expression...

"Huh? This is another Saiyan named Vegeta?"

Bulma looked surprised: "I didn't expect it to be so short, and... poof!"

Bulma looked at Vegeta's pig-headed appearance, couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

"...Damn woman! Do you want to die?!"

Vegeta's veins popped out, and she squeezed her fist and said angrily, "You **** understands a fart!"

Kelin whispered helplessly: "Bulma, don't provoke him..."

"Isn't this guy your defeated general? What are you afraid of?!"

Bulma snorted and said loudly: "It seems that he found that the enemy was too strong, so he left his companions and wanted to escape, but he challenged the old grandson out of his own strength, and was beaten down with one move... tsk tsk tsk!"


Vegeta gritted her teeth and burst into anger: "I think you are courting death!"

Bulma took a step back fearlessly: "Bick, Kelin, I'll leave it to you!"

"...Bulma, there's something wrong with this guy."

Krillin smiled bitterly and said, "Is it because of the Saiyans? It's incredible that Vegeta's qi has increased so much in just two months."

Piccolo couldn't help but nodded sullenly.

Bulma said stunned: "No way? You two are so useless?!"

Krillin: "...I think the Saiyans are too foul!"

Bick: "…"

Vegeta was very satisfied with the nervous expressions of the two of them waiting in battle.

"Hey, don't underestimate what I, the genius Saiyan prince, Kakarot can do, I can do it too!"

Vegeta was unforgiving, but he didn't want to entangle too much in his heart. He felt that the collision of anger on the other side was already very fierce, and I was afraid that the winner would be decided: "Naba! Come with me!"

If you are alone, I am afraid that you will not be able to do it. If you have a helper (tool person), it should be easier.


Naba's expression was stiff, and even if his brain wasn't very smart, he wouldn't think that Vegeta was here to save his comrade.

"Huh?" Vegeta frowned, "What's the matter? It's dawdling!"

Naba looked at the others hesitantly, Kiki, Sun Wuhan, No. 21 and Liu Lidong, all looking at the scene of the earth in the distance - from time to time dust and smoke burst and rose up, like a doomsday scene.

Kling and Beek were obviously not interested in getting involved in this matter.

tmd! you guys! I was really dragged away by Vegeta, I am afraid that my life is also very dangerous!

Naba said tangled: "Hey! Aren't you helping? I've cooked for you for so many days, right?!"

Vegeta sneered: "Oh? Are you brave? Thinking that if I found a backer, I would be afraid of you? Hmph, I..."

Liu Lidong raised her hand and pressed Naba's back, and said in surprise: "Huh? I don't need to use recovery to break the unlocking qigong... Mr. Naba, I think your grasp of the status quo may be a little bit off."

The recovery ability was exerted, and the body function was fully recovered. The continuous shattering sound rang from Naba's body, and large golden chains floated out of the body and scattered with the wind.

"Mr. Napa, hit that noisy uninvited guest hard—ah, don't worry, you'll win."

Liu Lidong withdrew her hand and continued to watch the battle in the distance. If there was an accident, she might have to pay attention to moving over to recover... However, it shouldn't be a big problem, right? On the 21st, he said that Wuming's younger brother had defeated Frieza once a long time ago, although it was in another time and space.

"One punch? Hahahaha! What do you mean, you little brat, I'm weaker than Napa?"

Vegeta couldn't help laughing: "Naba, I'll give you another chance, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you..."

Naba was silent for a moment and raised his fist.

Vegeta's swollen face showed a gloomy look: "It seems that you are seeking death!"

Naba took a deep breath, suddenly burst into arrogance, and killed Vegeta in the blink of an eye.

With seven points of apprehension and three points of the anger of being called by a tool man!

"Vegeta! I fight with you..."

boom-! !

The fist sank deep into Vegeta's stomach.


Naba was stunned, did he hit it? One punch hit?

and many more! Vegeta must have been beaten on purpose and then humiliated me casually...


Vegeta had already vomited blood, and her body crossed a parabola and smashed into the river with a thud.

Naba: "?"

Krillin: "?"

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