I Am a Saiyan

Chapter 318:

Califla jumped irritably: "Go on! You just want to lie to me! Look at how old I am, I won't be a queen!"

"Other old Saiyans can't beat you, the Queen, a child, that means you are very powerful! Saiyans like you are qualified to lead all Saiyans! And didn't you agree before? Why are you running back here again!"

"Ha?! This guy will fool people! It's okay to let me fight with you, but you always run around and fight a group of weak guys! That's okay! What are the rules, what are the messy tasks, what are you doing? It caused additional local losses, and it also made me read and write reports every day - climb! How far can I climb!"

"Queen! You are the legendary super Saiyan god! If you lead the Saiyans, the casualty rate of the peacekeeping troops will definitely be lower, and the Saiyans will become more and more prosperous! So come back and preside over the overall situation. Bar!"

"Isn't it the right thing to be beaten to death? Climb for me! Stand at the gate of the mountain and roar, be careful I'm welcome!"

"I don't! Queen..."

Califla rushed down the mountain on the spot and knocked out the opponent, and irritably directly knocked out all the Saiyans blocking the mountain gate!

"So much nonsense! Little ones! Come down and lick your bags and leave some pants for these guys!"

With a greeting from Califla, a bunch of small or half-sized little devil heads ran down the mountain and began to search.

Caulifla put her arms on her hips angrily, wondering if she should move to a new house, wouldn't she overturn the peacekeeping force with her subordinates? Saiyans who don't fight are still called Saiyans? The result is a lot of mess after the fight... Be a queen of sticks!

"Miss Califla, long time no see."

Califla turned her head in surprise and said in surprise, "Ah? It's Vados! Are you here to fight me?"

"No no no." Vados shook his head with a smile, "I came to fight with you."

Califla instantly showed her dead fish eyes: "Then I won't go."

"The opponent is very strong."

"...Uh, then why should I help you?"

"I can help you solve the problem on Shadara so that no Saiyans will bother you all day long, how about that?"

"it is good!"

Player 1, get!

During the brief conversation, a girl with a pineapple head suddenly appeared in front of Califla, her body concealed her eyes to protect Califla, and she looked at Vados with a taut face, her eyes very vigilant... I didn't notice this call at all. How did Vados's people appear next to the eldest sister.

"Huh? Kaier, don't worry, Vados is not a bad person."

"Oh... Miss, are you going out again?"

Vados looked at Kaier and said with interest: "Then this Miss Kaier, are you interested in participating in the competition with Miss Califla?"

Player No. 2 seems to have also fallen.

After finalizing the two candidates, Caliphra and Kaier, Vados followed the information and continued to look for the next contestant.

What must be won, of course, is the long-established number one killer in the sixth universe, Hit.

Comes without a shadow, goes without a trace, no one knows where he is. No one who has become the target of his mission can survive, wandering outside the power disputes, and does not belong to any camp.

It is very simple for the angel to find someone, hoping to successfully persuade the other party to participate in the competition.

When Vados was looking for contestants all over the world, the seventh universe was not idle. Beerus left the task of finding a master to Frieza, and Frieza left the task to his own legion. Under the vigilance of the Galaxy Patrol, Frieza's Army started a big move, sending small teams to all parts of the universe...

One of the squads wandered into a remote area and was investigating the surrounding planets.

"Did the combat power that the detectors could not read a few days ago really come out of here?"

"Definitely! Check out the planets around here!"

"The legion is going to expand recently? King Frieza gave such an order. I heard that several small teams were captured by the Galactic Patrol..."

"Tsk! Who knows what that dwarf thinks."

"Hey! Are you dying?!"

"Don't worry, Frieza can't hear us again... eh? There's some biological reaction on this planet—combat power readings go up! Exceeds the limits of the instrument! Can't measure! Here, the mighty warriors are on this planet!"

The spaceship descends to the surface.

Five spacemen in Frieza's combat uniforms with guns and combat power detectors looked left and right to find the powerful energy readings that surpassed the detectors.


A Frieza soldier raised his finger.

Over there, wake up, the slender green-haired monster is grinning and showing fangs, confronting several people like a threat.


The monster stared at scarlet eyes, with fear in his vigilance, an aura trying to scare away these guys in front of him.

"Baby..." Broly took a step forward.

The monster shrank its neck instantly and let out a loud roar: "Ow!"

Broly stopped, looking a little sad, but at a loss and not knowing what to do.

"Okay! Broly!" Pagaras frowned, "What do you have to say with this monster?! Are you really planning to make friends with this kind of thing?!"

Broly said aggrieved: "If you hadn't knocked out Xiaoba's ear, father, Xiaoba and I would be very good friends..."


Pagalas raised his hand and simply wanted to get rid of this monster.


Broly raised his hand and grabbed Pagalas's hand, panicking: "I don't make friends with Xiaoba anymore! Don't be angry! I don't make friends anymore!"

Kaka Kaka-!

It hurts! It hurts! Pagalas' expression was distorted. He just wanted to find the remote control, and then realized that the remote control and Broly's collar were gone. He quickly shouted: "Let go! I won't kill it, I won't kill it!"

Broly was very obedient and let go of the letter suspiciously: "Oh, that's good..."

Pagalas decisively raised his other hand, angrily preparing to give this idiot a big mouth... Wait! Now that Broly doesn't have a collar, if he accidentally makes him angry, wouldn't his life be at risk? !

The strong desire to survive made Pagalas instantly restrain his anger and dissatisfaction, and cold sweat gradually broke out on his forehead, bad! Without the remote control and collar, it seems that there is no way to make Broly obedient. Next, it is not a question of whether Broly is obedient or obedient, but that you have to be careful not to make Broly angry, or you will lose your life. what!

hateful! Those two guys!

Pagalas had a headache and noticed the five spacemen flying over, eh? Today, this desolate Wampa star has welcomed two waves of people in a row?

The five Frieza soldiers who flew in also looked at the four people present, the pink-white guy with very low combat power, the other few... Saiyans? But one looks tailless, and the other is golden, not black.


"Ah? Isn't this your old Legion battle suit?"

A Frieza soldier looked at the clothes on Pagalas in surprise: "Could it be that you used to be a soldier of the Frieza Army?"

Another soldier fiddled with the detector and exclaimed: "You have more than 4,000 combat power, you are so strong... Wait! The other two are beyond the measurement limit?!"

In an instant, Pagalas, who had more than 4,000 combat power, was no longer fragrant. The soldiers enthusiastically approached Sun Wuming and Broly and said, "You two! Are you interested in joining Frieza's army? A super army at the cosmos level. , great power! The monthly salary is generous, the bonuses are numerous, the working hours are flexible, the scale of the enterprise is huge, and the boss is a famous emperor of the universe..."

Frieza? What's that guy recruiting for?

Sun Wuming was a little strange, but it was immediately clear that Sister Dong had said that as long as there was a big movement, she would definitely be selected. She had just arrived in Universe 7 and had a fight with Broly, didn't this lead to a series of chain events? In short, if you want to participate in that martial arts competition, you just need to find someone to fight everywhere.

Find Frieza - fight him - trigger the next event - until you can compete in martial arts...

Plan pass.


The Frieza soldier looked at Broly: "This gentleman, how about you?"

Broly looked bewildered, unable to understand the situation.

"He's going too!"

Pagalas couldn't wait to agree on his behalf. If nothing else, he was finally able to get rid of the dilemma of being trapped in Wampas!

Whether it's revenge on King Vegeta or reaching the pinnacle of life, I've finally taken the first step!

Chapter 359 Frieza: I will reward you greatly!

The spaceship lifted off slowly.

"To find three such strong Saiyans in one breath, King Frieza must be very happy!"

"Yes, yes, maybe we will be transferred to some leisurely safe and rich jobs!"

"Maybe it's a direct reward for a planet to be king?"

"I have seen the peak of my life!"

The five soldiers of Frieza's army were discussing excitedly.

Broly stood at the mouth of the spaceship, looking through the glass sadly at the smaller and smaller monster below. After they left, the monster was obviously more at ease, and no longer assumed the hostile attitude just now...

"Little Ba..."

Broly looked down.

"Hey, what are you mumbling about?" Sun Wuming patted Broly on the shoulder and said strangely, "Are you friends with that green hat strip?"

"He's not called the green hat strip, he's called Xiaoba."

Broly corrected excitedly: "We are friends... no, not friends."

As he spoke, Broly lowered his head and touched the animal skin on his waist: "Father said that he didn't need to make friends, and asked me to fight with Xiaoba, so she knocked out one of Xiaoba's ears, so Xiaoba never again ignore me."

Sun Wuming thought about it for a while, but he didn't quite understand it, so he asked, "When are we going to fight? How about an appointment?"

Broly didn't seem interested, and continued to look at the ground farther and farther below, a little lost.

"Okay, okay, people are annoying." No. 21 rolled his eyes, pushed Sun Wuming aside, and immediately said to Broly, "Beasts... well, creatures with very low intelligence and intelligence, on the other hand, mean that More pure than complex human feelings - because someone similar to you has lost an ear, of course she will hate you, and it is impossible to see you as a friend again."

Broly is on the verge of slumping into the ball.

No. 21 crossed his chest with his arms and said calmly, "But because Xiaoba is very hostile to you, so you don't treat him as a friend?"

"No!" Broly retorted instantly, "Baby is my friend!"

Nunuzui on the 21st: "I don't know how long it will take to see each other after this departure. Since we are friends, should we say goodbye?"


Broly was a little bewildered.

"It's the next time we meet, friends." No. 21 waved his hand and gestured, "Just like this, wave goodbye."

Broly, imitating No. 21, waved towards the earth that was gradually getting far away from the glass, and Xiaoba, who had become a small dot on the ground, and murmured a little rusty: "Goodbye, Xiaoba...bye...well... …goodbye!"

For some reason, the irritable mood, just waved and said, calmed down.

Broly turned around, sat next to Pagalas, and began to be in a daze.

"Wow, on the 21st, how did you talk to him?" Sun Wuming was surprised. "When I talk, he ignores me and doesn't make an appointment with me."

No. 21 pointedly said: "Bringing children, I'm quite experienced in this kind of thing. It's useless to say what you don't want to do, what you want to do, it's ridiculously strong compared to some actions. A bear child who is not afraid of the authority of adults at all, and a simple-minded child like Broly, it is easy to teach..."

"So that's the case, do you want to communicate by talking to children?"

Obviously, Sun Wuming did not understand the 'finger' of No. 21 at all.

Ways to Talk to Your Child…

Sun Wuming thought for a while, then ran to Broly's side, raised his hand and greeted: "Hey! Wait at the school gate after school!"

Broly: "Huh?"

On the 21st, Sun Wuming was dragged away: "Anyway, you are also an intellectual who went to school and mixed in the school's small society. How can you learn a lot of social dross!"

"Tsk, it seems that we can't fight with Broly for the time being, but you can look forward to Frieza."

Sun Wuming said with emotion: "Fliza is looking for masters everywhere, and he really is striving for progress, wanting to fight with stronger people, and then become stronger - it seems that he listened to what I said and became a A person who never stops learning."

"I think what you are thinking must have nothing to do with the actual situation... The idiom you said is also true."

No. 21 feels very out of strength, why does it still feel like before, carrying a big child all the time? No, no, I feel that Xiao Wuming is now more disobedient than before.

Frieza Legion Headquarters - A giant spaceship floating in space.

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