I Am a Saiyan

Chapter 327:

Trunks covered his throat with a grim expression, and fell to the ground, twitching like a live fish to be slaughtered.

"Ah! Trunks! Are you all right!"

Kain squatted beside him in panic.

Look at me...is it alright? By the way...Miss Temeidou warned me, it's best not to eat in the time-space lair...

It turns out that it's not that eating at the workplace is not good, but that it means there is a fatal risk? !

Trunks understood.

Kaine, you are a culinary black hole! ! !

"Kane you..."

"Trunks! Hold on! Woohoo! You're the only one who can work!!"

During the riot, on the half-blank scrolls spread out on the desktop, a picture of something happening in the 1-1-1 time and space emerged—something located in the middle of the seventh universe and the sixth universe, and two people came up in two directions. A group of people gathered on an uninhabited planet.

The time for the appointment has come. Although the two Gods of Destruction did not mean to make a big splash, it still caused quite a stir. For example, when looking for contestants, it is inevitable to explain the situation. It will spread and then unknowingly become strange...

Saiyan people eat melons: "What?! The queen was spotted by the God of Destruction and went to participate in a game with the seventh universe?!"

The peacekeepers eat melons: "What? The God of Destruction, Lord Pa, is going to compete with the God of Destruction in the Seventh Universe?!"

The Sixth Universe King God Fuwa: "What?! Xiangpa is gathering a large army, ready to kill Beerus?!"

Frieza Army: "Hey! Have you heard? King Frieza has been chosen to be a candidate for the God of Destruction... What is the God of Destruction? I don't know exactly, but looking at this domineering name, it must be The number one super villain in the universe!"

Galactic Patrol: "Fliza is going to be a candidate for the God of Destruction?! What is the God of Destruction..."

Galaxy King: "Friza became the God of Destruction?!"

Shin: "Beerus wants Frieza to be the God of Destruction?!"


So, unknowingly, this match between the two universes has become a grand event that has attracted the attention of many people and given a mess of meaning... Among the audience present, there are not only the king gods of the two universes, but also the kings of the universe. There are the Galaxy King of the seventh universe Galaxy Patrol, the captain of the sixth universe peacekeeping force, the well-known fair judge of the sixth universe, and many other powerful and powerful human beings...

"For the glory and reputation of the sixth universe, we must not lose to the seventh universe! Every inch of land must be fought! No planet in the sixth universe is superfluous and can be let go!"

Anyway, after things got bigger and more and more outrageous, Xiangpa was too embarrassed to say that it was a battle of words...

"It's for that kind of boring thing to make this scene..."

In the VIP seat of the grandstand, he complained bitterly in his heart, and looked at the huge ring below and the protective cover that separated the ring from the audience. As someone who knew the truth, his mood was very complicated at the moment.

However, there are really other universes, and there are other realm gods...

Xin looked curiously at the pale green fat man who looked very kind. He was undoubtedly a god, and he was a very high-level god, just like himself.

Well, it's a bit like the Great Realm King God.

"What's going on in the seventh universe?" Fouy asked with a frown, "I want to grab the planet in the sixth universe... Didn't you persuade the God of Destruction?"

"I can't persuade it, and..." Xin didn't want to take the blame, but said helplessly, "It seems that the Earth in the sixth universe is rich in delicious food, so the two gods of destruction are..."

Fuwa was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood: "So that's the case—well, your players from Universe 7 seem to be quite ordinary."

In the area of ​​the contestants in Universe 7, excluding No. 21, who was not a contestant at first glance, the rest looked ordinary, and Frieza, who was wearing a scar, looked a little fierce, but with that short head, it was nothing. special.

"Your sixth universe... eh? Is that a Saiyan too? But it doesn't have a tail."

Xin looked at the player area of ​​Universe Six, where it was clear at a glance that there were seven players.

I looked at the list of players - Califla, Kayle, Gabe, the three Saiyans, Hit... oh, the human in the purple trench coat... Mila... um, the red-white-haired one bulky? There seems to be a sense of coercion... Then there is a person who seems to be of the same race as Frieza, whose name is Frost?

The last is a big metal man, as if the race is the metal man.

The styles are weird.

"Ah? Why is it that I'm the only one who looks familiar when I come back, uh... That guy is a little familiar too."

Sun Wuming looked at the opponents on the other side of the vast arena. His eyes were on the strong figure with white hair and red. The opponent seemed to have noticed his observation. Make a gesture.

"21st, what is he doing?"

No. 21 recognized it. Isn't this Mira who followed Tova? Where did the elephant pat come from? ! It sounds like a time and space criminal... But the question is how to call the police? Mmmmmmm—forget it, pay more attention later.

"He should have said [you wait for me, I will kill you]."

"That's it, I understand."

"Um... wait! What do you understand?"

On the other side, on the special seat of the God of Destruction that Vados had created, Xiangpa was staring at the seventh universe player area in a stunned manner.

"Ba, Vados! Am I dazzled?!"

Vados pondered: "Well...my eyesight is not a problem, it seems that Mr. Xiangpa should see the same person as me."

That guy Sun Wuming is here for Mao? ! And it's on the side of the players from Universe 7!

Elephant Pa clutched at his head, and some did not understand!

At this moment, opposite the Destruction God's seat, a building appeared out of thin air, and Beerus and Whis flew up, just in front of Xiangpa and Vados.

Beerus: "Hey, Whis! Make it a little taller! How can you be the same height? How can I look down on Elephant Pa with the same height?"

Weiss: "Lord Beerus, I don't want to cause some extra trouble. Today is a match between two human players. I don't want to become you and Lord Xiangpa fighting and let me clean up the mess."

Beerus (very loudly): "Hmph, we won in the end anyway, what else could be compared."

Quiet... eh? What's up with the guy like Phra?

Beerus looked at it strangely and shouted, "Hey! Xiangpa, are you ready to surrender? If you admit defeat, I only need half of the earth, and leave half for you, hahahaha!"

"Don't even think about it! The earth is mine!"

Xiangpa recovered from the shock, choked back instinctively, and then asked, "Where did you get this guy from?!"

Beerus hummed and said, "I have a lot of talents in the seventh universe, so I just need to catch a few people."

Can you just grab a person from the sixth universe and go there? !

Xiangpa was about to roar, and Vados next to him quietly poked his back.

‘Lord Xiangpa, although Lord Beerus came into contact with Sun Wuming, he didn’t seem to be aware of certain things... At this time, to discuss Sun Wuming’s identity with Lord Beerus, that’s why he didn’t recruit himself. ’


Xiangpa looked aggrieved, and instead of arguing with Beerus, who had a strange face, his head got bigger.

Not to mention that Sun Wuming came here for Mao, and competed for Mao as a player from the seventh universe, anyway, from the situation and results - I can't take Sun Wuming out because the opponent is from the sixth universe... I He meow!

'Vados, what to do! ’

'Well, Mr. Wuming is indeed very strong, but the contestants here are not vegetarians, and the winner must be played before we can tell...'

'Tsk! It's not like you don't know, that guy's strength is not at the level of a normal person at all... eh? ! ’

Below, Sun Wuming raised his hand and fired a gas bomb. The gas bomb crossed the ring and flew to the sixth universe player area.

Although I don't know what kind of illness that guy is doing, here's an opportunity!

Xiangpa raised his hand and shouted: "The seventh universe player beat someone before the game! Referee! Quickly fork him out!!"

Chapter 370 The opening of the riot

What? !

The gas bomb flew over the arena, and several players in Universe Six were a little surprised. Didn't the match start yet?

However, everyone remained calm and did not waver before the incoming attack—the high-speed air bomb smashed straight at Mira!

Mira raised her hand and waved, and the gas bomb was shot upward and exploded.

"Long time no see! Who is that!"

The palm that hit the air bomb pressed down, suppressing a fist that was smashed firmly.


"Long time no see, who is that?"

Sun Wuming grinned: "Since you want to fight me, just say it directly, what are you doing with your gestures."

As the golden flames rose, a wave of air rolled up, pressing directly on Mira.

Mira was still expressionless, and the energy was also aroused. The two energies collided and collided. For a while, they were both high and low.

"Don't think I'm still the same me..."

[Mila, now is not the time to fight! 】


After Mira's words, Zi Yan exploded, getting rid of the energy confrontation, and forced Sun Wuming to take a step back.

"Looks like saying hello is my win."

Sun Wuming pressed his feet firmly on his feet, and the swaying Jinhui suddenly spread out, proving that the bombardment was on Mila, pressing her back two steps, he shook his arm and stretched out his hand: "Next, do something real?"

Mira was silent, put away her momentum, and folded her arms.

Sun Wuming was stunned for a moment, raised his eyebrows and said, "Ah? You won't ask me to fight, and you won't fight yourself?"

Mira didn't respond. Although it was her wish to fight the opponent, she prioritized Tova's plan... not in a hurry.

Is this guy mentally ill? He made a gesture to fight with himself, but he knocked on the door and didn't want to fight?

Sun Wuming moved his body without anyone else, it doesn't matter - I can't fight?

"Okay! Then it's a showdown..."

"This player! Please go back to the player area!"

An alien descended from the sky, landed between Mira and Sun Wuming, and shouted with a microphone: "Player Sun Wuming! The game has not officially started! Pre-match battles are illegal! Yellow card warning once!"

Sun Wuming: "Who are you?"

The alien is full of black lines: "I am the referee! The referee of this game!"

"Cough, yes - this player named Sun Wuming, maybe you are looking forward to the game and can't wait, but since it is a competition, you still have to talk about the rules."

A blue-and-white alien who was of the same race as Frieza but kept Frieza's first form walked out and said with a smile: "Please don't cause more troubles, it will damage the authority and justice of this game..."

Sun Wuming was startled: "Who are you? How do you look like Frieza?"

"Oh? The Frieza player over there? We seem to be of the same race. After all, the sixth universe corresponds to the seventh universe, and we also have Saiyans here." The other party introduced himself politely, "My name is Frost, one of the contestants of Universe Six."

"Alright, alright! This player! Please go back to your player area to prepare for the battle!" the referee said, "Please be careful not to do anything like this again, or the red card will ban you from the competition..."

"He has beaten people! What does the yellow card warning mean! Referee, send me a red card!"

Xiangpa stuck his head out from the stand above and shouted loudly: "To this kind of guy who doesn't obey orders! It must not be tolerated!"

The referee said righteously: "Different racers and different players have different personalities! This kind of unintentional behavior is enough to warn you once! Please don't question my fair judgment!"

Xiangpa asked angrily, "Aren't you from the sixth universe?"

"Yes, Mr. Xiangpa, but because I am a member of the sixth universe, this should be treated fairly..."

"Where do you live?!"

The referee's eyes twitched.

"Hoohoohoho! Can't you be a threat?!"

Beerus raised his foot on the railing and stuck his head out, sneering: "A warning is enough for such a trivial matter, if you insist on holding on to this kind of thing, it really undermines the prestige of the God of Destruction, like Papa! The referee said so, you still want to continue to mess around?"

"Yes... You brought the player who violated the rules, do you know that?!" Xiangpa immediately choked back, "Beating someone before the game! Bad behavior! You must be disqualified from the competition immediately!"

Beerus sneered: "Since the competition is already held, of course the referee has the final say! Who are you? The referee said it was a yellow card warning, then it's a yellow card warning..."


Sun Wuming punched Frost, who was screeching in front of him, barbara justice, rules, order and other messy things.

The argument between the two gods of destruction and the off-site suddenly quieted down.

Frost fell to the ground with a dazed look on his face, and immediately shouted: "The referee! He hit someone!"

"Referee! Punish him! Punish him!" Xiangpa shouted immediately, "Send him a red card!"

Beerus changed his head: "What's wrong with beating people? In a martial arts competition, isn't that just beating people?! Before the game or after the game, isn't that all fighting?! This is such a big deal! You bastard. Give me a fair judgment!"

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