I Am a Saiyan

Chapter 72:

"Ha woo... go to sleep first, and find a room tomorrow..."

On the 21st, I was going to sleep and rest, and suddenly I saw some changes in the house late at night. This whole house is divided into two buildings. One is the original house of Sun Wukong. Qiqi, Sun Wukong and Sun Wufan sleep there. Liu Lidong's original house, they slept here, the two houses in the middle were connected by a passage on the ground, and the second floor was connected by a suspended balcony.

At this moment, No. 21 saw a tiptoe figure, sneaking along the balcony on the second floor, all the way into the house here.

Under the moonlight, Sun Wukong's unique hairstyle is surprisingly recognizable, and his sneaky appearance is like a thief.

The 21st:"……"

What's the trouble with this?

"1...this is Wuming's...2...here."

No. 21 watched in horror as Sun Wukong walked to Liu Lidong's room.

What's happening? ! Liu Lidong is only 12 and a half years old! I didn't expect that a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, Sun Wukong, would be punished like this! wrong! You have a wife and two children! Is this cheating? Is this a double punishment? !

No. 21 was a little messy in the night wind.

Sun Wukong knocked on the door carefully, and the thief whispered: "Xiaodong, is Xiaodong here?"

Ugh... it seems something is wrong?

On the 21st, it was found that something was wrong, Sun Wukong was like this...

"Uncle Sun, here."

In Sun Wuming's room, Liu Lidong's voice came out.

The 21st is messy again - Liu Li Dong, aren't you afraid of being misunderstood? ! You stayed in Xiao Wuming's room in the middle of the night, and you still behaved in front of other people's father? ! Shouldn't it be too late for you to hide at this time? !

"In Wuming's room? So it is."

Sun Wukong touched his chin, smiled, pushed open Sun Wuming's room and walked in, carefully closing the door.

On the 21st, I don't understand anything anymore... Why is Monkey King you show a very understanding expression? Liu Lidong is already twelve and a half years old, and is about to step into the threshold of a girl. Don't you think it's wrong to find someone in the middle of the night? !

Curious and want to understand.

Exploring the mental attack, No. 21 struggled for a while, then drilled in through the crack of the door again.

In Sun Wuming's room, Sun Wukong and Sun Wuming cross-legged with serious expressions, sitting on the bed facing each other.

Liu Lidong yawned a little, rolled over to the side of the wall, wrapped in the quilt, and squinted for a nap.

The 21st:"……"

can't read.

After a few minutes.

"Wow! It's been killed!"

"Damn, even two fights one, and it doesn't work?!"

Sun Wukong and Sun Wuming opened their eyes at the same time, and their spirits were lethargic.

No. 21 couldn't help it: "What are you doing?"

"Uncle Sun and younger brother Wuming are in an image battle. Since Uncle Sun has never seen No. 17 and No. 18, he can only experience the fighting ability of No. 17 and No. 18 through the meditation image of brother Wuming, and try to mentally Fight them in training."

The dozing Liu Lidong opened his eyes, stretched out his hand to refresh the two of them, and said sleepily: "Since they realized the convenience of my ability to recover, Uncle Sun and Brother Wuming will not sleep at night if they have the conditions, or do meditation, Either engage in an image battle, exercise your spirit, and improve your combat experience...yawn, after all, there is a big difference between mental training and actual combat."

No. 21 was a little curious: "Can the spirit still practice together?"

"Of course you can, as long as you adjust each other's qi to make contact, and the spirits of both sides tend to be the same, you can carry out spiritual training together."

Sun Wukong said casually: "However, I still prefer the actual combat to the flesh."

Sun Wuming shrugged and said, "I don't care - Dad, do you want to keep trying?"

"Uh...let's forget it."

Sun Wukong said tangled: "This is just an image you have constructed one-sidedly. The stronger the opponent, the less part you can observe, and the greater the distance from the main body. Kill... The gap is too big to have the effect of training at all, so I will do simple meditation training tonight - Xiaodong, how long?"

Liu Lidong took out her phone and glanced at it: "Auntie will wake up in 3 hours and prepare to make breakfast. Uncle Sun, you'd better exercise for 2.5 hours and then go back immediately."

"Okay, Wuming! Let's fight against images! I've become a lot stronger in the past year and a half!"

"Humph, then let Dad see my new tricks!"

The two closed their eyes again, and after the qi was in harmony with each other, the spirits worked together to build a spiritual space, and then began to exercise.

No. 21: "...It's really enough to forget to eat and sleep."

Liu Lidong glanced at No. 21 and smiled: "When you were studying the cells of Wuming's younger brother, you also lost sleep and sleep - after that, I will try to contact Aunt Bulma in this time and space, and get you some more advanced research equipment, why? Sample?"

On the 21st, he replied: "Okay!"

"Also said that others are weird too."

Liu Lidong rolled her eyes, set the alarm clock on her mobile phone, and continued to doze while wrapped in a small quilt. After they could not sleep, Sun Wukong and Sun Wuming almost immediately made the decision not to sleep.

Every day, I sneakily take advantage of Aunt Qiqi to sleep, trying to find time to practice, let alone the guy on the 21st, relying on his strange body, he is not afraid of sudden death, and it is only a few days and nights when he studies it.

As someone who still wants to enjoy sleep, Liu Lidong is grateful for this, she can't want to be such a weirdo.

Sure enough, it is still a time of peace and freedom, the most peaceful.

It's just that, brother Wuming, he worked even harder today.

I can't get in touch with Miss Te Meidou, and I can't figure out what the time-space patrol actually is. There is too little information...



The next day, Qiqi tried to arrest her eldest son who finally returned home to make up lessons, but was finally persuaded by Liu Lidong from the side, because Sun Wuming's basic knowledge had not fallen too much, and the basic knowledge here refers to literacy.

Liu Lidong has a way to make Sun Wuming learn to read. time thing.

After checking, Qiqi was both happy and reluctant to let Sun Wuming go out to practice. Now Gohan can start writing a small diary. Sun Wuming just made do with recognizing the words, but there is no way, even if she forces Sun Wuming to stay at home Reading, Sun Wuming dared to jump through the window and jump on the balcony to run away, but he couldn't control it at all.

And if he stayed strong, Sun Wuming couldn't get into the book either.

There is a great wisdom in the family, and Gohan is the only hope.

"Don't forget to come back for lunch!"

Qiqi looked up at the flying cloud and let out a long sigh.

With No. 21 on his head, Sun Wuming experienced the long-lost feeling of sitting on somersaults: "Yah hoo-!!!"

With a refreshing roar, Sun Wuming looked around: "Dad, aren't we going to that wilderness? Where are we going to practice?"

"I'm not going to practice now, I'm going to Kalinta - wait a minute!"

Sun Wukong jumped from the somersault cloud and swept to the surface of the river below with a high-speed dance in the sky. His eyes quickly swept away, and he raised his hand and threw two small air bombs. , a string of bubbles accompanies two swoon-worthy fish out to the river.

After holding two fish taller and bigger than a human on his shoulders, Sun Wukong returned to the cloud of tendons.


Sun Wuming raised his hand and pushed away the head of the fish that almost squeezed him: "Dad, do you want to eat fish today?!"

"It's an exchange of fairy beans."

At this time, somersault cloud has come to the top of Kalin Tower, and above it is the temple.

"Cat fairy, Yakilobe, have the fairy beans been planted this year?"

Sun Wukong carried the fish, took Sun Wuming and No. 21, and jumped into the Kalin Tower.

Sun Wuming looked curiously at a white cat walking upright with a cane, and another fat man with a katana sword and brown and black striped clothes.

So weird.

"Just harvested three days ago, this year's harvest is better, there are two."

The cat fairy looked at the big fish and shook his whiskers with a smile.

Chapter 85 Green Monsters

"Thank you, Cat Fairy."

Sun Wukong took the two fairy beans and put them away, patted Sun Wuming's shoulder with a smile, and introduced: "Wu Ming, this is the cat fairy, that is Yaki Luobei - this is my eldest son, Sun Wuming, whose head is This is number 21."

"Ha woo..."

Yaqi Luobei rubbed his eyes listlessly, looked at the child, and was a little surprised: "I didn't expect that, Sun Wukong, you are such an old child."

"Sun Wuming..."

The cat immortal stroked his beard, remembering that he heard the gods say about this Sun Wuming, he nodded and said hello: "Hello."

"Dad, what do you want fairy beans for?"

Sun Wuming asked curiously, "Can't Sister Dong recover?"

Sun Wukong laughed and said: "Of course, just in case, have you forgotten what happened two years ago? Because the lock qigong suppresses the body, if you encounter an enemy, even if you unlock the lock qigong, you can't do anything for a while. Eliminate the pressure, so that you can't use your full strength when fighting. This problem can be solved with fairy beans, just eat one before fighting."

Although I don't know what it means to lock qigong, I can understand the general reason. Immortal Mao said helplessly: "No wonder you run here every year to ask if Xiandou is growing well... Okay, you don't need to be so troublesome in the future, I'll keep all the fairy beans that I planted - but when you come to the door, you have to bring me more fish, and next time I'll bring some sea fish, I haven't eaten fish in the sea for many years."

Sun Wukong made a gesture: "No problem."

On the 21st, he suddenly said: "Is the fairy bean the one that eats one, and will recover all the mental, physical strength and injuries? Xianren, how did the fairy bean come out? Is there any possibility of mass production? Is the soil very special or the seeds very special? Special? With this fairy bean planted in the ground, can new fairy beans grow?"


Cat Xianren glanced at the strange pink and white dumplings and said, "Xiandou is just a product of my accident. I also thought about whether to expand the production, but it is a pity that this involves the spirit of God, I am just a Ordinary little gods really don't understand it, and they don't dare to change the planting method rashly."

God's breath?

No. 21 has been sluggish, and that is definitely not the case. I am now far away from studying the power of gods. Even if I do research, I accidentally kill the fairy beans... The risk is too great.

Yaqi Luobei was beside him, looking at the child curiously, he smiled and said, "Child, since you are the child of Monkey King, you must be very powerful, right?"

Sun Wuming's eyes lit up with nothing to do: "Are you going to fight?"

fight? I got into a fight with your one-year-old kid? Even Sun Wukong is not that powerful at this age.


Yakilobe deliberately teased the child, standing still with his hands on his hips: "You punch me, and I move, even if you win."

Sun Wuming tentatively threw a punch.

boom! Click!

Yakilobe smashed through the fence of Kalin Tower and fell from Kalin Tower, only the screams that kept getting smaller and smaller.




"Wu Ming! How can you play **** Yakilob?!"

"Isn't that fat man your friend, dad?"

"Uh, Dad's friends aren't very good. Just like Bulma, you feel that his anger is not strong, why is he shooting so hard?"

"I thought he was hiding his anger..."

During the conversation, Somersault Cloud carried the two of them together and lifted off from Kalin Tower.

"It hurts... Sun Wukong's child, what kind of monster..."

Yakilobe lay on his side, doubting life.

The cat immortal smiled and said nothing. At the beginning, Lord Tianshen was worried about Sun Wuming's power, for fear that Sun Wuming would grow crooked or lose control. Now it seems really unusual.

"Hey! What's your cat's expression on? Do you know that you didn't stop me on purpose?!"

"It's just you looking for a fight. Alright, alright, how long are you going to stay here?"

"Yawn, this place is not bad anyway."

"Okay, then please take care of these two fish."



"Dad! I want fairy beans too!"

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