I Am a Saiyan

Chapter 88:

Pibato said softly: "Stillness is movement, and movement is stillness—practice does not allow you to achieve absolute tranquility, but allows you to experience the tranquility of movement, little guest, because you have obtained the power of God, your spirit has gained He has grown considerably, so his control over qi has improved. This kind of practice is relatively simple for you, but it also makes you unable to experience your own Spirito.”

"Remember - not control, but let Spiritto, naturally, be at peace with you."

Not control, but peaceful togetherness?

not control...

Sun Wuming's little face was thoughtful, but he still couldn't stop shaking. Every time he was about to lose his balance, he would use the spirit strengthened by the God's core to precisely control his qi to activate in different positions, generating the power to fight against the imbalance.

If not for control...

If your body is not out of balance, of course you don't need to control it.

In other words, is it possible to keep your position stably fixed with the air dance technique?

Location - yes! The important thing is not to maintain balance, but to find a position.

There are pillars under the feet to provide small support, with this little support, to maintain the balance and quiet of the entire body, the most important thing is to place the body in an accurate position.

Like building blocks, quiet blocks naturally maintain their balance, rather than teetering and constantly reaching out to adjust.

Sun Wuming closed his eyes, eliminating the interference from his vision to his thinking. He maintained the dance air technique little by little, adjusting the 'force' generated by the dance air technique in different maintenance. After all, the supporting force is only transmitted to one foot, so balance must be The air dance is adjusted to continuously and steadily generate 'force' from the Qi, so that the body reaches the correct position.

That is... quiet.

Only by moving can we achieve stillness.

Sun Wuming stood motionless on the pillar.

No. 21 was stunned, when did Xiao Wuming become so smart? ! Uh... that's not right. In practice, Sun Wuming, who has maintained great enthusiasm, has always been very smart, otherwise he would not have developed so many moves.

Gerry woke up, flew up and stood on the pillar, swaying around trying to adjust his balance.

"Little guest, there are a lot of moves developed by Adela, teleportation needs to develop a sense of space and division of qi, teleportation needs to develop a sense of space and division of qi, gigantic needs to develop the expansion of qi, and clone needs to develop qi-to-qi. Divide and reshape..."

Pibato suddenly spoke up and asked, "What moves do you want to learn?"

"Will these moves become stronger?"

When Sun Wuming opened his mouth to speak, the balance could not be broken, and he staggered and kept adjusting his qi. He was a little puzzled...why didn't Pibato shake when he spoke?

He turned his head to look closely at Pibato, to observe the other's qi.

"The Adetra people are not good at fighting. We are naturally strong in spirit, but our qi is weak and quiet. The most important destructive power for combat is very insufficient. Most Adetra people don't like fighting. So intuitive and powerful moves are not available here."

As Pibato was talking, Sun Wuming stared at him, and faintly felt that Pibato was moving... Accompanied by his voice, Qi naturally moved, constantly generating power, making Pibato's body motionless.

Is the other party's spirit very strong, so he controls his qi to maintain balance?

Do not……

Sun Wuming observed carefully, once he opened his mouth to speak, it would inevitably lead to an imbalance in the body. However, when Pibato spoke, the qi seemed to move on its own, constantly generating a 'force' that maintained the balance, so that Pibato seemed to have no reason to do so. Speak motionless.

If it is relying on strong mental control, then in the process of body imbalance→mind discovery→control of qi balance, the body must have obvious shaking, but Pibato did not.

For example, now, because I want to talk, I am dangling about myself.

It seems that there is no need to think, the qi moves on its own and maintains the balance.

"I don't really like to learn the existing moves. I once learned the three-eyed monster's Dong Dongbo, but I have never been able to defeat him with Dong Dongbo, so I thought of a way to study a certain wave, but he slipped away. ."

Sun Wuming said: "Can I develop all kinds of magical moves like you?"

"Certainly, even that's what the Adetras know - the tectonics of chi."

Pibato said with relief: "I am not obsessed with superficial magical moves, but longing for essential logic. You have a good eye for the little guest, but the trouble is that you can't understand the content of the relevant books, you can only let me I'll leave it to you a little bit."

Asked on the 21st: "Huh? You also have books?!"

"of course."

Gerry couldn't help complaining, and when his body collapsed, he quickly hugged the stone pillar: "Adetra still has a computer and a data disk!"

"Can you teach me the script of Adetra?"

No. 21 said confidently: "After I learn it, I will translate the content of the book, and Xiao Wuming can learn it."

"In this way, the training will be easier."

Pibato waved his hand, and more than a dozen brick-like books fell on top of each other: "In fact, no matter what move, the essence is to change the structure of Qi, cutting, merging, splitting, expanding, and shrinking. ... Qi is something that all living things possess, and it interferes with it to achieve different effects. In Adetra, it is the tectonics of Qi."

Gerry looked at those books and remembered painful memories: "Great elder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is it really useful? I haven't gotten stronger after reading these."

No. 21 is a bit incredible: "Turn practice into a discipline with solid evidence and sufficient results, why are the Adetra people so weak?"

In the view of Scientist No. 21, how can this kind of race that summarizes the phenomenon as knowledge and pass it on to be weak? Peibatore himself said that the Adetras were not strong enough to fight.

"Because, it's not just about understanding to become strong, especially a race that is born weak."

Pibato said gently: "Skill and knowledge are exactly what the weak need, strength and fighting, on the contrary, are things the strong possess. Possibly on a racial level."

"What this process requires is not a moment of consciousness, a moment of bravery, and a moment of interest... At this moment, it's just to exercise the tranquility of your qi. Your emotions, the little elders and the concise guests, have already begun to be impetuous, making your qi become impetuous. "

"From the weak to the strong, what you have to experience is more than this short training of less than two hours? Most of life longs for tranquility and peace. This is a helpless nature. In this environment, how many people are actively chasing and becoming stronger? In particular, the stronger you are, the easier it is to create a peaceful environment for yourself.”

"This is how this universe is. Beings born to be strong will not care about the training and learning that the weak need. Being born to be weak, it is difficult to resist a relatively stable environment, unable to withstand the dullness and practice of becoming stronger. It is impossible to persevere for the illusory goal, and no matter how the weak are united, they are still vulnerable in front of the strong."

Pibato stared at Sun Wuming, who had calmed down and began to explore how to make his qi move.

"Even if it is me, at most I am keen to develop various qi skills, study the use of qi, and let me exercise. Even if I know that this is a necessary way to become a strong person, it is still difficult to maintain."

"The Adetra people have gone through the barbaric years and come to today's era of peace. We live safely on this planet and have spent a long time, even if you tell me that the universe is full of dangers, there may be The strong come to destroy the current peace, do we have to abandon the peace and inject the will to fight into everyone?"

"In that case, without the need for the enemy to come, the Adetras themselves will fall into their own battles, and even be destroyed."

No. 21 was enlightened: "In other words, you teach Sun Wuming..."

"This child is eager to become stronger, and maintains a passion for fighting. At the same time, for some reason, instead of being indifferent because of strength, he maintains a soft heart."

"I help him to become stronger, and I also hope that he will grow up with a soft heart... The Adetra people are not good at fighting, so make a good friend who is good at fighting, at least in times of crisis, able to There are strong warriors who have come forward."

Peibatore reluctantly gave the reason for his help.

"In this universe, it is better to have one more kind and strong person than one more villain who uses his power recklessly."

Chapter 102 Automatic Defense

【What is Qi? A kind of energy that exists in all things, things with life, things without life, as small as an ant, as large as a planet, even the space that carries all things, the universe itself... This is qi, in different structures down the air. 】

[Qi can form all things, and all things themselves will change constantly, which means that qi will constantly change its structure to form different things and phenomena. When we focus on individuals, qi is the force that maintains the movement of individuals. For a life with a body, qi is the physical force that drives the body to act, and those parts that are structurally active are often perceived by individuals and manipulated by spirit. 】


[The more active the qi, the more it tends to change and release, and the more tranquil the qi, the more stable and structured. 】

[The spirit itself is also a kind of qi. It builds the self of life and controls the qi in the body with the spirit. It is an active behavior. What if the qi is skilled and ordered by the spirit? What if qi could spontaneously operate and maintain a normal state of spiritual construction? Then the Qi can automatically construct the corresponding structure during the movement, and it no longer needs the spirit to be manipulated all the time...]


[Why do most powerful cosmos people regard the activity of qi as the standard of combat ability? Because the more active qi, the more powerful the action ability can bring to the body, and the more powerful it can be released to form a powerful destructive effect. The cosmic beings who were born powerful and can manipulate qi at will, wielding their power recklessly, naturally regard this as a With a strong basis and instinct - the more active the qi, the stronger it is, and the cognition of the strong will naturally become a consensus. 】

【Is this correct? We can't write down the answer for the world, but there is no doubt that the weak rely on the understanding and manipulation of qi to do things that the strong cannot do, but the weak have no right to speak, nor can they rely on these things to change the strong The reason for the decision, all these are just called special moves and tricks by the strong. 】


[The structure of qi is different for everyone. If you want to make your own qi change in a certain way, the first step is to understand your own qi.

[Qi is in constant motion, and different movements have different structures. Therefore, to understand one's own qi, one needs to maintain a certain quiet state. Changes and disturbances in the chi, you can carefully observe the structure of the qi...]


Eat and practice on the pillars.

Eat and practice on the pillars.

Relying on the power of some strange god, Sun Wuming found that he only needed to sleep for a minute to regain his spirits, and began a continuous cycle of life style.

After spending ten days translating "The Structure of Qi" on the 21st, there was one more thing in Sun Wuming's life.

Eat, practice on the pillars and read books.

Sun Wuming stood motionless on one leg at the top of the pillar, slowly turning the book in his hand, occasionally shaking his body slightly, and immediately returning to his original state, or when there was an excessively strong wind blowing, a small figure would also appear. Shake slightly.

It doesn't seem to have made much progress, but compared to the other side, who is staring hard, spreading his wings with both hands, and shaking violently from time to time...


No. 21 looked at the pillar in front of him, stomped for a while, and deeply realized what pain is--compared to that, the life of learning the Adetra language and translating it is simply too interesting!

It stands to reason that No. 21 has long since written down all the translated content and understood the meaning with his super-high IQ and shorthand ability in previous studies, but it has not become much stronger. Heap doesn't know if there is any useful knowledge.

What the hell! To study the structure of one's own qi, the first step is the practice of keeping quiet! Can this be done by humans? !

On the 21st, he sighed in the sky, feeling a little desperate, but also a little bit understand what Pibato means... You can continuously improve your energy and become stronger simply by eating other life forms, what a simple and easy way!

It's no wonder that Pibato would warn himself to be careful with the recovery of his predatory instinct. The more he relies on that ability, the stronger his instinct will be.

On the contrary, Sun Wuming was a bit surprising. No. 21 always thought that Sun Wuming was active, but the other party's performance in order to become stronger and quieter made her a little bit shocked. This is really apart from eating and sleeping, almost 90% of the day. Time does not move, and you can even take the initiative to pick up the book to study!

There is no way for Qiqi to let Sun Wuming learn!

hateful! I'm going to be stronger! With my powerful and strange body, it must be easy to become stronger, right? It must be very strong, right? !

No. 21 looked at the pillar in front of him, a little stunned, and kept quiet while thinking about moving...

Why not take a break and study the history and stories of the Adetra people?

No. 21 rolled his eyes. Speaking of which, the Adetras are also very interesting. After meeting certain conditions, they will evolve from a bald man to a bun man...


Sun Wuming suddenly jumped down, landed steadily, and threw the book in his hand to the side.

"Hey? Xiao Wuming, what's wrong? Isn't the practice going well?"

No. 21 comforted: "It doesn't matter, you can go for a stroll on the street to relax, there are a lot of fun and interesting things in Adetra..."


Gerry also fell to the ground, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said with a smile: "Yes! I also found a very interesting little prop yesterday, you can..."

"Hit me."

Sun Wuming suddenly closed his eyes and turned his back to No. 21 and Gerry.

Gerry: "Huh?"

No. 21 is messy, is Xiao Wuming finally crazy? !

"I have an idea, just hit me anyway."

"Ah, oh oh..."

Gerry clenched his fist, walked over and punched Sun Wuming lightly on the back. He felt that Sun Wuming did not activate his qi, and his body's defense ability was not high, so this punch was really a light punch.


Sun Wuming stumbled forward, the strength of his qi suddenly increased, and then fell again, he said: "A little more strength, hit faster."

No. 21 said blankly, "Xiao Wuming, what are you doing?"

"I have an idea."

"Okay! Since that's the case, then I'll try it!"

Gerry was eager to try, a rare activity outside the boring practice, and he was also curious about what Sun Wuming was doing all of a sudden.

Bang bang bang bang!

A series of injuries can't be said to be injured, but if there is no inspiration, it will always give Sun Wuming a staggering attack.

Gerry kept throwing punches, it felt like he was hitting a very strong sandbag, and the anti-shock force from his hand made him feel very magical-what kind of tempering his body had gone through for such a young child? I feel stronger than myself!

In fact, if it wasn't for the power awakening of the Demon Saiyan, Sun Wuming, who is now only six years old and his body did not grow naturally, should be a little worse than Gerry, but when the Demon Saiyan recovered, the physical foundation The quality has been greatly strengthened, especially the physical strength has improved a lot.

"Hoohoo haha!"

The more he fights, the more vigorous he is. Sure enough, he still has to move to make him look like a martial artist. What's the matter with hanging on a post every day as a club?

No. 21 looked worriedly...watched...

Watching Gerry play for three hours, No. 21 was indifferent.

Gerry was a little tired and took a few breaths: "Would you like to take a break?"

Sun Wuming turned his head in a daze and asked, "You don't have the strength to beat people, are you too weak? Are you really a martial artist?"

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