Hu Qin's meal is basically just a simple meal!

Of course, during the meal, Hu Qin also apologized generously, mainly hoping that Zhao Yang's subordinates would show mercy.

But she finally had this opportunity to come out of the mountain again, if she was hidden by the snow again, then her golden years would really disappear.

"Okay, go back and think about it for a few days, then I will call Xiao Shan!"

After eating, Zhao Yang and Hu Qin added their contact information and immediately drove home.

Said to go home, in fact, it is not back to Xie Wanqing's home, but a house in the same Haiyun community.

This house is also Zhao Yang's, which is also convenient for him.

After all, sometimes I don't want to go back to face Xie Wanqing, and I don't have to run too far.

After taking a bath, Zhao Yang continued to read on the balcony, and waited until the next morning before Zhao Yang walked towards Building 3.


When Zhao Yang returned, he found that Xie Wanqing had returned.

She shrunk on the sofa, looked at Zhao Yang, and said with some yin and yang strangeness: "Why have you learned not to return at night?"

Zhao Yang was stunned, knowing that she came back last night, and said with a smile: "Why didn't you call me earlier!" "

There is also a mark in his contract with Xie Wanqing, if there is no special reason, Zhao Yang can't stay up at night!"

It stands to reason that after Xie Wanqing came back last night, he found that Zhao Yang was not there, and he must have called him, but it is a pity that the other party did not call.

Xie Wanqing didn't call, mainly because Peng Qing rented a house for Chang Qian.

The house she went to see, it was big and expensive.

And she also looked at the copy of the real estate certificate that Zhao Yang showed Peng Qing when she rented the house at that time.

Xie Wanqing was completely stunned, after all, a good person, suddenly became strange, if it weren't for this time living together, Zhao Yang didn't have any misdeeds, she even had to wonder if Zhao Yang had any purpose.

But Rao is so, she is already a little wary of Zhao Yang.

Glancing at Zhao Yang, Xie Wanqing said, "Someone will come to the house at night!"

"So I'll go out?"

Xie Wanqing: ......

"No need, she came back from abroad, and she knows about you, so I hope we keep our distance next!"

Zhao Yang raised his eyebrows.

She came back from abroad?

Oh yes!

Xie Wanqing's sweetheart.

Zhao Yang smiled and said, "Then congratulations!" For

this kind of feeling, Zhao Yang does not object or agree, but since the people around him have decided, then he will also send corresponding blessings.

After a few brief chats with Xie Wanqing, Zhao Yang went back to the room.

When she came out again, her aunt told Zhao Yang that Xie Wanqing had gone to work.

Zhao Yang also went out, but this time he did not drive the poison, but changed to an A6!

After all, he was going to pick up someone.

"Hey, why don't you drive a sports car!"

Yu Ning saw Zhao Yang driving the A6 and was a little disappointed.

Zhao Yang rolled his eyes and said, "How?" You open, Ling Yuan sits, I run? "

Zhao Yang came over this time, mainly to pick up Yu Ning, but the relationship between Yu Ning and Ling Yuan is thousand, no, the two resigned from the boss, and then they got tired of being together.

If it weren't for Zhao Yang looking for Yu Ning to have a serious business, it is estimated that the two of them would be singing day and night.

"Pay attention to the body!"

When Yu Ning sat in the car, Zhao Yang reminded in a low voice.

Yu Ning smiled and said, "This is not you!" "

Yu Ning already believes in Zhao Yang's medical skills, and...

Everyone seems to have a strange understanding of old Chinese medicine.

That is, the treatment of other may be weaker, but in the treatment of fractures and men, the old Chinese medicine is absolutely good.

Zhao Yang rolled his eyes and then drove towards the Second Commercial Building.

There are several CBDs in Shanghai, and this second commercial building is one of the CBD symbol buildings.

There are many well-known companies here, from the largest 500 to the studio, everything from the pedestrian street below, so it is particularly lively.

"Hey, what are you doing in the pedestrian street?"

"Find an office!"

Since you want to open a company, you must first determine the address, as for other documents, in fact, it is quite easy to handle, especially now that the government encourages entrepreneurship.

General document applications, there are accelerated channels.

"Lying groove, are you going to open the company here?"

Yu Ning got out of the car, looked at the people coming, and high-rise buildings, and couldn't help but remind: "The rent in this place is not cheap!"

Zhao Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "Who said I want to rent!" "


What do you mean?

Yu Ning didn't react for a while!


When he saw Zhao Yang's route of action, Yu Ning coughed and said, "You won't go to the Second Mansion, right!" "

What's wrong?"

Yu Ning scratched his head and said, "My last company was here!"

Zhao Yang suddenly knew which company Yu Ning worked in, but he really didn't know the specific location.

"What a coincidence!" Zhao Yang said slightly strangely.

And Yu Ning obviously didn't hear the meaning of Zhao Yang's words, and complained: "After hitting Hou Liang in the face last time, his affairs also happened, I heard that in the end, Qin Qian still had a baby, Hou Liang should have spent a lot of money!"

"But that's why this guy hates me, but don't I stop working?" But this guy is endless, and he has found someone to come to my place!

Zhao Yang frowned: "What's going on?"

Yu Ning waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, it's nothing, after all, this is Shanghai, and he doesn't dare to mess around!" Said and looked at Ling Yuan: "But now Yuanyuan has also resigned, so we are ready to change places!" "

The rent in Shanghai is too expensive, Yu Ning and Ling Yuan live in a single room, and this single room costs two thousand yuan a month.

So the two felt that it was too wasteful for two people to live in two single rooms, and then they lived together without shame.

Zhao Yang looked at Yu Ning, and cohabited together in his heart, and used excuses to say what waste.

Yu Ning's rent of two thousand may be distressed, but Zhao Yang does not believe that Ling Yuan will be distressed.

"The new house hasn't been found yet, just right, no need to look for it, I have an empty house nearby, just use it as a staff dormitory, after all, in addition to the two of you, there will be Wu Yurui and them!"

In a place like Shanghai, it is not difficult to find a job with food, but....

If you want to find a wrapped one, it is very difficult.

After all, a single room in a good location is likely to be a person's salary for a month.

When Yu Ning heard this, he immediately grabbed Zhao Yang with surprise in his eyes: "Lying groove, you have a house nearby, Nima, I still believed that you made money by speculating in stocks, but... I can't convince myself!

"Come, tell me, are you the kind of family that says that the family sells cattle and sheep to go to school, but in fact the family has 100,000 cows and 100,000 sheep!"

Zhao Yang: "Just be happy!"

"I know, I know, yes, I remember there are mines over there in your house!"

Zhao Yang rolled his eyes, there were indeed mines, coal mines, and rare metal mines on his side.

Unfortunately, most of these mines are in the hands of some southerners.

I have to say that in doing business, northerners are really not as good as southerners!

Anyway, there are several mines in his hometown county, and there are shadows of southerners behind them.

The two chatted and went downstairs to the second building.

And just as they were about to go in, suddenly, a voice came.

"Yu Ning!"

Yu Ning turned his head and saw Hou Liang coming over angrily!

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