First class here!

When Hua Yu felt the bump of the plane, the whole person began to break out in a cold sweat, and then he couldn't suppress the trembling, and then shouted.

He is a singer himself, and as soon as this voice opens, it directly leads the originally forbearable person.

So much so that there are more and more people yelling.

But at this moment, a slap came directly.


This slap hit the back of the neck of the Chinese language.

Confused the Chinese language.

"Shut up Lao Tzu, shout something!"

Hua Yu looked at the old man with a goat's beard blankly, and seemed to have forgotten to get angry.

But his agent suddenly ran away, shouting angrily: "What kind of person are you, how can you beat someone!"

Lu Yan looked serious, heard this, and looked at the agent sharply, the agent's body trembled, and he didn't dare to look directly into Lu Yan's eyes.


Lu Yan snorted, and then began to rummage through the bags on the shelf.

And here, because of the bumpy plane, the flight attendant fell straight down carelessly, but was held in Zhao Yang's arms.

"It's okay!"

"No, it's okay!"

The flight attendant was stunned, quickly thanked her, and then quickly got up, originally wanting to reminisce.

But seeing that Lu Yan, the old man, did not wear a seat belt, he got up and turned over his luggage, and quickly went over to persuade: "Old man, you quickly sit down, don't move!"

Lu Yan pushed the flight attendant away and said lightly: "Do you think my old man can't stand steadily?"

The flight attendant looked at Lu Yan in surprise, but saw that the other party had a calm face, a stable figure, and there was a meaning of shaking.

"Don't worry about my old man, sit down by yourself!"

Saying that, Lu Yan had already taken the bag out of the shelf, and then sat directly in the aisle.

After all, it is a first-class cabin, and the space is relatively large, and at this time, everyone else is panicking, and some people even close their eyes and start praying.

Therefore, few people noticed Lu Yan's behavior.

He pulled out another bag from his bag, which looked shabby, as if it had been stitched together piece by piece of cloth, and two other straps were fastened.

If you look closely, you can see the traces on the bag, which seems to be a bit of gossip.

Lu Yan began to take out things from his bag, yellow talismans, copper coins, red ropes...

There is even a small wooden sword, although the wooden sword is small, the shape is quite delicate, and on the handle, two gossip pieces are engraved respectively!

From the color point of view, it should be divided into yin gossip and yang gossip.

Zhao Yang had also noticed that something was wrong at this time, especially after seeing Lu Yan.

I immediately understood that this dark and sudden typhoon may not be a real natural disaster, and my face was as heavy as water.

At this moment, the plane began to shake again, Feng Mingling was so frightened that her little face turned white, and Xie Wanqing was no better, one big and one small and two women, clutching Zhao Yang deadly.

They are completely subconscious, and may not even have the ability to think.

After all....

The accident rate of aircraft is not high, but ... The mortality rate is high.

Generally, as long as the plane crashes, it is difficult to survive.

This can be seen from the fact that someone has begun to take out their mobile phone to record their last words.

Although Zhao Yang used physiognomy to see that everyone would not worry about their lives, but... What if something goes wrong.

At this moment, Lu Yan had already used the yellow talisman to put up a position in the aisle, and his mouth was still chanting.

'Heaven and earth are natural, filth is scattered, the void in the cave

, the eight directions of the divine power of the Huanglang Taiyuan, make me natural, the name of the spirit treasure rune, the spell of the nine heavens

of Zhongshan, the first jade text, cut the demon and bind the evil, the thousands of fierce people

dissipate, and the Dao Qiao endures!

After the spell was recited , the small peach wood sword that had been placed in a stack of yellow talismans suddenly shook, and immediately, a golden aperture spread.

The originally shaky plane seemed to have survived a catastrophe, but it actually stabilized.

"Pure Heaven and Earth God Curse?" Although he didn't hear it all, Zhao Yang knew at once what kind of spell Lu Yan was chanting.

Then he looked out the window: "Is it really a human disaster?" But what is this for? Are there any important people on the plane? "

Looking at it, although it was pitch black, but... Zhao Yang seemed to see a pair of invisible big hands in that darkness.


Typhoons already exist!

Thunderstorms could have been, too!

It's just that typhoons are diverted and increased in power, the same goes for thunderstorms.

To know....

Since the construction of the three fixed wind needles in Shanghai, it is basically impossible for typhoons to make landfall, and if there are, they have basically dispersed in Shanghai.

But the intensity of this typhoon is only afraid that it has exceeded level 15!

The plane stabilized temporarily, but unfortunately the darkness did not dissipate, and through the window, you could see the silver dragon flickering from time to time.

Lu Yan sat on the ground like that, pinching the magic seal, motionless, and the small sword was shaking slightly, if outsiders saw it, in fact, they couldn't see anything unusual at all, just thought that they were pretending to be ghosts.

The plane stabilized temporarily, which calmed many people a little, they thought that the bump had passed, the captain regained control of the plane, and some even took the lead in applauding.

But how did they know that inside the cockpit at this time, the captain and co-captain were solemnly waiting.

"No response!"

"Our wireless seems to be failing!"

"Is it a magnetic field?"

"Perhaps, the main thing is that I don't know the location now, and it is very dangerous to change gears rashly!"

"Fortunately, the plane is not shaking!"

It is no longer possible to contact the platform, and even if you can't see the surrounding environment clearly, only the altimeter still works.

The plane at this moment is like crashing into the fog, and it can only run around regardless of things!

Passengers outside had already begun to cheer, and many people breathed a sigh of relief and even cried with joy.

The Chinese side finally reacted, let out a long sigh of relief, and then, a urge to urinate hit, he quickly got up, wanting to go to the bathroom.


When he came out, he stepped into the corridor and stepped on the yellow talisman spread by Lu Yan.

When he found that he was retreating, the formation that the yellow talisman was swinging was directly disrupted.

At the same time, Lu Yan, who had originally closed his eyes, opened his eyes instantly, and there seemed to be essence shooting out of his eyes, and at the same time, his face instantly turned white.

The small wooden sword that was originally shaking also lay on a stack of yellow talismans, motionless.


Lu Yan got up and grabbed the collar of the Chinese language.

Don't look at this old man's age, but this hand, actually picked up the Chinese language, the bare arm, showing all the muscles, there is a special violent aesthetic!

"You're blind!"

He was yelled, especially at the almost cannibalistic look.

The Chinese language was so frightened that he couldn't say a word.

Seeing this, the others were also taken aback, after all, Lu Yan's voice was too bluffing.

Until the agent reacted, he immediately shouted: "Hit the adult!"

Lu Yan was so angry that the bruises on his forehead burst out, looked at the agent, and roared angrily: "Laozi just beat someone, what's wrong, whether you can live today is still a problem!" While

speaking, he directly dropped the Chinese language, and his face was livid.

At the same time, the plane, which had been stabilized, suddenly began to shake again.


Someone screamed.

Because when lying on the window and looking out, several fish smashed directly on the glass!

If it weren't for the glass, I'm afraid it would hit me in the face!

Big Ash Machine: You are amazing, you are high, you shoot indiscriminately in my face with cold ice fish!

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