The Buddha's shadow in the mist, the boundless giant Buddha was smashed to pieces by Zhaoyao Immortal's punch.

The world returned to the clear and bright days.

The blood of the giant Buddha dripped down, sprinkling on the mountains and rivers of Jingning.

This blood was very strange, without the slightest smell of blood, but with a rich and fragrant fragrance.

The grass and leaves that should have gradually withered and yellowed in late autumn, after being nourished by the blood of the giant Buddha, unexpectedly regained vitality, lush and green. Rouran, the owner of Zhaoyao Mountain Zhanxia Cave on the crane's back, smiled indifferently and said:"The Buddha and the devil are gone, and all things are alive."

"Devouring millions of innocent lives in this city, after death, the essence of qi and blood should nourish thousands of lives here to eliminate the sins."

The giant Buddha died, and the corpses in Jingning City controlled by him fell one after another like wheat waves blown by the wind.

Bathed in the blood rain, the brother and sister Mu Changchuan and Mu Nanxiang stared at the three immortals on the top of the city in a daze.

As the local emperor of Yunzhou, the Mu Mansion has its own martial arts attendants, but 99% of them are external martial artists.

All external martial artists, even those at the peak of the fourth rank, are just hunting dogs and fierce dogs in the eyes of Mu Long, the governor of Yunzhou.

However, internal martial artists at the third rank of Vajra can be the confidants of the Mu Mansion. Glory and wealth are just standard. No matter how priceless the cultivation resources are, Mu The Mu Mansion will do its best to satisfy you.

As for the second-grade Mountain Moving Realm, in addition to the above, they can also toast and exchange cups with the governor.

The first-grade Sea Overturning Realm is the most distinguished guest of the Mu Mansion.

They are not in a superior-subordinate relationship with the governor, but friends who can use each other.

There is only one Sea Overturning Realm warrior in Yunzhou, and he is in the Mu Mansion.

That man is called Luochuan, and he has lived in the Mu Mansion for more than 20 years.

Even the governor Mu Long does not know his real name.

Mu Changchuan first met Luochuan when he was three years old.

At that time, the man was about twenty years old in stature and appearance.

This year Mu Changchuan is seventeen, and the Luochuan he saw is still He looked like a young man.

There wasn't even a wrinkle on his eyes.

In July of the ninth year of Fuling, it rained heavily in Zijing Mansion of Yunzhou for more than a month.

On July 29, a raging flood surged with thunder and thunder, rushing from north to south towards Zijing Mansion.

The terrifying turbid waves that hit the towering mountains were dozens of feet high.

Once Zijing Mansion was submerged, countless people would be killed and injured.

The officials standing on the top of the city were full of despair.

The people in the city either fled in panic or knelt on the ground, kowtowing to the sky, praying for the gods to come.

At the critical moment of life and death, a The man's sword was like a comet, smashing out with a bang.

The young man in white cut off the flood with one sword.

Two swords split the mountain.

At this point, the flood turned and narrowly avoided the Zijing Mansion.

Officials of all ranks and common people in the city knelt down, and a large sea of people shouted"The Sword Immortal is on earth.

" That day, Mu Changchuan, who was only twelve years old, stared at the elegant back of the white-clothed sword immortal in amazement, and his worldview collapsed.

Later, Mu Changchuan asked Luochuan if he was an immortal.

Luochuan shook his head, smiled and touched Mu Changchuan's head, and replied:"The real immortal who is immortal is on the distant Zhaoyao Mountain.


"The immortals wear feathered clothes, eat the wind and drink the dew. They have great magical powers and can call the wind and rain, ride on the clouds and mist. They are truly free and at ease."

From then on, a small seed was planted in Mu Changchuan's heart.

He wanted to see with his own eyes what true freedom and great freedom meant. The reason why he ran away from home this time was not entirely to see the world, but to accumulate travel experience.

When you are young, you travel a thousand miles.

After you have completed the ceremony of coming of age, you will travel another ten thousand miles.

Go and see the magnificent Zhaoyao Mountain covered with stars and rivers in the mouth of Senior Luochuan.

Meet the real immortals with autumn water as their gods and jade as their bones.

If possible, then give up everything in the secular world, worship the immortals as your teachers, and seek the illusory Tao.

Mu Changchuan never thought that one day, more than one immortal would be within a stone's throw of him.

With two thumps, Mu Changchuan pulled Mu Nanxiang and rushed to the top of the city to kneel down. The three immortals knelt down.

His forehead slammed heavily on the ground again and again.

"I, Mu Changchuan, a layman, and my sister, Mu Nanxiang, ask the three immortals to accept me and my sister as disciples."There is one master and two disciples in the Zhanxia Cave of Zhaoyao Mountain.

Rouran, Liuhuo, and Fuxiao looked down at the brother and sister from a high position. The master and the three disciples did not have the superiority of being immortals in their eyes. Liuhuo and Fuxiao both looked calm.

Rouran waved her wide sleeves lightly, and the brother and sister were suddenly pulled up by a gentle breeze.

"Young man, a man's knees are as precious as gold, and so are girls."

"Only kneel before the heaven, earth, the emperor, parents and teachers, and do not knock at the distant immortals, gods and demons." Rouran smiled slightly:"Immortals were originally mortals, but mortals are unwilling to cultivate." A strong wind suddenly blew up, and three huge white cranes flapped their huge wings, carrying the three immortals into the sky.

Only Mu Changchuan and Mu Nanxiang, brother and sister, were left, fascinated.

Mu Changchuan:"Sister, I must worship the immortals as my teachers!"

"One day, I will also split the mountain with one punch!"

Mu Nanxiang said with spring waves in her eyes:"Brother, I want to have a sweet love with that young immortal."


September 14, the 14th day of the 9th month in the 14th year of Fuling.

The site of the former Lingshi County in Yunzhou.

Three white cranes landed, and the three masters and apprentices of Zhanxia Cave jumped off the cranes' backs and came to the black abyss that led directly to the underworld.

Standing on the edge of the black abyss, Rouran, who was looking down, whispered:"It has been so many years, and there are still traces of the breath of the magic of that person who defied the heavens. He is really powerful."

The master of Zhanxia Cave, one of the 72 caves in Zhaoyao Mountain, came to Wei State this time to do only three things.

Of course it is not fair, fair, or TMD fair.

First, kill the Buddha and the devil.

Second, in front of all the warriors of Wei State, kill the girl who resurrected the dead four times on a large scale.

Cut off her head, send it to Liuhe, and deter the eight wildernesses.

Third, find the culprit who cut off the luck of the mountains and rivers of Wei State.

Liuhuo hesitated to speak, and after a long pause, he still opened his mouth to remind:"Master, my sister and I wanted to use the fairy paper to wipe out the culprit, that is, the young man in white clothes with blood pupils."

"But he was stopped by a bald man who claimed to be a blacksmith."

"Later, when I returned to the mountain, I reported this to the mountain master."

"The mountain master said that the rebellious act of the young man in white clothes and blood-red eyes had caused the cracks in the way of heaven to burst out, and someone had repaired it with his own merits."

"The mountain master said that the incident of the blood-eyed boy was over, and ordered the immortals of Zhaoyao Mountain not to pursue the matter any further, and strictly prohibited the immortals of all caves from going to the town called Qingping."


Rouran looked at his disciple and smiled, saying,"Don't worry, the reason why I am looking for that young man in white clothes and blood-red eyes is simply to get to know him."

"It would be great if we could have some discussions."

"If we can drink and talk happily, it would be great."

"Liuhuo, dawn, there are not many people who have gone against the will of heaven in ancient and modern times, but there are also many."

"There are very few people as evil as Buddha and Demon, most of them are people who have no other choice."

"Those who go against the will of heaven and kill innocent lives deserve to die"

"But this does not prevent me from wanting to make friends with them, have long conversations with them, and listen to their magnificent life stories."

"After all, most of the heroic men since ancient times were defeated and frustrated people."

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