The autumn rain is drizzling.

A corner of Liangzhou.

Han Xianggu is taking shelter in a small pavilion beside the ancient road.

The bookcase is placed on the stone table. The boy is sitting on the stone bench, chewing a piece of grass, holding his cheek with his palm, staring at the mountain in the clouds in a trance.

Suddenly, the earth trembles, and a loud noise rolls across the sky and earth.


The young man came to his senses and ran out of the pavilion quickly, came to the official road, and looked into the distance at the western border. At the end of the sky and earth, there were ten golden and blazing suns.

After a few breaths, the terrible heat wave generated by pure energy swept across the world.

Wherever it passed, the clouds and fog disappeared.

The autumn rain evaporated and the sky cleared.

The aftermath of the energy blew Han Xianggu's clothes and her black hair fluttered.

Looking at the ten blazing suns that were gradually disappearing in the distance, the young man said with horror:"What happened? Who is fighting!"


At the border of Liangzhou and Yunzhou. Rouran

, the master of the Zhanxia Cave in Zhaoyao Mountain, sat cross-legged to recover her consumed true energy.

Liuhuo and Fuxiao looked around.

The endless winding mountains that were thousands of peaks and thousands of feet high half an hour ago have now been razed to the ground, and the land is flat.

The dark clouds covering hundreds of thousands of square kilometers and an autumn rain that was destined to last for more than ten days were actually evaporated by the terrifying energy released.

The setting sun shone on Qi Qingji.

The headless corpse of Qingyi lay on the scorched earth, with his entire head blown off, revealing bloody flesh.

As for Tingfeng, he was inserted diagonally beside Qingyi, and the ten natal characters inlaid on the sword were beaten to pieces, and the dim light was replaced by the left and right strokes, and the right and left strokes were replaced by the right and left strokes.


With a long breath, Rouran, with a pale face, slowly opened his eyes.

The word"kill" that had always existed in the pupil of the man's right eye disappeared without a trace.

"Qi Xiuli, who dared to challenge the entire Jixia Academy with a single sword, is worthy of his reputation. If it weren't for the killing seal, this battle would have lasted forever." Rou

Ran got up with difficulty and lightly tapped the corpse in green several feet away. With a swishing sound, the strokes of the characters flew out like miniature swords, and embedded into the pupil of Rou Ran's right eye, forming the word"kill" again. The killing seal is one of the five ancient artifacts of Zhaoyao Mountain.

In this world, only the immortals of Zhaoyao Mountain with immortal blood can drive and activate it.

Otherwise, Mo Yan, a second-grade or first-grade inner martial artist of the Moving Mountains and Seas Realm, would be sucked into a dried corpse even if he was a celestial being of the Yin Immortal Realm or Yang God Realm. After the killing seal left the body, the ten natal characters on the Tingfeng Sword that were broken up swam into the body of Qingyi like small golden snakes.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the broken bones and flesh of the neck are slowly repairing.

"What about the girl? She won’t be annihilated into dust by the aftermath, will she~"

Rouran sheathed the Moon Eclipse Sword and looked around.

Liuhuo:"Wouldn’t it be better if she died~"

Rouran:"In the human world, there is not one person who defies the heavens in a hundred years. How many years has the small Wei Kingdom produced three people in one breath?"

"Killing those who defy the will of Heaven is not the key, the important thing is to alert the warriors of this dynasty."

"It is necessary to behead people and display their heads in public."

"Separate and look for them."

The master and his disciples immediately separated into three directions, the distance between them getting farther and farther.


After searching for about a quarter of an hour, the Liuhuo figure suddenly stopped moving forward.

The young man waved his wide sleeves, and the soil immediately opened up a thick layer of

""Master, Senior Sister, I'm here."

After calling out, Liuhuo looked at the unconscious girl intently.

The autumn wind blew, blowing up the girl's bangs.

Looking at the bright birthmark on half of her forehead, Liuhuo couldn't help but be slightly distracted.

"This... is this immortal blood?!"

Liuhuo couldn't believe it. Such a big pool, flaunting the immortals, Liuhuo had only seen it on the face of the mountain master.

The wind stopped, and his bangs covered the hideous birthmark again. Liuhuo subconsciously leaned over and stretched out his hand.

With a clang, the two narrow knives hanging from the girl's waist suddenly came out of their sheaths.

Blood and black light crossed each other, and a huge head soared into the sky, and immortal blood sprayed more than ten feet high.

It dispersed like mist in the sunset, which was particularly magnificent.

""Flowing fire!"

Rouran exclaimed, and slapped him fiercely in the air.

Amid the clanging sound, the two swords hummed and trembled, turning into two streaks of light, which disappeared in a flash. No one knew how far they were slapped away.

"Master, I'm fine."

The headless corpse of Liuhuo squatted down, picked up the head rolling on the ground, and placed it on his neck.

The immortal blood in the shape of an eye on the forehead burst into brilliant rays of light.

The bones and flesh quickly connected.

"Two ancient immortal weapons as swords, this young girl's master is not simple."

Rou Ran shook her numb palm.

A palm that was enough to smash a towering mountain only knocked away the two swords. Moreover, the swords had spiritual consciousness and knew to protect their masters. The ancient immortal weapons were undoubtedly

"Master, Senior Sister, please lift up this girl's bangs and see if the birthmark is from immortal blood."

"Immortal blood?!"

Rou Ran frowned and leaned over to push aside the girl's bangs that covered her forehead.

Staring at the bright red birthmark, Rou Ran said in disbelief:"Immortal... Immortal blood!"

"How could it be? It's impossible!"

"Since ancient times, only we, the people of Zhaoyao Mountain, have immortal blood.~"

"There is no way this girl was born in Changshengtian!"

"But where did she get the immortal blood?!"

Fuxiao was also shocked,"It's so big, it's almost as big as the mountain master."

Liuhuo:"The heaven has sent a message, this girl must die."

"Master, do you have any way to take out the immortal blood in her body?"

Rou Ran shook her head:"Immortal blood is born with a person. In this girl's body, it is immortal blood. If it is taken out, it will be ordinary blood, no different from ordinary people."

Liu Huo said faintly:"We can take over her body~" Rou Ran glanced at her disciple coldly.

Liu Huo was frightened in an instant, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead in just a few breaths.

"As monks, whether we are seeking truth or doing things, we should be upright and aboveboard."

"Knowing the law and breaking it is forgivable, but enforcing it and breaking it is unforgivable~"

Liuhuo did not dare to look at his master's eyes, and lowered his head and said softly:"Master's teachings, I will remember them in my heart."

Rouran said lightly:"You'd better do what you say"

"If you do something evil, I will personally send you to the Immortal Execution Platform."


"What's wrong?"

Rouran looked at Fuxiao.

Fuxiao frowned slightly and said,"Qi Qingji and Master are fighting to the death for this girl."

"Could the friend he was talking about be the young man in white with blood-red eyes who had killed the destiny of the Wei Kingdom?"

Rou Ran:"It's possible. Let me search your soul for a while."

After saying that, Rou Ran gently placed her palm on the girl's forehead.

Half a minute later

"Qingping Town, Buzhou Mountain~"

"《"The Secret of Immortal Tongyou" and the Art of Reincarnation~"

Rouran muttered to herself, her eyes changing.

Fuxiao asked curiously:"Master, what's wrong?" Rouran said in a deep voice:"I have seen this girl all her life, I have seen Qi Qingji, and many other people, but I can't see them clearly, or the five of them."

Fuxiao was stunned:"Master, are there people you can't see clearly?"

Rouran:"When this girl was seven years old, she was going to be burned to death by the villagers in her village."

"I couldn't see the man surrounded by the villagers."

"The remaining three were in the small town called Qingping"

"As for the last person, the one who had the most contact with this girl should be her master."

"The man was surrounded by a chaotic mist, and even his vague figure could not be seen. He was more terrifying than the other four."

—— ps: I have tested the book, and I am crowdfunding the title of the book.

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