Under the moonlight that was brighter than frost and snow, the stupid crane carried Qi Qingji on its back, and the man and the crane landed on the ground crookedly and with difficulty.

Zhu Jiuyin could see clearly that the stupid crane was seriously injured. The huge crane body was covered with blood holes, and the snow-white crane feathers that were like cattail leaves were stained blood red.

Especially the two crane wings, the crane feathers had fallen off, revealing the tender pink flesh, like a shy beauty who had taken off her clothes. They could be roasted and eaten over a bonfire.

Qi Qingji, with a pale face, jumped off the crane's back, and the stupid crane Jifeng ran to Zhu Jiuyin with its two long legs like an old hen.

It made a humming sound in its throat, like a person sobbing, and it nudged its head against Zhu Jiuyin's chest, looking pitiful.

Zhu Jiuyin looked at Qi Qingji and asked,"Who plucked Jifeng's feathers?"

"Where is the girl?"

"What happened?"

Qi Qingji took off the Fengqie and Liushuang pendants from his waist and threw them to Zhu Jiuyin.

"This stupid crane is fighting three people alone"

"It's not three people, it's three cranes from Zhaoyao Mountain."

Zhu Jiuyin lowered his head and stared at the two swords in his hands, whispering:"It's too late."

Qi Qingji sighed and said:"Three immortals, two in the Yang God Realm, one in the Land God Realm, one of the 72 caves in Zhaoyao Mountain, the owner of the Zhanxia Cave, and his Taoist name is Rouran."

Looking at the weak Qingyi, Zhu Jiuyin whispered:"Thank you, I owe you a favor."

Qi Qingji waved his hand,"Others are not kind, let's find a way to save that girl first"

"Today is October 17th, and next month is November 19th, the Rouran will hold a so-called demon-killing meeting at Qingliang Mountain in Guangling Road."

"He would cut off the maid's head in front of all the warriors of Wei State, and send the skull to the world to intimidate the world."

"My ten natal characters have been scattered and need to be rearranged. Please wait for me for some time."

"Also, the Rouran Palm has an ancient artifact that is very scary and almost killed me instantly."


Qing Yi limped down the mountain.

Zhu Jiuyin bit his index finger and fed two drops of blood to Ji Feng.

After the divine blood with a hint of the candle dragon's aura entered his throat, the stupid crane entered the cave contentedly, lay on Zhu Jiuyin's stone bed, and soon began to snore like thunder.

"Master, Xuanxuan will steal some wine for you."

Little Tornado hid the"Vinegar Gourd" in the mouth of the Snow Girl Python, turned into a white shadow, and rushed towards the town.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly squatted down, sat cross-legged, and placed Fengqie and Liushuang on his knees.

A fairy from the land of the immortal realm of Zhaoyao Mountain who has immortal blood and ancient artifacts.

It can almost be said that he is the best of the best in the Xiangang Continent.

Qingyi, who has cultivated ten Confucian natal characters and is a sword cultivator, was killed instantly. Zhu Jiuyin did not have absolute confidence that he could kill the owner of Zhanxia Cave.

Zhu Jiuyin's mind moved, and the system panel immediately appeared in his eyes.

【Remaining free time: 390 hours]

The total free time is a little over 16 days.

Fortunately, there is stupid crane, otherwise Zhu Jiuyin can't even leave Baopingzhou in this time.

【Host: Zhu Jiuyin

Lifespan: Immortal (immortal)

True body: Zhulong (slim snake stage)

Cultivation level: 127.5 meters (advanced to fierce dragon stage after 872.5 meters)】

【Disciple's name: Cang Xue

Talent: Immortal Blood

Age: 18 years old

Cultivation : Martial Arts Internal Refining Level 3 (97.1/100)]

Zhu Jiuyin took out the Immortal Edict from his sleeve.

After opening it, a countdown came into view.

【Two thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven years,……】

Zhu Jiuyin received the Immortal Edict on the second day of the third month of the twelfth year of Fuling.

If he did not leave the Zhoushan Cave within three thousand years, the seals of the Emperor of Heaven and the three great celestial masters of Xuanmen would be automatically released and he would return to the immortal world and the divine world.

The Immortal Edict represents the Great Heavenly Dao, and its contents cannot be tampered with at will.

This is why Zhu Jiuyin has been able to behave himself and not leave the cave for the past two years.


Zhu Jiuyin couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the dazed Immortal Edict.

When he first held the girl, the little guy was only seven years old, two years younger than Little Bit, and cried with tears in his eyes.

Little Bit's short life left an almost indelible psychological shadow on Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Jiuyin didn't have the chance to save Little Bit, but he had the chance to save the girl.

His palm suddenly exerted force and clenched tightly.

The Immortal Edict was instantly reduced to ashes.

He immediately stood up and put the Fengqie and Liushuang pendants on the left side of his waist.

"Don't want freedom anymore."

Zhu Jiuyin said softly


The 14th year of Fuling, October 18th.

The sky was dark and rainy.

The stupid crane lying on the stone bed had its wings growing fairy feathers in its deep sleep. The dozens of bloody holes pecked out by its own kind yesterday had long been repaired.

Zhu Jiuyin, dressed in white and barefoot, stood at the entrance of the cave with his hands behind his back, looking at the mountains and rivers shrouded in clouds and mist with a calm expression.

"Master, I want to go too."

The little whirlwind on the head of the Snow Girl's python stood upright like a person, and her two bright red eyes were full of hope.

"I'm worried about no one at home, so you stay and look after Xue Niang."

Zhu Jiuyin rubbed the furry head of Xiao Xuanfeng.

"I am not a human~"

Little Cyclone said disappointedly

""Nanzhu, Nanzhu, something big has happened~"

A tall figure climbed up the cliff with hurried footsteps.

The Pig King hurriedly ran to the cave, panting and said:"Nanzhu, I understand, haha, I finally understand!"

Zhu Jiuyin said expressionlessly:"I thought you were made into dumplings stuffed with pork and green onions."

Pig King:"Nanzhu, you don't know, the girl went on a killing spree, and the military camp was covered with the bodies of soldiers."

"Of course, this is not important. What is important is that after the girl seemed to be resurrected from the dead, her original lacquer pupils turned into blood pupils."

"The girl said that she activated the immortal blood to the second stage, and I felt strange at the time."

"I always feel like the girl has become a different person."

"After two months of traveling back to the mountain, I finally figured it out."

Zhu Jiuyin said calmly,"What did you understand?"

The Pig King said in a serious tone,"I suspect that the girl has been possessed by another spirit!"

"Because he was afraid that the mysterious emperor would find out, the mysterious person who had taken over the magpie's nest did not hesitate to threaten me with death to force me to leave."

Zhu Jiuyin:"……"

"You have suffered so much. Look at your slender figure. In less than three months, you have lost 300 to 400 pounds."

Pig King:"For the sake of the girl, even if I become as thin as a snake, I have no regrets."

Zhu Jiuyin asked:"You have not heard any news from Longcheng all the way to the southwest?"

"For example, the Devil Against Heaven, the Demon Extermination Conference, the Immortal Zhaoyao, and Qingliang Mountain~"

The Pig King said coldly:"The girl has been possessed by someone, and her life or death is unknown. As a master, you still have the leisure to care about the Demon Extermination Conference."

"Nanzhu, you don't care about the girl at all"

"You disappoint me so much!"


Half an hour later, the completely renovated Crane walked out of the cave with two slender crane legs and elegant cat steps.

Zhu Jiuyin stepped aside to let him pass.

Then he opened the system panel

【Remaining free time: 390 hours]

Zhu Jiuyin: '300 hours’

【Time limit: 300 hours

Countdown: 299:59:59】


He let out a long breath of turbid air from his chest. After nearly three years, Zhu Jiuyin stepped out of the cave again.

He stared blankly at Zhu Jiuyin who jumped onto the back of the stupid crane.

The Pig King couldn't help but give him a thumbs up,"A teacher is a father for life, Nanzhu, I really didn't misjudge you."

Amid the loud crane cry, sand and rocks flew everywhere.


With a shrill howl like a slaughtered pig, the stupid crane carried Zhu Jiuyin on its back, grabbed the pig king with its two sharp crane claws, and flew into the sky.

Looking at the two people and the crane quickly going away, the little whirlwind murmured:"Master, you must bring the girl home safely!~"


At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, outside Qingping Town.

In front of the sacred tree forest, beside the Taiping River.

Standing in the fenced courtyard, Qingyi looked at the streak of light across the sky and smiled bitterly,"You didn't take me with you?"~"

"Do you think I'm too good?~"


Ps: You will receive your royalties in two hours.

I haven't relaxed for a long time. You know what I mean. I will update once today, and I will update twice tomorrow.

Should I post two chapters at a time or separately? Please give me your opinions. The minority shall obey the majority.

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