As night falls, the Zhao family mansion in Wolong Lane in the small town is brightly lit.

The main hall is full of people. The five wives and concubines of Mr. Zhao Huairen are leading their children to prepare for dinner.

Dinner is one of the three meals a day.

Mr. Zhao sits at a table by himself. The long rosewood table is filled with dozens of carefully prepared dishes.

The wife and her two children sit at a table. There are only bowls and chopsticks but no food on the table.

The second concubine sits at a table with her three daughters. The third concubine sits at a table with her two sons and one daughter.

The fourth concubine sits at a table with her one son and one daughter. The fifth concubine has been married for less than a year and has no children. She sits at a table alone.

"Zhao Jin died, and the two girls died and escaped."

"Qingping Town is still my world, so we should celebrate."

Zhao Huairen's face was flushed, and he picked up the wine glass and drank it all. His five wives and concubines and dozens of children all lowered their heads, not even daring to breathe.

"Master, I am happy today, please eat more."

The old butler showed a flattering smile.


Zhao Huairen laughed loudly.

When he was done laughing, he picked up a pair of ivory chopsticks as white as jade, picked up a piece of braised pork and put it into his mouth.

"The braised pork today is well cooked, fat but not greasy, soft but not mushy."

Zhao Huairen said calmly:"Bring it to the eldest wife."

The old housekeeper hurriedly took the order, took the braised pork in the jade bowl away, and sent it to the table of the wife.

After the wife and the two children tasted a piece each, a maid brought the braised pork to the second wife.

After the second wife tasted it, it was the turn of the third and fourth wives, and finally the fifth concubine.

After the fifth concubine ate a piece, there were still more than ten pieces in the jade bowl.

The maid who served the fifth wife poured the remaining braised pork into the wooden barrel.

The wooden barrel was sent to the kennel by the servants.

After the fierce dogs raised by Master Zhao had eaten, if there was any leftover, it would be the turn of the servants in the Zhao Mansion.

As the richest man in the town, Master Zhao had three meals a day, with a full banquet at most and eight meat and eight vegetables at least.

"This roasted pigeon is also good, crispy but not burnt, and leaves a lingering fragrance."

"This braised bear paw is extremely delicious, fragrant, soft and melt-in-the-mouth."


Suddenly, a tender childish voice attracted everyone's attention.

It was the son of the fourth concubine, who just turned seven this year.

Zhao Huairen's frown slowly relaxed, and he smiled gently:"What's wrong, Ming'er?"

The boy said crisply:"Daddy, Master Qi said that when the sun is high in the sky, the sweat drips on the ground while hoeing the field. He taught us to cherish food and stop wasting it."


Zhao Huairen put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and waved to the boy.

The little boy jumped for joy and ran into his father's arms.

"Ming Er, what Master Qi taught is all bullshit."

"Today, Daddy will teach you a lesson personally."

"Ming Er, remember, there are only upper class and lower class in this world."

"The upper class is the gentry, that is us. The lower class is the common people, that is, the people outside Wolong Lane who wear coarse linen clothes and dig for food in the fields."

"Ming Er, the upper layer is the master, and the lower layer is the dog"

"The owner should not spoil the dog. If the dog is fed too much, it will be idle and always want to do something big to replace the owner."

"You can't leave food out for too long, because a hungry dog will jump over the wall."

"The best way is to eat three meals a day and one meal a day"

"If necessary, you can also put a collar on it and put it in an iron cage."

"Ming'er, would you rather be a nobleman dressed in gorgeous clothes and eat delicacies from land and sea? Or would you rather be a commoner with no clothes to cover the body and eat stale steamed bread?"

The boy blinked his big black and white eyes and asked curiously,"Daddy, what is a steamed bread?""


Zhao Huairen gritted his teeth and suppressed his anger and said,"Lao Zhang, take this kid away. For the next six months, feed him steamed buns three times a day!"

""You bastard, you bastard!"

There was a loud bang.

The door was kicked open suddenly, scaring everyone.

In the main hall, the eyes of twenty or thirty people all looked towards the door.

A young man in white clothes as white as frost and snow walked in barefoot.

In his right hand, he held a long knife that was dripping with sticky blood.

Zhao Huairen recognized it. It was the knife of the Zhao Mansion.

The handsome young man slowly raised his left hand and pulled off the cloth covering his eyes.


Looking at the pair of red vertical pupils filled with evil spirits, the sound of people sucking in cold air came one after another in the main hall.

‘This is definitely not a human eye!'

Zhao Huairen was horrified.

Zhu Jiuyin had a blank expression on his face, and his red eyes swept across the faces in the main hall.

The wives, concubines and maids were horrified, and the children were full of curiosity.

The red eyes finally fell on Zhao Huairen's greasy and powdered face.

"First time meeting, farewell forever~"


Half an hour later.

Zhu Jiuyin, wearing a white robe without a speck of blood, walked out of Wolong Lane.

Behind him, flames shot up into the sky and smoke billowed.

In the northwest of the town, in Shenmu Forest.

A man in green stood by the Taiping River, looking at the raging fire in the distance that burned most of the night sky.

He whispered,"The blood debt is heavy, and the law of heaven will not tolerate it."


The next day, the townspeople told each other the news, and everyone's face was filled with irrepressible smiles.

"The bastard surnamed Zhao is finally dead. Over the years, the lamb profit and gambling house have harmed many families."

"This kind of bastard will definitely go to hell after death. I curse him to be reborn as an animal in the next life."

"That's great. I don't have to pay back the twenty taels of silver I owe the Zhao family. Haha."

"The person who set the fire and killed people is so inhumane that he didn't even spare the children. He didn't bring disaster to his family."

"It's too cruel. They even killed innocent servants and maids. They are really inhumane."

The foolish ones were still pretending to sigh.

The smart ones had already picked up their knives and rushed to the Zhao family gambling house.

They would get as much as they could.


It was a hot summer.

The heat was rolling.

Zhu Jiuyin hid deep in the cave to escape the heat.

His sturdy body, more than 20 meters long, was buried under the fruit mountain.���The huge python head fell weakly on the rough ground.

His mind moved slightly, and the system panel immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

【Host: Zhu Jiuyin

Lifespan: Immortality (immortality)

True form: Zhulong (young snake stage)

Cultivation level: 25.9-meter young snake (advanced to fierce dragon stage after 1,000 meters)】

【Master-disciple return system: in effect

Disciple name: Chen Mengfei

Talent: Born with a sword

Age: 15 years old

Cultivation : Martial Arts External Refining 7th level (98/100)】

【Remaining free time: 23 days and 9 hours (285 hours)】

"The python is 26 meters long, but it’s still a baby snake?"

"After 974 meters, it advances to a fierce dragon, and there is no end in sight."

"The total free time is 285 hours. I will never go out again unless there is something important."

"I wonder what happened to Ah Fei, and whether he has escaped from this mountain that stretches for thousands of miles."

Before, as long as Ah Fei was around, Zhu Jiuyin would always sleep soundly.

Now that Ah Fei is gone, Zhu Jiuyin is back to his old self.

It has been nineteen days, and there is not a single drowsiness in my mind.

"Is it possible to wait until this year's hibernation period?"

Unable to get out, unable to sleep, in the huge cave, Zhu Jiuyin could only hear his own breathing.

"Lonely...Lonely like snow~"

Zhu Jiuyin forced himself to calm down

"Should we find a protector for Ah Fei and many of his future disciples?~"

Zhu Jiuyin, who was suppressed forever by Buzhou Mountain, naturally could not leave this mountain.

After his disciples had achieved success in their cultivation, they would definitely go out to explore.

A good protector was indispensable.

Otherwise, if the disciples got into trouble, they would be beheaded by the enemy.

Zhu Jiuyin didn't even know who the murderer was, let alone revenge.

"Where should I look for it?"

Zhu Jiuyin was worried.

"Wahaha, damn stinky snake, I am back again!"

A familiar, arrogant voice suddenly floated in from outside the cave.

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